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Andrey Dmitriyevich Tevelev. ACS-00à, CITA The subject of master project: Working out the automated system for accounting and analysing the medical-statistical information of Donetsk region Supervisor: senior lecturer, Georgiy Vasilyevich Mokriy ![]() |
Childhood and primary school
My name is Andrey Dmitriyevich Tevelev. I was born on the territory of former USSR, in Donetsk, on October 22, 1983. My father is a lawyer, mother — an expert-valuer. From my childhood I was keen on electronics and I always watched my uncle’s solder schemes, with interest. For the first time I took the soldering iron while I was at the pre-school age. At that time I learned to read as well. I didn’t enjoy going to kindergarten, and frequently I was sick. My favorite games with my peers were hide-and-seek, and wars, I often invented my own games and taught my friends to play them. I was loath to play the sport games such as football or volley-ball. I preferred cycling, or climbing trees instead. I saw a computer for the first time when I was 6, it was in the computer centre of Kalinin’s hospital, where my uncle used to take me. At that time it wasn’t a question of the programming, I basically played computer games, though as early as then I had an interest in the techniques. I loved reading the book “Encyclopedia of professor Fortran”, where the elements of computer’ organization and work were given in a simple form for children. At the pre-school age I concerned myself with English and music as well. I entered a music school at the singing club when I was 6. At the same time I entered school #54. I was the youngest in my class, and that depressed me a little. I didn’t enjoy studying in primary school though I was a B-student up to the fifth grade.
My favorite subjects then were mathematics and physics. While being in the fifth grade, I took the first place at the school competition in physics, but I didn’t participate in further competitions. I continued learning English simultaneously with studying at school, also I finished the music school as a trombonist. As for my other passions, I liked soldering schemes, I assembled colour music device on three 220 V lamps, and many of other useless things. Also I loved to read belles-lettres.
The 17'th school
In the eighth grade I was transferred to the secondary school #17, where I began learning information science profoundly, and I succeeded quickly in mastering computer and programming languages. While studying at school I wrote many programs in BASIC and PASCAL. I stayed in the computer lab almost every day after the classes. I had got my first own computer when I was in the ninth grade.
Thus, in the senior grades, programming was my basic hobby. I was also keen on music, especially on the rock trend, I began to learn to play guitar when I was in tenth grade. At that time my interest in literature, particularly in poetry rose as well. I loved verses very much, and wrote sometimes myself. However after leaving school I decided to choose a technical speciality connected with information technologies. I was to make a choice between two universities — Donetsk National University (DNU) and Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU) as it was called then. Concerning DNU, I was interested in the speciality "Economic cybernetics". However, I decided to enter DSTU eventually since this university was said to be very prestigious. The admission procedure taking by summer examinations wasn’t convenient to me, as I did not want to sit for an examination of the Ukrainian language in which I did not feel confidentl. Given that fact, I decided to enter by rating tests. Ultimately I had two options — the Software (faculty of computer Facilities) and the Automated Control Systems (ACS) (faculty of Computer information technologies and automatics (CITA). But the necessity of passing a rating of information science to enter the Software didn't suit me, therefore I decided to apply to ACS where I was to pass only a mathematical rating. At that time I had no exact conception of where I went, and nobody could give me any advice. Having passed the tests successfully (50 points first rating, 58 points the second rating), I became a first-year student of faculty CITA of DSTU.
Studying in the univercity
Having started to study, I saw, that in some aspects my speciality met my expectations, in some it didn’t. However, the majors subjects, especially dealing with programming languages, were those which I studied with pleasure. To the most part I was an A-student. In 2004 I obtained a honours bachelor's degree and started doing my Master's. I have also finished the faculty of military training, and have been put forward for the rank of a second lieutenant of the reserve of ADLF (Antiaircraft defense of a land forces) forces.
The subject of my Master’s project is “Working out the automated system for the accounting and analysing the medical-statistical information of Donetsk region” This topic is very relevant, as for now all the stocked databank of medical statistics is processed manually, that makes the operating ratio of the collected information extremely low. The object of the system is to automatize the process of collection, storage and processing of the medical-statistical information and also to provide the automation of the stored data’s analysis. My project supervisor is a senior lecturer of CITA faculty, Georgiy Vasilyevich Mokriy. He is a very clever and educated person. He pays much attention to the scientific research. He can always give advice and direct my work to the right way.
Future plans
Since the autumn of 2004, I have taken a great interest in learning foreign languages, the Romanic languages have especially awoken my interest. Now I learn the French language and improve my English skills. I’m going to master Spanish, Italian and Romanian languages. Also the Chinese language and culture appeal to me.
In the future I would like to find an interesting and creative job in which I could utilize the majority of the knowledge that I have obtained during my education. I've decided to relate my future life with Ukraine for I love this country, especially Donetsk – the city where I was born, however, I'd like also to study or to work for a time abroad, for gaining expirience, especially this in foreign languages.