Electronic's installations securely introducing in our life. Demands in electronic communications for society grows in rush tempo from year to year. In the local-area network and in the global Internet network the traffic of real time report more often, which is critical to delay by time, that's why objectives to traffic-carrying capacity is grow up and available to the last time decisions - in this moment there are not enough switched access and very expensive dedicated lines. That's why at present day is actual question about introducing new cheap digital technologies of data transferring on the level access. It means choosing and implementation such network technologies of data transferring, which could be meet current objectives of data transferring speed, the equipment cost and network services, built by this technologies, and the costs of such services for the final user, i.e. subscribers.
The aim of the magister`s work is design of multiservices network to the assemblage of intellectual service in condition of town Khartsyzsk.
The objectives of design:
- Analysis of available network in town Khartsyzsk
- Review of the available technologies of the subscriber access in telecommunication network
- Selection network technologies on the all levels network organization
- Selection network structure
- Calculation and dispatch of the designed network traffic
- Optimization of the network's structure
- Calculation of the characteristics and network's equipment
The sense of the scientific innovation in the next: in the well-developing countries switched lines staid in the past for a long time, in our country high-speed technologies implemented only in big towns. In small towns, such as Khartsyzsk, if the high-speed technologies implemented, but it not centralized, that's why it costs very much and has a little quantity of subscribers. Respectively such design could be used for construction high-speed network telecommunications in Khartsyzsk, and ideas used in this work for construction intellectual services network and in other towns. Such design would be leaded to the extension of provider's incomes and to the extension of quality of the network services.
Ethernet technologies
Ethernet - this is the most widespread standard of the local networks today's. The common quantity of the networks, which worked by Ethernet's protocol in this time, rated in 5 millions, and the computers quantity with installed network's Ethernet adapters in 50 millions
Depending from the type of the physical medium standard IEE 802.3 has different modifications -10Base-5, 10 Base-T, 10 Base-FL, 10 Base-FB.
For the binary information transfer from the cable for the all variants of the physical layer Ethernet technology, what supported the capacity 10Mbps, used Manchester's code.
In the Ethernet networks used method of the data transfer access, which called method of carrier-sense-multiply access with collision detection, CSMA/CD.
The first networks of Ethernet technologies were constructed on coaxial cable diameter 0.5 inch.
Method of CSMA/CD access an all temporary options
Physical specification of the Ethernet technologies on this day include next communication medium:
10Base-5 - coaxial cable diameter's 0.5 inch, which called "thick" coaxial. It has wave resistance 50Om. Maximum length of the segment - 500 meters (without steppers).
10Base-2- coaxial cable diameter's 0.25 inch, which called "thin" coaxial. It has wave resistance 50Om. Maximum length of the segment - 185 meters (without steppers).
10 Base-T -cable on the base of the unshielded twisted pair UTP. It formed star topology on the hub's base. Distance between the hub and final node - not more than 100 m.
10 Base-F - optical fiber cable. Topology the same as standard's topology
10 Base-T. It has some variants of this specification - FOIRL (distance up to 1000 m),
10 Base-FL (distance up to 2000 m), 10 Base-FB (distance up to 2000 m).
Token Ring technologies
Token Ring networks as the same Ethernet networks, characterized by separated communication medium, which in this case content from the cable length, which connected all workstation in ring. Ring viewed as general separated resource, and for the access to it necessary not random algorithm, as in Ethernet networks, but deterministic, based on dispatching rights for using ring in definite rank. This right transfer by frame of special form, which called marker.
Company IBM designed standard Token Ring in 1984, and than was given as project of standard in IEEE 802 committee, which on it base in 1985, passed standard 802.5. Company IBM used technology Token Ring, as it's primary network's technology for construction local networks based on computers of different classes - mainframes, minicomputers and personal computers. In this time just company IBM is general fashion's leader in Token Ring technologies, produced about 60% network adapters of this technology.
Token Ring networks work with two bit's speeds - 4 and 16 Mbps. The mixing of the workstations, which work on different speeds, are not assume in one keel. Token Ring networks, which work with speed 16Mpbs, have some improvements in access algorithm in comparison with standard 4Mpbs.
xDSL Technology
Abbreviation DSL decipher as Digital Subscriber Line. The DSL is new enough technology, which let to broaden transmission band off the old copper lines, which connected telephone station with personal subscriber. Due to the verities of DSL technologies user can choose useful for him speed of data transfer - from 32kbps to more than 50Mbps. Such technologies let to use common telephone circuit for such wideband systems as, video by claim or the remote studding. By the way speed of data transfer depend only from quality and length of the lines, which connected user and provider. Usually providers give possibility to choose him speed of data transfer, conformed to his individual requirements.
For the DSL installation it is necessary access to the telephone cabling and installing DSL-modems. For using stripe with more high frequency, than spectrum of voice signal, the xDSL equipment would be install on the both ends of line (one modem install directly at subscriber's, and the other at the telephone station), and line should secure the physical possibility to the signal's transfer in necessary zone.
