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Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania Department of Electrical EngineeringConstantin IlasReal time identification of induction motor drivesPhD Thesis CompendiumSupervisor: Professor R. Magureanu1995IV.10. Rotor Flux, Speed and Rotor Resistance Simultaneous IdentificationThis problem appears in sensorless drives, when the estimation and the control errors given by the rotor resistance variations are to be compensated. In this situation the flux observer will be an adaptive one, with two adapted parameters: speed and rotor resistance (more precisely the inverse of the rotor time constant). The same solution based on a Luenberger state observer is considered. The adaptation mechanisms are given by (IV.2.), for speed, and by (IV.3.) for the inverse of the rotor time constant. As it is known [39], [46], [54] these quantities can not be simultaneously identified, no matter what method is used. We will show that for the examined solution this is because the persistent excitation condition is not respected. As it is known [18] in an adaptation law:input u must be persistent. In our case, we may write in a compact manner: Thus, we must check if the input [u1 u2] is a persistent excitation. A signal propriety of being persistent excitation is kept no matter in what reference frame it is expressed [17]. In the rotor flux reference frame this input becomes: If the flux magnitude is constant: Clearly one can not estimate two distinct parameters using adaptation mechanisms that are equivalent, up to a constant (for constant rotor flux magnitude). To eliminate this fact, usually [39], [40] one or two sinusoidal components are added to the reference current on the flux loop idse*. They have low frequencies and very small magnitude in respect to the magnetizing current. By doing like this, the next experimental results have been obtained: Part V: General ConclusionsThe thesis was meant to be an unitary approach to state and parameter identification in induction motor drives. Using the theoretical analyze, simulations and experiments, it tried to summarize and compare the most important on the methods proposed during the last 5 years. The main methods for rotor flux, mechanical parameters and load torque estimation were compared and classified. In the area of state and parameter simultaneous identification a general adaptation mechanism, valid for all the solutions based on a reference model, was introduced. Four of the most used solutions for sensorless drives were discussed and compared. For every problem, the solution found optimal in respect with performance vs. complexity ratio was implemented on the DSP system and experimentally tested. In this way we tried to facilitate the industrial application of the latest ideas proposed in the field of motion control with induction motors. This is favored by the continuos improvement of DSP performance vs. price ratio and by the great flexibility of the new digital drive systems, that allow the application of various control and identification schemes by simply changing the software. Practical application of the thesis results would lead to the following benefits:
There are two general approaches to state and parameter identification in induction motor drives: the Kalman filter, and the linear state observer (Luenberger) plus an adaptation mechanism. For each problem there are also some particular solutions, based not on a general theory, but on solving various specific equation. Theoretical analyze, numerous simulations and experiments show in every case the superiority of general solutions on those called ‘particular’. From these two general solutions, the one based on a linear state observer was chosen, because it is much simpler and demands a considerably smaller computation time than a Kalman filter, while their performance is very close. This observer is completed by an adaptation mechanism (for electrical parameters identification) and possible by a least square algorithm (for mechanical parameters identification). This solution was improved (in simplicity, reliability and computation time reduction) for an industrial implementation. The results obtained justify such an extension and show that further work should be done in the following directions:
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