Gorbylev Vsevolod Valeriovich

Gorbylev  Vsevolod Valeriovich

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics
Speciality : Electronic systems
Group: PE-OO

Theme of masters work:
«Raise of an exactitude of gaugings probe of electromagnetic transformer of a flow rate for the registration of expenditure ålectroconductive fluids in tubings of a large diameter»

The supervisor: d.t.l,The manager of chair "Electronic technics"   A. A. Zori

Ðóññêèé âàðèàíò Óêðà¿íñüêèé âàð³àíò English variant

The dissertation              Electronic library                The list of links

        Report about search in Internet                Individual task

        I was born 20th of November, 1982 in Donetsk , approximately at 5 o'clock in the morning, in a maternity home of hospital ¹3. To my appearance I am obliged parents, to Valery Fedorovich and Valentina Nikolaevna.
        In the childhood I traveled with my parents much. For this time I managed to visit many interesting and historical places, But I managed to store the little because I was very small. Memories have remained only on photos and slides. Travels have been connected to business trips of my parents.
        In 1989 year I have gone time to a first class of high school ¹52. Here I have acquainted with My first teacher and the first schoolmates. At school ¹52 I have studied up to 7-th class, then have passed in school ¹2 in which I have cquired good knowledge and new friends.
        In 11-th class I have seriously mused of the further destiny. It was necessary for me to decide on what Paths to go further, to make choice of an educational institution. I have stopped the choice on DonNTU.  By results of rating trials I was enlisted into 1-st  course of faculty of the CITA on a trade  « Electronic systems ».
        One of important and integral parts of my life was, is and there will be a sport, to be engaged which I Began from the early childhood. Among my entrainments there was an extirpation, football, track and field. In the ninth The class I have taken a great interest in the American football to which devoted almost all spare time. On 1-st course about this entrainment it was necessary to forget, in connection with a shortfall of time, It was necessary To select between sport and education.
        Since the first day of acquaintance to student's life I have understood, what is it time new The acquaintances, new impressions, what is it time of new obexes which are necessary for overcoming for Reachings of an object in view. The first curriculums at university were given uneasily, and consequently It was necessary to give a lot of time to occupations to keep abreast from the curriculum. Especially Interesting there was the very first session, but that is well ended is good. Certainly, my student's years are inextricably related with our group of PE-00. Our group represented people very peculiar and interesting, and main sincere and sympathetic, off the shelf in any the moment to give a hand of the help. Time we have passed all this number, but it was not only time of study. Many holidays We did not disregard, especially the measures which were inextricably related with student's life.
        On 4-th semester began my education on stand of military preparation where from us prepared reserve officers of an air defence of a land forces of Ukraine. 2,5 grade levels on stand of military preparation were completed by passing of collections, Taking oath and delivery of a graduation examination. Now all cadets with whom I passed Education, with impatience wait for obtaining first in their life of an officer rank of the second lieutenant.
        On 4-th course I should pass the state examination on a speciality. Actually he Has appeared not such multistoreyed it was represented what. In outcome after The terminals 4 flying of education I have received a honours degree about base higher education. The ambassador Successful delivery of a graduation examination to me have offered to prolong the educations in the magistracy , about this offer I long did not deliberate and at once have given a consent.
        During education at university I always tried to find time for playing sports. Here The place of honour takes handball, in "battles", on which between commands of faculties to us Repeatedly it was necessary to defend honour of the faculty. And rather recently in mine Life diving has appeared, and now I do not exhibit the life without a gullet of a compressed air. Diving became possible due to Donetsk club of scuba diving "Àêâàòèê". The brightest Event in life of members of this club are summer collections which take place every summer in Crimea On headland Tarhankut. This time with impatience all divers of club and I wait including.
        Now there is a working on by writing masters work. Choice of a theme has influenced first In my life an industrial practice which I passed in the National centre of science « Institute of a metrology » Kharkov, participating in building the State primary standard Units of expenditure and quantity of a liquid. Here to me was the direction of a theme for writing is suggested Degree operation, namely: « the System for a flow measurement in pipe lines of a large diameter The magnetic flowmeter ». In transit time of the second industrial practice on Open Company "Avers" the instrument on the basis of which necessary observations can be made has been selected And calculations. Finally the theme of operation has been agreed after conversation with the chief Zori A.A., the Dr.Sci.Tech., managing stands " Electronics systems ". Masters work has received a title « Raise of an exactitude of gaugings probe the electromagnetic transformer of a flow rate for the registration of expenditure Electroconductive fluids in tubings of a major diameter ». In masters work to operation one of the most rational ways is considered Flow measurements in pipe lines of a large diameter also are researched factors which influence on Error of measurements owing to what outputs concerning conditions of measurement are made and Parameters of a converter.
        As to schedules for the future at present with them it is difficult to be defined and difficultly to say, That expects me in the near future. Undoubtedly, as well as any, for me has ideas, Perspectives, and main are the purposes to which it is necessary to aspire. I am sure, that I can reach them And to deliver before itself new, in fact only, to the person going to the purpose, the fair wind blows.

Ðóññêèé âàðèàíò Óêðà¿íñüêèé âàð³àíò English variant

The dissertation              Electronic library                The list of links

        Report about search in Internet                Individual task