I was born on 9th June 1981 in Donetsk where I am living now. I am very grateful to my parents - Savenko Michail Petrovich and - Savenko Valentina Mihaylowna for warmth and care. I am their younger daughter and have two elder sisters - Ira and Lena. From the early childhood my parents accustomed me to responsibility and self - sufficiency. I think these features will be very useful for me in my future.
In 1987, when I was 6 I went to school ¹ 71 in Donetsk.
In 1996, I entered the Technical College in Donetsk.
In 1999, I graduated Technical College.
After graduation of the college I ran into a very difficult problem: "Which Institution of higher education can give me the best education? Finally I had to choose between the Donetsk National University and the Donetsk State Technical University. I don't regret that I have chosen the Technical University. I had the excellent certificate attained for passing school - leaving examination that's why I entered the University on the benefit conditions. There were a lot of the professions at the Technical University that's why it was difficult to choose the best one. I hadn't the concrete passions. From the majority of directions I was attracted by metallurgy. In addition, the chances to enter here were more real. So, having passed examinations successfully I became one of the students of the metallurgic - physic faculty of Technical University. During my study I have been trying to get a wide - ranging knowledge and also took part in the science conferences.
In 2003 I married to my classmate. His name is Misha. This story began when he was moved in my class. (we were the pupils of the 8th form). He entered our classroom and took a set near me. We made friends with one another. Since then we are together and now - one family. At the same year we have one more happy event - the birth of our son. His name is Misha too. Because of this event I had to leave the study and take an academical holiday for one year.
But I clarified that metallurgy is my vocation that's why having got the degree of bachelor I moved to the mechanical faculty to get the profession: "Quality, standardization, certification ". I have chosen the theme of my Master thesis under the leadership of N.F.Godyny. This chose is motivated by the willingness to use the experience in order to manage the quality in the highdeveloped countries towards to the enterprises of Ukraine with the global aim - to take out the quality of goods on the world level, increase and support the competitiveness of the production on the world market, promote the world recognition of our country.
In my future I'll plan that my activity will be devoted to the solving of these problems and concerned with the introducing of the management's system of quality on the enterprises. I am sure that I can achieve the success because our country needs the qualified young specialists in the sphere of quality on enterprises.
As my profession is comparatively new, the demand for such specialist in the sphere of quality on enterprises in Donetsk district is quite high.