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Bayeva Dar'ya Nikolayevna

Bayeva Dar'ya Nikolayevna


Faculty: CITA

Speciality: Computer systems of diagnostic in medicine and engineering

Group: CSD-00à

Subject of the master's degree work: Creation of the computer system for an rate of a functional state of a cage on an example of neutrophils

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Philosophy Gerasimov Igor Grigor'evich

e-mail: baeva_dasha@mail.ru


I was born on January 23, 1983 in city Donetsk, where I am living at this moment. My parents (mother – Mashinistova Vera Aleksandrovna, father – Mashinistov Nikolaj Ivanovich), on the moment of my birth, already had one child – my old brother Mashinistov Roman Nikolaevich. Our variance in the age with him compounds two years. The communal friends – boys and the immediate dialogue with the brother, probably, also has stipulated my battle and goal-seeking nature.

Maiden kidgarden, in which one I have gone to three years, was near to our house. There began of my sporting career. I have offered to occupy in sporting gymnastics. I have agreed. However my first time to go up on a rope has ended in my combustible tears and cries about the help. Has appeared, that except for force and flexibility the absence of phobia of altitude is necessary still. So my dreams of Olympic gold in this aspect of sports have failed.

In three years, owing to gang of a residence, I began to visit other children's garden. There participate in children's drama theatre. It is necessary to recognize, that it was gained for me better, than sporting gymnastics. But the aiming to be engaged in sports, all the same, did not escape me, and I have occupied in art gymnastics. Unfortunately, because of a trauma of a knee it also should be kept.

September 1, 1990 I have gone to the maiden class of school ¹ 12. In some years has taken a great interest in a photography. This my children's entrainment in due course has developed into like, which one lasts till now. In high classes I have occupied singing: in the beginning sang in composition of a vocal ensemble, then in school singing-tool group. Tried itself in academic singing later – has not carried away. Kept to be engaged in sports.

In 1998 I with distinction have ended nine classes. That have transferred 12 school to the Ukrainian language of teaching, and our class have disbanded, September 1 I have gone already to school ¹ 20. Many new friends at once have appeared and special experiences concerning gang of a place of study was not felt. At new school I was the press photographer, so that, my entrainment for a photograph. In 11 class I began to be engaged sporting dance, that I continue with to do till now.

Having ended in 2000 school, I did not worry concerning inflow in HIGH SCHOOL, as was already entered in Donetsk State Engineering University into a specialty «Computer systems of diagnostic in medicine and engineering» by results of examinations. The choice I have made in the ninth class, when my brother was assembled to arrive in the same HIGH SCHOOL on a specialty TKS. Our parents too ended DPI and it, probably, also has played the role.

The rough student's life is quick has carried away me. The involvement in CHS, trip with group in a forest and student's camp, share time stamping of New years and other holidays has allowed time to fly by is inconspicuous. The fourth course has come, and it was necessary to select the further destiny. My choice was the magistracy. By a reason to this was my successful study, which one has allowed me to arrive on the charge-free shape of teaching, and the knowledge that in the near future of such category as «specialist» will not be.

The choice of a theme by my scientific work of operation was not casual for my scientific principal Gerasimova Igorya Grigoryevicha. The automation of process of an estimation of a functional state of cages in many respects easies a transactions of the laboratory assistants and reams possibilities of the doctor - explorer. The theme «Creation of the computer system for an rate of a functional state of a cage on an example of neutrophils» also became a theme by my scientific work.

Specialty, on which one I study, is very perspective and claimed, therefore, I think, knowledge bought during study, will need me, where I worked, hereafter.

To Begin...


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