Elena V. Lunova
group ESiS-01
Electrical power system department
Theme: “ The electrical systems with fast-alternate and non-linear loads stanionary modes modelling”
Scientific advisor: doctor of technical science, assistant professor Ivan P. Zabolotny
e-mail: Lunova olena@mail.ru
I was born on February 16, 1984 in the city of Lugansk in the big and amicable Lunyovs' family in which on the first place universal values always put - love to near were, reverence of grown-ups, mutual assistance, mutual aid. Not only in the childhood, but also now the family is reliable, impenetrable rear for me. Running beforehand, I shall note, that by many vital successes it is obliged to people, relationship and communication with whom stands is proud, for me they are living examples for imitation. My childhood and adolescence passed in city with the original name Happiness which in accuracy corresponds to the that joyful and carefree time sated with bright events and trips. In what it is rather grateful to my parents: Lunyov Victor (1945) and Lunyova Valentina (1952).
My preschool preparation was carried out in kindergarten "Ivyshka" (1988 - 1991). The Kindergarten to me was remembered by christmas parties, studying of the alphabet and lessons of work where my abilities to drawing were showed.
In 1991 went to the first class of school n. 46 of Lugansk city. My first teacher Razvoljaeva Natalia Vasiljevna - the fine teacher, managed to cause interest to knowledge, and also belief in themselfs, the own forces.
In 1993 my children's dream was true - me gave to study in painting in Shastenskyiu children school of arts on a speciality the fine arts. After trial employment it was determined at once in the third class to teacher Sanitskaiy Tatyana whom I remained it is grateful for patience and an individual approach to development of talent in the each pupils. In this school spent the most part of time, the basis of my aesthetic outlook there was incorporated, skill is got, cutting superfluous to see beauty in everything, in all. It gives optimism and forces in heavy vital situations. There were the warmest memoirs and.. The main thing the minutes of happiness, pride which are experienced by everyone who aspires to knowledge and once achieves perfection. During training participated in a number of competitions, it was not deprived of letters and prizes. The most remember was a victory over regional competition "Musical images in painting" where estimated as far as full it was possible to embody on a paper the emotions caused by music. In 1998 received the certificate on leaving school with distinction.
Despite of predilection for an applied art, at school preferred the exact sciences therefore from the seventh class started training from a physical and mathematical class. Participated in olympiads on mathematics, physics, and also geography, chemistry. In addition studied the English language. School ended in 1991 with a gold medal.
It would be desirable to name names of my teachers - teachers of a comprehensive school of Lugansk n. 46, namely Vovk Lyudmila Pavlovna (physics), Jagupova Nina Vasiljevna (Russian and the literature), Sapelnikova Valentine Konstantinovna (the English language).
In 2001 I entered in Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality " Electric systems and networks ". Ěy choice is caused by many factors, however, probably, most weighty of them appeared the factor of heredity : my father more than forty years is engaged in studying and practical application of relay protection and automatics in power, for what was awarded "the Honours person of power". Two my oldest brothers also work in this sphere, one of them received the diploma of the master on speciality ESaN.
On the third rate began to be engaged in scientific researches in frameworks under the direction of the chair lecturer “Electric systems” to lec. I.P. Zabolotnii. I learned questions of the organization of databases, and also problems of electric equipment diagnostics.
On the fifth rate passed training in a driving Donetsk school "Patriot", received the driver's license of a category "B".
As for my free time: prefer productive leisure, movement, change of panoramas. Summer vacations spent in Crimea (I love the koktebel bay). Also unique impressions remained from other trips: Egypt with his huge in the sizes and population density Cairo, pyramids, Red sea, the Muslim world.. Poland with its ancient cultural - historical center (Krakow) where were plaited in uniform ensemble all architectural styles from a medieval gothic style up to a modernist one.. Russia.. my native land.
I have a hobby riding.
In the summer 2005 received the excellent bachelor degree electrical engineers. After that to me suggested to continue training in a magistracy. I agreed, in fact, taking into account the tendency of Ukrainian integration into Europe, in the future we shall pass to the international education system where the following part after the bachelor is the master. The lector suggested to engage in research of mathematical model of electric system representation as all further calculations of electrosystem operating modes depend on accuracy of its representation, definitions of its parameters. The theme of my work "Modelling of electrosupply systems stationary modes with sharply variable and nonlinear loadings". Efficiency of the existing problems decisions of operative management appreciably depends on used means - information technologies and technology of programming. The first task which needs to be solved is a problem of conditions' estimation and identification of a mode (the current configuration of a network and parameters of the current mode).
After the ending of a magistracy I am not going to continue the further training in postgraduate study.
I plan to live a long and happy life.