This mean, that accessory, which limited band pass, should be deleted from the line, and clearing disfunction under laying telephone circuit. At the first time telephone line shouldn't be twin and shouldn't be install special equipment such as apparatus for combining, interlocking gear, assemblies for protection from listening, intrusion detectors etc.
Besides in telephone cables sometimes you can meet confused cable core between the different pairs, what makes impossible using xDSL.
Besides it would be necessary change available canal route for it deleting from directing source. You have got best results in case, when wiring from the insertion in house to the modem will be done by single network cable UTP5 (twain), but not by common cable (TRP i.e. "noodle"). Subscriber's lines of the local telephone networks work during many years. That's why it is necessary to estimate the possibilities of action this lines on high frequency, which is adequate to the work speeds xDSL line. Such type of operation carried out after that, when operator got the booking-on service.
Aim is the definition of the bandwidth and canal's lifetime. Checking telephone line on availability of the modem's connection should do skilled technician. From the subscriber it needs to show where is the telephone cable and need to cut off all telephones apparatus. For ADSL can be used tester, which have integrated modem's emulator, when in the case of other technologies it is necessary to use equipment's locating.
Moreover, unlike traditional dial-up access, procedure of accessing DSL-canal include secondary element, connecting with preparation subscriber's line at ATS (it should be switched on digital equipment). Subscriber generates further setting independently or with help of provider's specialists.
From the equipment for DSL technologies it is necessary to say about splitter. Splitter it is a passive assembly, which doesn't need feeding, and used for commutation AESK modem and ordinary telephone in order to ordinary telecom shell be effected by standard established scheme. In design splitter it is a block, which has three hubs: one for ADSL modem's connecting, second - for telephone equipment connecting, and the third for connecting to the ADSL line.
In certain cases splitter installed on telephone line to the both ends (at subscriber and at telephone line), but if used ADSL G. lite splitter installed just at telephone station, what helped to manage without services of technical staff, when ADSL modem is installed in the subscriber's area: modem can be connected in the different telephone rosette.
Choose the xDSL-connecting on the level "subscriber - KU", necessary to know, that there are some kinds of the access: individual and shared access.
DSL is combination of different technologies, which resolve to organized digital subscriber's line. It is necessary to seize differences between these technologies for understanding these technologies and define fields of it's practical using. It is ensue to keep in mind always proportion between distance, on which signal is feeded back, and the bearer rate, and differences between the data-rate "incoming " (from the network to user) and "outgoing" (from the user to the network) data traffic.
DSL combined by its name next technologies
ADSL -Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line- Such technologies is asymmetric i.e. data-rate from the network to the user more highly than data-rate from user in network. Such asymmetry together with presence of "constantly set connection" made ADSL technologies ideal for organization access into the Ethernet network, access to the local networks (LVS) and etc. By organization such connection usually users get more capacity of information, then they transferred. ADSL technologies provide with speed of "incoming " data traffic in measure from 1,5 Mbps till 8Mbps and speed of "outgoing" data traffic from 640 kbps till 1,5 Mbps resolve to dispatch data's with speed 1,54 Mbps on the distance ranging 5,5 km by curly pair. Transmission speed of 6-8 Mbps exponent can be recovered by data transmission along the distance not more than 3.45 km by cable with diameter 0.5 mm.
R-ADSL -Rate-Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line. R-ADSL technologies support the same data-rate as technology ADSL, but in this case it allowed data-rate to tailor to the transfer rate, length and condition of curly pair, which is used. Connection on different telephone lines will have different transfer rate, when used r-ADSL technologies. Transfer rate can be selected or when line is synchronized, or in the time of connection by signal, which is arrived from station.
ADSL G.Lite is low speed variant of ADSL technology, which is supported speed of "incoming" data traffic to 1Mbps and speed of "incoming" data traffic to 512 kbps. ADSL Lite technology solve to dispatch data by more long lines, than ADSL, it more easer in installing and cost a cheap, which is provide its attraction for mass user.
IDSL (IDSN Digital Subscriber Line). IDSL technology support full-duplex data transmission with speed 144 kbps. Unlike ADSL means of IDSL limited just of data transfer. In spite of IDSL such as ISDN used modulation 2B1Q, they have many differences. In spite of ISDN IDSL line's is not commutated line, that's why duty on provider's patching facilities doesn't grow up. Also IDSL line is "constantly alive" (as and any line, organized with using IDSL technologies), while ISDN needs for erection of connection.
