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DonNTU | Masters | Search |
биография | магистерская | библиотека | ссылки | результаты поиска | индивидуальное задание | ||
Донецкий Национальный Технический Университет Факультет Компьютерных Информационных Технологий и Автоматики Кафедра Автоматики и Телекоммуникаций Специальность Телекоммуникационные Системы и Сети Тема магистерской работы: Исследование передачи видеопотока по сетям передачи данных. Научный руководитель: к.т.н., доцент Турупалов Виктор Владимирович |
Autobiography25.06.1983 I was born in Donetsk. I recall next seven years badly. 01.09.1990 I went to school. In 1996 I was admitted to the Donetsk technical lyceum. My interests were computers and fantasy. In 1997 I got my first computer. In 1999 during my last year in the lyceum I decided to enter Donetsk national technical university, the specialty "Telecommunications systems and networks". In 2000 I entered the university and became a student of group TKS-00а. After the first year I entered German Technical Department. In the middle of my second year I entered the military department. After my third year I got driving license and became keen on taking photos. After that I finished the fourth year, passed the state examination and got bachelor's diploma. Yet being in my fourth year, I made decision to enter master department. The theme choice of my master's thesis was done due to the remarkable research leader Viktor Vladimirovich Turupalov. The video transmission problem is still crucial today. I was very interested in this question. At present I constantly have to decide different questions related to computers and networks in my work. These questions range from automated working place organization to enterprise connection organization. Due to my vast experience I managed to enhance my ability to repair computers, work out problems arising up with them or because of them. My working activity forces me to be aware of the latest telecommunication events in the country and city, to watch the price changes for cellular operators, providers of wire public-call connection and Internet providers as well as the price changes for computers, office technique and telecommunication equipment. In the future I plan to found my own business. I would like to carry on creative activities. |
биография | магистерская | библиотека | ссылки | результаты поиска | индивидуальное задание | ||