evil_necromant@mail.ru Donetsk National Technical University Faculty of the Computer Information Technologies and Automatics (CITA) Group ASC–00a Master's degree work theme: Modeling and calculation of the corporate informational systems' basic parameters Scientific adviser: Lazdin Sergey Vladimirovich, Ph.D |
Actuality of workOperation of business for last 25 - 50 years have undergone large changes, but the basis of this process has remained same: the chief receives the solutions ground of that information, which one is accessible to him on a decision instant, and slave are received to some diligence to execute this solution, as soon as it becomes known to them. The system effectiveness of control as a whole depends on following aspects: - as far as the state information of business is fast and events falls to the chief; - as far as this information exact and well-timed (is adequate and is actual); - as far as is fast and the authentically adopted solution will be lead up to the initiators; - as far as the control is effective on the part of the chief above fulfilment by him of the adopted solutions (gingerbread and all that is transferred in the previous three points). Any proprietor of the company or firm wishes to operate the business with the greatest efficiency. It means, that the company should control and plan the consumptions and incomes, and to be competitive in the market. The modern market demands, that all production should content to the conventional quality standards, which one concern not only quality of a finished product which is put out in the market, but also all process of effecting of this product, starting from selection of the suppliers and finishing service. At present apart actual the problem of an intrusion of corporate intelligence systems on concrete firms is: any firm claiming for conformity to a system of quality ISO 9000, should have for itself a corporate intelligence system. It means, that control of huge data volumes, which one circulate on firm, without bags will be integrated to huge complexities. The availability of ditty BAGS allows to support demanded ISO 9000 degrees of quality with smaller costs of management of the documentation and on decision making. Bags is a set of intelligence systems of separate divisions of firm, integrated general document circulation, such, that each of systems executes a part of problems on control of decision making, and all systems together provide operation of firm pursuant to quality standards ISO 9000. The intrusion of ditty bags on concrete firm is composite process of data acquisition and parameters of a production sequence of the given firm and can not be identical to two miscellaneous objects. The construction of ditty bags not answering to concrete needs of the customer, can result in huge average general costs at idle times and reingeneering of the basic clusters of a system, therefore special relevance at this phase is gained by simulation and calculation of main specifications of ditty BAGS.
Review of existing researches and worksNow world-wide distribution was received with a complex of the standards at a system of quality of firm, designed ISO (International Standards Organization), more precisely, technical committee ISO/TC 176 (ISO/ÒÊ 176). This complex of the standards has non-proprietary name ISO 9000 (ISO 9000). An intrusion and the maintenance on firm of a system of quality pursuant to the standards of the set ISO 9000 guesses usage of software products, at least, three classes: - overall systems of operation of business (automated intelligence systems of support of acceptance of the administrative solutions), AISSAAS; - systems of electronic document circulation; - products permitting to create models of operation of organization to conduct the analysis and optimization of her activity (including, system of a lower layer of the class ASCTP and CAD, products of an intelligent data analysis, and also software oriented extremely on opening-up and maintenance of operation of systems of quality pursuant to the standard ISO 9000); List of problemsThe purpose of the given activity is the software engineering for simulation of a corporate time-sharing and calculation of her main specifications for definition of efficiency of application. As object of research the Donetsk metallurgical plant (DMP) is selected, on which one already at present there is a complex of different intelligence systems operating as a means of data storage of a database server (DB) Oracle 5, Oracle 8 and Oracle 9. In particular it: - a software oriented exclusively on opening-up and maintenance of operation of systems of quality pursuant to the standard ÈÑÎ 9000, built in systems of fast mining of the appendices C++ Builder of versions 5.0, 6.0; - systems of electronic document circulation; - products permitting to create models of operation of organization to conduct the analysis and optimization of her activity (CAD R3 on ABAP/4); Connection between separate subsystems operating under miscellaneous servers of a DB, implements on the basis of technology of carry of the data of the tables of a DB through linear files. As input datas the main specifications of a production sequence DMP (material and manufacturing powers of firm) will be utilised, on the basis of that with the help of a created software the estimation of efficiency of the inserted complex of information subsystems of a plant will be made. Teoretical analysisDuring development a number of the requirements to bags was added up, the availability or absence which one is an effectiveness criterion of ditty BAGS: - Ñèñòåìíîñòü and Integrated approach: DITTY BAGS should encompass all levels of control from corporation as a whole with allowance for