HDSL - High BIT-Rate Digital Subscriber Line. HDSL technologies allow for organizing of symmetrical line of data transfer, i.e. data rate form the user into the network and from the network to the user is the same. Thanks for data rate (1,544 by two pairs of cables and 2,048 Mpbs by three pairs of cables) telecommunication companies used HDSL technology as choice T1/E1 lines. Although destination on which HDSL system passed data (it's near 3,5 - 4,5 km) under, when used ADSL technologies. Using two or three curly pairs for organization HDSL line, made this system ideal decision for connecting UATS, Ethernet servers, local networks and so on.
SDSL - Single Line Digital Subscriber Line. Such as HDSL technology, SDSL technology support symmetric data transfer with speeds, which meet speeds of T1/E1 line, but in this time SDSL technology has two significant differences. At first it used just one curly pair of cables, secondly maximum distance limited in 3 km. Within the framework of this distance SDSL technology supported, for example, activity of videoconference organization system, when necessary to support identical stream of data transfer in the both ends. SDSL technology is the precursor HDSL II technology.
VDSL - Very High Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line. VDSL technology is more "quickly" xDSL technology. It support data rate of "incoming" stream till to 52Mbps, and the data rate of "outgoing" stream till to 2,3 Mbps, moor by one curly pair of cooper conductors. VDSL technology may be viewed as efficient choice to lying of optical-fiber cable to the ultimate user. But maximum distance of data transfer for this technology measure from 300 m to 1300 mm. VDSL technology can be used with the same aim as ADSL, besides, it can be used for HDTV signaling, video at call and so on.
ISDN technology
Standard connecting of the ISDN line effected by the Basic Rate Interface or by the Primary rate Interface. First of them (some operators named it ISDN2 - by number of B-canals) support two duplex B-channel over 64Kbit/s each of them. Beside as ISDN BRI line Telephone Company used practically always used cooper cable of metropolitan-area network, on account of that ISDN lines is cheapened. Each B-canal assigned a number, parallel with telephone number.
Is engineered of multiservices network to the assemblage of intellectual service in condition of town Khartsyzsk. It is allowed for analysis of available network in town Khartsyzsk in design, selection of the network topology and structure, calculation and dispatch of the traffic, optimization of the networks by several features, and decision of modern equipment for the best network's work
Under calculation of quantity access point, it is necessary refer to modern data about percent of connecting in Ukraine, about network technologies, which is advanced at present moment etc.
Under network's calculation it is necessary to count:
Population of town near 55 000 peoples:
Traffic modes in the network;
Voice dispatch;
Data transfer;
Video dispatch;
Multimedia dispatch;
Calculation should be done with references to existing communication equipment, links and other;
It is necessary to foresee breakdown cases and cases of the peak load in the network;
It is necessary to foresee reservation bandwidth capability for the transit traffic (it doesn't need calculation)
Preliminarily before the choice of networks structure, necessary to divide town on areas, comfortable for structuring. So Khartsyzsk can be divided conventionally on the next areas:
Bednyakova block - private sector;
Cheremushki - compactly populated sleeping district. There are some schools, kinder gardens, utility economies, and shops;
Severnyj -- private sector. Only residential customers constitute district;
Krasnoznamensky - business part of town. Constituted by many private and state firms, living houses, educational institutions. There are Khartsyzsk's telephone exchanges in this district.
Octyabrsky - private sector. There are some schools and establishments in this district.
Sovetsky - private sector. There is plant "Avangard", school and so on in this district.
Silur - is big industrial concern;
KhTZ - is big industrial concern;
Druzhba - private sector. There are several firms, shops and state establishments in this district.
Energetik - private sector. There is plant "Armlit" and Auto Park.
Traffic doesn't calculate for the plants "Silur" and "KhTZ", because it's rather big concerns, which have own local networks, own UATS.
It is necessary to draw attention, that information stream came to Khartsyzsk from Donetsk, and Khartsyzsk is the hop for Kirovsk, Snezhnoe, Shakhtersk, Amvrosievka, Torez.
For the traffic calculation, used next method:

- Generation k-service on the i- cluster. Such magnitude calculated by next method:


- subscriber's quantity, which used k-service on the i- cluster

- Medium bandwidth, necessary for k-service realization. Such magnitude calculated by next method:


- for the real time=1, and for the data transfer=10-100
Infusion intellectual services network allow building up value of providing services and their quality, because of introducing new networks future-technologies will raise channel's capacity.
In the future, using necessary software support (Net Cracker and other) will be created analog of such network, finally will be estimated traffic's value, really traffic-caring capacity, and in some arguments designed network will be optimized. For example, there are alleged fragment of designed access network, which modulated in Net Cracker 4 (drawing 1). At the end of designing will be done a selection of equipment.
There is pointed out example of modulating designed network (selective districts) in this abstract.
Fig.1 - Fragment of designed access network.
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- Þ.Êðàâöîâ. Øèðîêîïîëîñíûå òåõíîëîãèè ñïóñêàþòñÿ íà çåìëþ: ÊîìïüþòåðÏðåññ, ¹10 2001
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The beginning