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Shavyolkina Ann |
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What is happiness? To be born at right time in right place. September,20,1983 in Donetsk city in a family of loving parents there was born a daughter, called Ann. Father – Shavelkin Alexander Alekseevich, engineer, senior lecturer, candidate of technical sciences, assistant head department “Elechtrotechnics”,the author of 102 published articles in electrotechnics branch, 9 of them are author’s creations. Mother – Shavelkina Ol’ga Victorovna, engineer-technologist. Brother – Shavelkin Segey Aleksandrovich, engineer, at present time he’s getting his second higher education on “Management”. Happy childhood. Favorite toy, first friends, first bright impressions, first educator in the kindergarten “Petushok”. Mom’s kindness! Brother, who was more a friend than just a brother. And the light from father’s office room which pulled the strings of child’s soul, that light called back like Muse in the rest of my life. Happy school years. I was happy to study at school N 95 from the 1-st (1989) till the 8-th year. Shapranova Victoria Victorovna. That very teacher… At that time in order to understand where the father’s light lured me Igot keen on - who could imagine – Mathematics. But the world did not end up for me with only school programme – on the contrary – it was opening more and more. 1989 – 1996 – music school N 4 – piano course, I finished it with honors; gymnastics, swimming and folk dances classes.
I spent my summer holidays time in a scout camp “Silver bugle”, where I learnt to live in a big family and feel my self-dependence.
In order to deepen my knowledge in the beginning of my 8-th school year I decided to enter Donetsk Technical college (Donetsk college now), which was famous for perfect training of school- leavers before entering high educational establishments. To achieve my aim and get ready for entering examinations I spent much efforts. After I passed exams successfully in 1997 I became a student of the technical department of college. It was my first adult victory. In my biography I would like to mention my history teacher Poroshin P.I., maths teacher Pol V.D., Russian language and literature teacher Yakubovskaya V.
My Universities. In the beginning of my final colleges year I got concerned about my future profession. I chose University at once. Having studied all specialties of the University, I stopped on the faculty of Computer Information Technologies. My father helped me to choose the specialty (I had doubts– Automated Control Systems or Computer Diagnostics Systems).
Thus, in the year 2000 after rating exams I was enrolled to the faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics to the Automated Control Systems department. There could not be any mistake – I knew what I wanted!
I liked my group at once, I met many students who graduated from college. I was not disappointed, although it was difficult to study. But each person come through torments in choosing life way. I wanted to try myself on the other sphere – I chose economic education. Thus, in winter 2002 I entered postal tuition department Centre of Qualification Improvement “Finances”. I got keen on economics at once, I always visited my classes with enthusiasm. Especially I was impressed by Usachyova G.M. which taught political economy and micro economy. Her extraordinary way of teaching and artistic skills were admirable.
Summer 2002 – first pedagogic experience in the scout camp “Silver bugle” where I worked as a scout leader. I will never forget that time. I found out that I love kids very much, I got carried away with activity connected with educating, developing children’s conscious. I was lucky with leader’s team, especially I would like to mention my fellow worker – Stupak Lilia Vasil’evna, who was also my scout leader in that camp. She is a very experienced and teacher, she could teach a lot of things! For me it was time to become adult. Having felt a desire to become independent , I started my working activity in July 2003 as an administrator of “Rialto” hotel, where I realized that I need more than average knowledge to become a requested specialist in the chosen branch. With this purpose in view, having got bachelor’s degree with honors in 2004, I entered the magistrates. The theme of my magistrates work was – “Shop system of automated control of turboagregates”. At present time elaboration of such shop system is an actual task and contains many undecided questions. I was directed by Sekirin Alexander Ivanovich, senior assistant of “ACS” department, assistant dean of CITA faculty.
How do I imagine my specialty future? Successful. The students’ programme is being perfected , the teachers’ staff is being reinforced with young talented specialists. I forecast my profession future in the same way, since “ACS” department graduating students are wide profile specialist and they can choose their future job due to their individuality and aims.
P.S. What is happiness? To my mind it is to realize your personality, to do your work and not extinguish a light from your father’s office room. P.S. Don’t judge yourself too strictly. Ask yourself :”Can you be alight for somebody?” |
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