of branches, affiliated firms, service centers and representations, up to shops, segment both concrete workstation and worker; - modularity: the clusters and flows can be conditionally clustered in subsystems of ditty BAGS. This requirement is very important from the point of view of an intrusion of a system, as allows ðàñïàðàëëåëèòü, to facilitate and, accordingly, to speed up process of installation, opening-up of staff and start of a system in operation and maintenance phase. Besides if the system does not form under concrete effecting, and is gained in the market of off-the shelf systems, the modularity allows to eliminate from delivery components, which one are not entered in èíôîëîãè÷åñêóþ model of concrete firm or it is possible to do without which one on a pioneering stage, that allows to save means; - an openness: any hardware system, even if she forms by the special order, can not be exhaustively full and on-stream there can be a necessity for appendices, and also that on operating firm there can be already components, working and demonstrating the usefulness, of ditty BAGS; - an autoadaptivity: bags owes is floppy to be set up on the miscellaneous legislation, to have ðàçíîÿçûêîâûå interfaces, to know how to work with different currencies simultaneously. Not having property of an autoadaptivity the system doomed on very short existence, during which one hardly it will be possible to pay back costs of her intrusion; - reliability: When DITTY BAGS is exploited in an industrial mode, she becomes an irreplaceable component of operating firm which is capable in case of emergency shut-down to stop all process of effecting and to plot vast average general costs. Therefore one of the major requirements to such system is the reliability of her operation implying continuity of operation of a system as a whole even in conditions of partial mortality of her separate members owing to the random and insuperable causes; - safety: the safety requirement includes some aspects. Data protection from loss, preservation of integrity and consistence of the data, avoidance of unauthorized access to the data inside a system, avoidance of unauthorized access to the data from the outside; - a scalability: the firm successfully operating and receiving sufficient profit, tends to increase, formation of affiliated firms and branches, that on-stream of ditty BAGS can demand increase of quantity of the automated workstations, increase of a volume of the storable and processed information; - mobility: At a definite phase of development of firm the increase of the requirements to productivity and system resources can demand transition to more productive soft-hardware gantry and it is necessary, that such transition has not entailed a cardinal breaking of administrative process and unjustifiable investments on acquisition of more potent applied components; - a simplicity in analysis: This requirement including not only availability of the intuitively understandable interface of the programs, but also availability of the in-depth and well structured documentation, capability of training of staff on specialized courses and transit by the accountable specialists of training on firms of a related structure, where the given system already is exploited; - support of an intrusion and tracking on the part of the implementator: this concept includes a lot of capabilities, such, as the obtaining of new versions of the software is charge-free or with the essential discount, obtaining of the padding methodical literature, consulting on an ardent line, obtaining of the information about other software products of the implementator, capability of participation in seminars, scientific - practical conferences of the users and other measures spent by the implementator or user groups etc. On-stream of composite program - technical complexes there can be situations requiring operative measures of qualified personnel of the corporation - implementator or its quoter in place .. The tracking includes departure of the specialist on object of the customer for elimination of consequences of distresses, technical training on object of the customer, methodical and practical help if necessary to make changes to a system, not wearing nature of radical re-structuring or advanced designs. The installation new ðåëèçîâ of the software received from the implementator charge-free by forces by the convener by the implementator of accompanying organization or forces of the implementator is meant also. SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION. MRP CLASS SYSTEM. System of the given class will be used for the solution of a Problem of planning of requirements in stuffs (Materials Requirements Planning, MRP), which one has resulted in creation of the whole software industry for operation of business. The solution of a problem of planning of requirements in stuffs will be realised with the help of algorithm, which one also has a title of MRP-algorithm. The MRP-algorithm is an algorithm of optimum control of the orders on finished products, by effecting both stocks of raw materials and stuffs the MRP-methodology is an implementation of MRP-algorithm with the help of the computer system. Implementation of a system working on this methodology represents a computer program permitting optimally to regulate deliveries of components in production, controlling reserves in storage and "know-how". A main problem MRP is the maintenance of the warranty of availability of indispensable quantity of demanded stuffs and components at any moment of time within the framework of term of planning, alongside with possible decreasing of constant reserves, and consequently by a unloading of storage. Now MRP of a system are present