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STATE OBSERVERS FOR VECTOR CONTROL SYSTEM WITHOUT SENSOR OF SPEEDO.S. Bogomazov, master; G.S. Chekavsky, PHD, associate professor Donetsk national technical university The vector control (SVC) systems of electric drive (ED) in a present time allow to get better static and dynamic characteristics of the ED systems. However the known lacks of introduction of such control systems for ED of industrial mechanisms which work in heavy technological terms: impracticality or impossibility of measuring of separate coordinates for organization of their control. One of perspective ways of decision of problem of adjusting at incomplete information about the state of object is an application of state observers (SO). It can be applied to SVC asynchronous ED with orientation after the vector of air-gap flux of rotor with the purpose of establishment of the speed detection signal. In work the synthesis of the SO complete and lower orders is executed, intended for establishment of the motor speed signal, it is appraised advantage and disadvantage methods of organization of correcting communications at the SO different orders. It is set as a result, that most perspective among considered is the third order SS (Fig.1). Error of evaluation of signal of speed is small enough, and can be additionally diminished by entrance to the control system of additional correcting communication after the current of the static loading. It is shown that the SO application in the case of forming of the control influencing is free of obstacles and allows to realize high-quality SVC of asynchronous motor. ![]() Fig. 1. State observer for the detecting of speed signal of the motor Bibliographic list:1. Tolochko O.I. Analysis and synthesis of the electromechanical systems with state observers: Educational manual. - Donetsk: Nord-Press, 2004. - 298p. Автобиография | Ссылки | Отчет о поиске | Автореферат | Библиотека | О Мальте |
Кафедра | Факультет | Портал магистров |