Donetsk National Technical University
Eugeniy Leonidovich Faculty CITA Speciality "Control systems and automatics" group АТ-00 Master's work: Protections of data in radio channel at remote control by stationary and moving objects Scientific head Sukov S.F.e-mail: Biography The childhoodI was born on January, the 20th, 1983 in the city of Makeyevka, Donetsk region and where I'm living at present moment. My mum's name is Lyudmila Anatoliyevna, she is a midwife in city hospital №3. My father - Yuriy Gennadievich was an engineer, but now he is a businessman. I have a brother Andrew by name, which was born in 1991. He is a pupil and studies at school now. My childhood was remarkable in general. I was lovely child and was interested in all things. Up to school I went to the kindergarten where I had learned to read and since then I read many books on the most different subjects. When I was 6, I went to school №47. I studied well and easy. Since the third class I was going to various pioneer camps where I got many friends. At 6th form I've passed to school №14 which become a lyceum and much differ from the simple schools. The level of training was more higher and the teachers were more particular. I've got to A class with mathematical and physical bias. I began to take an active part in different competitions and occupied winner's places at school. Some times I took part at city and regional competitions. At that time I began to study at music school. I've learned to play on clarinet and piano and finished the whole 5 training classes. In 8th form I've gone to school basketball section and in 10th form already played in school team. Also I'm fond of football, swimming and engaged in kickboxing section. With occurrence of computer's study I began to show a great interest in programming and computers. So in 11th form I've completed the educational program in astronomy. I took the 3 place at the 2nd stage of Ukrainian competition of Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in section of "Computer's educational programs". UniversityMy computer's passion in further has an influence to my choice of collage and specialty. My daddy has a contribution, which I have adopted the interest to different electronic devices. So, when I read the edition of "Donetsk Polytechnic", describing the faculties and specialties of Donetsk National Technical University, I've practically chosen the faculty CITA and specialty AT. There were tests at the University at that time, so I tried and successfully passed them and entered to my specialty. It was interesting and fascinating to study at the University. I've got many friends and familiars here. Due to deep schools knowledge, the education was easy, without problems I passed my exams and tests. In 2004, successfully passed my exams and received the red diploma of bachelor, I decided to entered to magistracy. Now I'm engaged much and work above my magistrate work "Protections of data in radio channel at remote control by stationary and moving objects". This theme is very actual nowadays and more and more information communicate with the help of wireless technologies of communication. Plans for the futureIn the near future I planning to protect my master's project and get to work on large and famous enterprise. In future I want to receive the second management specialty, so that I interested in IT-technologies, IT-industry and want to become an IT manager. In further I want to work and improve in that direction. In future I want to create my own business. Top of the document ©Shelovanov E.L. 2005 |