practically at all integrated intelligence systems of operation of business. Initially MRP of a system were designed for usage on manufacturing firms with discrete phylum of effecting, for example: - assembly to order (Assembly-To-Order, ATO) - manufacturing to order (Make-To-Order, MTO) - manufacturing on warehouse(storage) (Make-To-Stock, MTS) - production (RPT) If the firm has process effecting (Process Industry, Continuous-Batch Processing), the application of a MRP-methodology is justified in case of a long-lived production sequence. the basic Elements MRP of a system are possible are to sectioned into members granting the information, with programmatic implementation of an algorithmic fundamentals MRP and members presenting outcome of operation of programmatic implementation MRP. In a fig. 1 are rotined input and output parameters for a MRP-system. Pic 1. Inputs and outputs of a MRP-system. Ðiñ 2. Inputs and outputs of a MRPII-system. Now, the systems MRPII of the class strongly enter in life of large and mean manufacturing organizations. The basic and effective feature of these systems is the capability to plan requirement of firm for short periods (week and even days) and to execute a feedback (for example, automatically to change the earlier constructed schedules of effecting at malfunctions of deliveries or breaking of the equipment) introducing in a system the data about problems in a real time. the Algorithm of activity of a MRPII-system is aimed at internal simulation of all sphere of activity of firm. His main purpose - to allow and computer-aided to analyze all âíóòðèêîììåð÷åñêèå and inter-productional events: all that there are in the given moment and all that are scheduled to the future. As soon as in effecting the discard is allowed, the program of effecting as soon as is changed, as soon as in effecting the new technological requirements are approved, the MRPII-system instantaneously reacts on occurred, indicates problems, which one can be outcome it and determines, what changes should be introduced to the production schedule to avoid these problems or to reduce them to a minimum. of a SYSTEM of the CLASS ÅRP. Now practically all implementators MRPII-/ERP-ñèñòåì attribute the systems to the class ERP. "ERP" - very cool abbreviation which is capable to increase of sale of a system, as a matter of fact not inhereing to this class. The business reaches that start to take up a position ôèíàíñîâî-administrative systems with the gentle manufacturing unit as " valuable ERP-systems ", entering customers in fallacy. This tangle is aggravated by absence of the ERP-standard. a ERP-system - intelligence system for identification and planning of all resources of firm, which one are indispensable for implementation of sales, effecting, purchases and count during fulfilment of the client orders. The ERP-methodology is a methodology of effective planning and controls of all resources of firm, which one are indispensable for implementation of sales, effecting, purchases and count at fulfilment of the orders of clients in orbs of effecting, äèñòðèáüþöèè and rendering of services. The essential differences ERP from MRP II can be expressed by the following formula ERP = MRPII + implementation of all phylums of effecting + integrating of planning of resources on different areas of activity of the company + spline planning the Concept ERP represents a deckhouse above a methodology MRPII. Not introducing any changes in the gear of planning of manufacturing resources, she allows to decide a number of padding problems, bound with complicating of frame of the company. In classic MRPII-systems the integrated planning of resources encompassed only manufacturing, warehouse, supplying and marketing divisions of firm. The operatings other intimately bound with production of divisions and services (for example, repair, transport) were not involved in planning. Just so behind staff there were design activities. The ERP-systems allow to involve in an orb of the integrated planning of resources all divisions(subdivisions) of firm, by and large these resources operating. It allows to reach optimization of business - operations of firm, and also co-ordination of action of all services and divisions for maintenance of their effective work. In this connection, in ERP-systems there are following padding subsystems: - planning and control of implementation of the manufacturing projects. - scheduling of ñåðâèñíî-technical services. - planning and control of distributed resources (Distribution Resources Planning). - planning and control of aftersale and special service. the Modern market of information administrative systems consists of triple (by other estimations - quintuple) systems - leaders, which one, alone, and fall into to the class ERP, and set of the "advanced" systems of the class MRPII. The unconditional leaders are the systems SAP R/3 of the german company SAP AG, Oracle Applications of the American company Oracle and Baan, by the designed Netherlands company Baan (in May, 2000 the company Baan was bought by the British holding Invensys). Sometimes to this "elite" list add OneWorld of the company J.D.Edwards and PeopleSoft, issued by the like company. of a SYSTEM of the CLASS CRM and CSRP. Last decade ÕÕ-ãî of century is a zero reference datum of a new generation of products relating corporate intelligence systems. In spite of the fact that the forward firms for strengthening in the market implant most powerful systems of the class ERP, it already there is unsufficiently for increase a profitable enterprise. The causes of such situation lie in area,apparently, by far from effecting, namely, in the field of human attitudes and psychology. Now to a competition on a world commodity market and services the epithet "«bitter" is applicable. On the one hand, the yield of business is reduced because of oversaturation of home markets by the similar goods and services, and also because of complexities at organization of export on other regional markets. On the other hand, the owners of business demand of management of increase of the profit, sales volumes. Now rather widely used solution here consists in matched operatings of all firm, and not just marketing department, on looking up, engaging and, main, holding of the client. The control of relations with clients (Customer Relations Management, CRM) is a policy, founded on application of such administrative and information technologies, with the help of which one company accumulate knowledge of clients for a lining of mutually advantageous relations with them. The similar relations promote increase of the profit, ò. To. Attract new clients and help to hold aged. The market CRM can conditionally be sectioned into two parts — mean and large. All western suppliers of the CRM-solutions take up a position the products for the companies of mean or large business. To mean business attribute the companies, the minimum revolution makes which one 25-500 million. Dollars, and maximum oscillates in range from 500 million. Dollars up to 1 ìëðä. Dollars. To large business, accordingly, the companies with a revolution from above 1 ìëðä concern. It is possible to categorize dollars CRM-products tendered the western suppliers, on seven basic categories: - SFA (Sales Force Automation) — automation of activity of the sales representatives; - ÌÀ (Marketing Automation) — automation of activity of marketing; - CSA, CSS (Customer Service Automation, Customer Service Support) — automation of a support service and service of clients; - Call/Contact Center Management — centers of call processing, contacts - centers; - Field Service Management — the control is territorial by remote divisions or users; - PRM (Partner Relationship Management) — control of relationships with the partners (not by the suppliers, and members òîâàðîïðîâîäÿùåé of a network sectioning hazards); - Help Desk — technical support of the users. more modern concept of resource management of firm is CSRP (customer synchronized resource planning, planning of resources clocked with the client), fascinating almost all life cycle of the goods. Such approach allows on the order more precisely to operate ñòîìîñòüþ of the goods, allowing effecting, progression and service of the goods of the given type, and to allow for all members of his functional life cycle, and not just effecting, as in all standard systems of the previous breeds. The nature of the concept CSRP is, that at planning and control of the company it is possible and it is necessary to allow not only basic manufacturing and material resources(safe lifes) of firm, but also all those, which one are usually esteemed as "«auxiliary" or "«waybills". To such resources(safe lifes) attribute: resources(safe lifes) consumed during marketing and "«current" activity with the client, aftersale service of the realised goods used for transhipment and maintaining operations, and also intrafactory consumptions. The count is absolute of all utilised resources(safe lifes) has crucial importance for increase of competitiveness of firm in branches, where the life cycle of the goods is insignificant, and it is required operatively to react(respond) to change of desires of a customer. Realizing of problemWe shall consider some standard components of ditty BAGS and also their property and methods (operation, which one they can execute(design)) from the hierarchic point of view. a standard Component "of «ditty bAGS" - base general(common) member presenting of ditty BAGS. Includes descriptive properties of ditty BAGS. Each other object is inherited from him(it). a standard Component "«Hardware" - abstract class of hardware. All physical components of ditty BAGS inherit his(its) properties. a standard Component "«Server" - abstract class of servers of ditty BAGS. DITTY BAGS the different class and assignings usually consists of several servers, which one though differ on the assigning, however èíêàïñóëèðóþò some properties of servers. The main(basic) properties - holder(owner) of the server, activity, operating system of the server, network equipment of the server, tag. a standard Component « the Server of a DB » - class of database servers inheriting some properties "of the «server" class. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - DBMS, ëîãèí of the user, parole of the user. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - obtaining of the information from a DB, preservation of the information in a DB. a standard Component « the Server HTTP » - class of servers HTTP, inheriting some property "of the «server" class. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - host name, number of port. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - call establishment, creation, deleting, access to the documents stored to the address, indicated in URL. a standard Component « the Server FTP » - class of servers FTP, inheriting some property "of the «server" class. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - ëîãèí of the user, parole of the user, number of port. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - call establishment, loading of files with FTP and on FTP, gang of the current directory on FTP, creation / deleting of the directory. a standard Component « the Server of the appendices » - class of servers of the appendices inheriting some property "of the «server" class. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - ëîãèí of the user, parole of the user, number of port. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - start of the appendix indicated in parameter of a method, destruction(annihilation) of process in memory. a standard Component "«Client" - abstract class of client terminals and workstations of ditty BAGS. a standard Component "«Workstation" - class of workstations. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - operating system, utility, appendices, network equipment. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - dispatch of packages(packets), obtaining of packages(packets). a standard Component "«Terminal" - class of workstations working on technology « the thin client » or terminals. a standard Component « the Network equipment » - class of the network equipment. a standard Component "«Concentrator" - class of concentrators. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - condition «is "awake", bolstered throughput capacity, quantity of ports. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - obtaining of packages(packets), dispatch of packages(packets) to all addresses. a standard Component "«Switchboard"(«commutator") - class of switchboards(commutators). The main(basic) nonheritable properties - condition «is "awake", bolstered throughput capacity, quantity of ports. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - obtaining of packages(packets), dispatch of packages(packets) to the indicated addresses. a standard Component « a Network cable » - abstract class of cables of different technologies. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - coordinate(co-ordinates) of a beginning, coordinate(co-ordinates) of the end, maximum throughput capacity. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - packet transmission. a standard Component « a Fiber-optic cable » - network fiber-optic cable of technology FDDI, Fast Ethernet. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - coordinate(co-ordinates) of a beginning, coordinate(co-ordinates) of the end, maximum throughput capacity. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - packet transmission. a standard Component « a Cable of a type a twisted pair » - network cable "«twisted pair" of technology Fast Ethernet, Ethernet. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - coordinate(co-ordinates) of a beginning, coordinate(co-ordinates) of the end, maximum throughput capacity. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - packet transmission. a standard Component "«Coaxial cable" - network coaxial cable of technology Ethernet. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - coordinate(co-ordinates) of a beginning, coordinate(co-ordinates) of the end, maximum throughput capacity. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - packet transmission. Standard component "«Modem" - modem. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - áèòðýéò. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - call establishment, obtaining and dispatch of packages(packets).a standard Component "«Network card" - network card a cable of technology Ethernet. The main(basic) nonheritable properties - phylum of the connector, throughput capacity. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - obtaining and dispatch of packages(packets) a standard Component "«Software" - abstract class of the software. All programmatic components of ditty BAGS inherit his(its) properties. a standard Component "«Operating system" - operating system. The main(basic) nonheritable properties -. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - start and destruction(annihilation) of process, cutoff / reboot of a workstation of the /server a standard Component "«DBMS" - DBMS. The main(basic) nonheritable properties -. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - start and destruction(annihilation) of process, cutoff / reboot of a workstation of the /server a standard Component « the Utility (service appendix) » - any service appendix. The main(basic) nonheritable properties -. The main(basic) nonheritable methods - start and destruction(annihilation) of process, cutoff / reboot of a workstation of the /server a standard Component « the Specialized appendix » - any specialized appendix relating a system of document circulation of ditty BAGS etc. the Main(basic) nonheritable properties - .Îñíîâíûå nonheritable methods - start and destruction(annihilation) of process, cutoff / reboot of a workstation of the /server Ðiñ 3. Object hierarhy of a typical elements of KIS Phase of systems analysis and designing is most relevant for successful design complete, and consequently can be esteemed as one of risk factors. Naturally, that this activity can be executed or specialized organizations which are possessing experience of the similar projects, or own analytic structures by(with) aware business processes of the company of the better external contractors. But most effective is the simulation of ditty BAGS with the help of a specialized system. In any case, in formation of the requirements of the customer to some extent participate both implementator and customer. At a stage(phase) of systems analysis and designing at rather small costs it is possible to reach(achieve) following outcomes: - to receive a snapshot business and information processes which were adding up in organization; - to reveal bottle-necks in business processes and to schedule pathes(route) of their liquidation; - to create information and functional model of a new system; - to form a list of the requirements to the new or upgraded intelligence system; - to select methods both means of designing and implementation of an intelligence system; - to form the architecture of a system; - to form a structure a programmatic component, which one are necessary for gaining within the framework of creation of an intelligence system; - to compound the preliminary amalgamated schedule of designing and implementation of the base version of an intelligence system; - to evaluate manpowers of mining of a new intelligence system; - to compound the feasibility report. With motion on stages(phases) of engineering process, the cost of an error increases. It once again underlines necessity of realization of examination - that reduces(descends) probability of acceptance of the incorrect design solutions. The designed frame of classes and component allows to simulate of certain whole DITTY BAGS as set(combination) of objects of the class TServer and TClient, coherent in a unified system with the help of transport mains(lines) consisting of objects of the class TNetwork. That the varied components of ditty BAGS could dispatch one another control signals and data packets, it is necessary, that a certain general(common) interface of interplay of standard components of ditty BAGS was designed. For this purpose I consider(count) indispensable an intrusion of two phylums of packages(packets), which one will be accepted by all standard components of a system: a control packet and data packet. Thus, the transmission of information between separate is territorial by a disjointed system implements with the help of a packet transmission of the data on transport services. That is, the essence of a problem is, that for members of ditty BAGS able directly to interact one another, the unified interface of transfer(transmission) and method(reception,acceptance) of packages(packets) should can be determined, i.e. the output signal of one component can be obtained by other and is treated by him(it) pursuant to the characteristics and adjustments. On the scheme the piece of ditty BAGS consisting and the server of the appendices, server of a DB and 3 workstations, integrated in a unified network(grid) is submitted(shown). Ðiñ 4. Fragment of KIS, as a structure of a typical elements. Analysis of resultsOn the basis of consideration of classification of systems and methods of scientific simulation it is possible to say, that most actual (and in too time least studied at present) is the problem of an intrusion of systems of the class CSRP. The simulation of systems of the similar class is most expedient to conduct with usage of electronic - computing means, as the analysis of a large system with allowance for will take its(her) input and output parameters, and also production sequence a plenty of time. Each corporate intelligence system can be reviewed by the way sets(combination) of separate subsystems and so on up to a separate manufacturing member, which one can be simulated with an enough precise degree of conformity to a reality. Thus, at the analysis of a large system with the help of electronic - computing means the recursive algorithm of decompiling arises. That is the algorithm should "«divide" a system into subsystems and äîéäÿ up to the lowest level and having simulated it(him) to transmit outcomes of simulation to more high level and so on, until then while the function of a highest level will not receive all data indispensable for simulation of the system. the Recursive algorithm is a very effective and fast means, in spite of the fact that at each new recursive step the padding programmatic memory is required, that in turn demands increase of computational capabilities. However developed system of simulation is not intended for the installation on all client stations of a corporate time-sharing of firm, and, therefore, can be established on the server of the appendices, which one completely justifies the system requirements. The developed system of simulation of ditty BAGS should meet the requirements flexibility and universality that she forms for last breed of systems of the class CSRP, and should adequately react(respond) to changes of trade attitudes(relations) with clients and suppliers. As padding yardstick of an estimation of efficiency usage of separate methods of systems analysis apart from construction of mathematical models is supposed. Perspectives of further researchesSo to catch up the precipitantly varying requirements of business, it is necessary to plot the appendices consisting of divided tools, packaged in the loosely coupled components. The component appendix will be easy to receive new functionality if to back up interplay of components through interfaces. Then the versions of components can be renovated separately from each other, providing the appendices stability. The potent technology is necessary for implementation of such gear. Today standard de facto is of SOMAS - simple and clear ïàðàäèãìà of component systems. The bet on technology of SOMAS is justified throughout: it is a controllability of mining, scalability and èíòåðîïåðàáåëüíîñòü on different gantries. Literature[Ïàâëîâ 2003] Àíäðåé Ïàâëîâ. CRM è âëàäåíèå êëþ÷åâîé èíôîðìàöèåé. Æóðíàë "Äèðåêòîð ÈÑ", #07-08, 2003 ãîä // Èçäàòåëüñòâî "Îòêðûòûå ñèñòåìû" (http://www.osp.ru/) URL: http://www.osp.ru/cio/2003/07-08/024.htm [Áèðþêîâ, Äðîææèíîâ,2001] Âèêòîð Áèðþêîâ, Âëàäèìèð Äðîææèíîâ. Ââåäåíèå â CRM.//PC Week/RE, ¹25, 2001. URL: http://www.russianenterprisesolutions.com/reviews/01/81.html [Êîëåñíèêîâ 2000] Ñåðãåé Êîëåñíèêîâ. Ñîâðåìåííûå ìåòîäû óïðàâëåíèÿ ðåñóðñàìè ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ. http://www.russianenterprisesolutions.com/reviews/r06002.html [Ñèíåöêàÿ 2001] Òàòüÿíà Ñèíåöêàÿ. Êîíòàêò öåíòð - ñâÿçü â óäîâîëüñòâèå. URL: http://www.nosorog.com/public/marketing/contact_centr.html [Êîëåñíèêîâ 2003] Ñåðãåé Êîëåñíèêîâ. Ëîãèñòè÷åñêèå öåïî÷êè. //"Äèðåêòîð ÈÑ", #09, 2003. 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