Author: Fesenko Evgeniya, the scientific leader: Professor Maslyaev Viktor Semenovich








Theme of master's work:

"Research of kinetics solution of copper in the mixture of sulphuric and nitric acid for the purpose of reduction gas rejections"

  1. The Abstract of the work


    • The Problem, on decision which is directed work

    • The Purpose of the work

    • The Problems of the work

    • The Main contents of the work

  3. Results of the work on present

  4. The Expected results on work

  5. Literature

The Abstract of the work

From join copper in the most amount is used copper sulfate. Its uses in galvanic element as electrolyte, in electroplating, for preserving tree, for fabrication of some mineral paints, in production artificial filament and at enrichment of ore. So its production is very important problem for industry.
The Main raw material for reception of the copper sulfate serves the sulfuric acid and copper: copper crowbar or waste metal-working industry - a shaving, sawdust, as well as waste or semi-products to metallurgy copper - white mat and oxide copper, waterjacketed dust, slag waste, perfected electrolytic solutions copper electrolytic plant and others thereby, in proposed scheme technological production we realize the conversion a departure, containing copper.
The Traditional way copper sulfate production from copper with oxidation by its oxygen of the air, on our glance, is not optimum since has low efficiency. This is explained that that general velocity of the process small. Us are offered technological process of the reception of the copper sulfate from copper, where as oxidant is used nitric acid. At velocity of the dissolution copper in mixture by chamois and nitric acid increases in groups of ten once.
At interaction copper with nitric acid depending on conditions of the process can be formed oxideses of the nitrogen. However possible creation of such conditions, under which is formed only gaseous nitrogen.
Coming from aforesaid, subject of the work directed on study of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in mixture of the acids is actual.


The Problem, on decision which is directed work

Work is connected with problem of the study of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in mixture by chamois and nitric acid, as well as possibility of the undertaking the process in condition of the maximum velocity of the dissolution copper and reductions bad surge in atmosphere.

The Purpose of the work

The Motivation of the choice oxidant in system Cu0 - Cu2+ - H2SO4 - oxidant necessary copper sulfate for production.

The Problems of the work

  1. The Study of the literature on questions of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in mixture by chamois and nitric acid and reception to information on possible direction of leakage process

  2. The Choice oxidant, corresponding to following requirements:

    • it must be fluid to remove the external diffusion;

    • a products of the reconstruction must be gaseous to not to pollute the uterine solution by strangers ion;

    • a gaseous products of the reconstruction must not be toxic.

  3. The Choice of the optimum composition of the uterine solution, defining minimum volume of the loading copper and minimum amount standing out gaseous products.

  4. The Study of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in system Cu0 - Cu2+ - H2SO4 - oxidant different methods.

  5. The Reception to analytical dependency to velocities of the dissolution copper from conditions of the process in the manner of kinetic equation.

The Idea of the work

The Idea of the work consists in development of the new way copper sulfate production.

The Main contents of the work.

In step of execution master’s work is expected undertaking the following work:
  • study of the literary sources on questions of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in mixture by chamois and nitric acid and reception to information on possible direction of leakage process;

  • analysis existing methods of the study of the kinetics of the dissolution copper in system Cu0 - Cu2+ - H2SO4 - oxidant;

  • choice of the optimum composition of the uterine solution;

  • to conduct mathematical data processing, got in the course of laboratory experiment on dissolution copper in mixture of the acids by gravimetric method;

  • to conduct the potentiometric of the measurement and their processing;

  • to offer the scheme technological production copper sulfate.

Results of the work on present

Us are offered technological process of the reception of the copper sulfate from copper and copper crowbar, where as oxidant is used nitric acid. Herewith runs the following reaction:

          5Cu + 2HNO3 + 5H2SO4 = 5CuSO4 + N2 + 6H2O.

The laboratory studies were organized on dissolution copper in mixture nitric and chamois of the acid. The Methods laboratory experiment was concluded in following. In three flasks prepared the solutions, which composition is provided in table 1.

         Table 1 - a Composition source solution

Number of the solution CuSO4• 5H2O, g H2O, ml H2SO4 96%, ml
Solution -1 26.75 200.0 68.0
Solution -2 51.75 180.0 47.0
Solution -3 76.75 162.0 27.0

The Sample of the metal, in the manner of plates with area 19.18 sm2, picle nitric acid, washed distilled water, dry filter paper and weighted on analytical weight. Took one of the solution and pour out it in beaker. Whereupon in he added the certain amount of the nitric acid. The Glass with solution thermostate under given to temperature. The sample copper placed in solution on lavaliere for time from 5 before 1 minute. Herewith realized intensive mixture solution, excluding influence to diffusions of the products to reactions on kinetics of the dissolution. On completion of the dissolution sample extracted from solution, washed distilled water, dried the filter paper and weighted on analytical weight.
The Same experiment conducted with rest solution. Us were made three serieses laboratory experience. In the first series to each of three solutions added on 4 ml nitric acid. In the second series - the process with 8 ml nitric acid. In the third series - with 12 ml.
After some calculations were organized on process of the dissolution copper in condition data, got results have shown that process runs with sufficient velocity and satisfies the expected factor. Data on dissolution copper in the first, second and the one third solution with contents in them 4 ml 51%-ной of the nitric acid were provided in table 2, 3, 4.

         Table 2 - Experimental given on dissolution copper in rastvore-1

№ experience 1 2 3 4
Amount dissolved copper, g 0.0029 0.0074 0.0437 0.2646
Time, min 5 5 5 5
Temperature,оС 54 64 72.5 81
Velocity of the dissolution, g/m2•h 18.14 46.30 273.41 1655.47

         Table 3 - Experimental given on dissolution copper in rastvore-2

№ experience 1 2 3 4
Amount dissolved copper, g 0.0021 0.0071 0.0107 0.0201
Time, min 5 5 5 5
Temperature, оС 50 64 72.5 80
Velocity of the dissolution, g/m2•h 13.14 44.42 66.94 125.76

         Table 4 - Experimental given on dissolution copper in rastvore-3

№ experience 1 2 3 4 5
Amount dissolved copper, g 0.0004 0.0037 0.0077 0.0127 0.0185
Time, min 1 5 5 5 5
Temperature, оС 50 54 64 70 78.5
Velocity of the dissolution, g/m2•h 12.51 23.15 48.18 79.46 115.75

Thereby, taking stock of on called on to work, follows to note following. In spite of the fact that experimental given not yet before the end studied and is processed, already at the point, on got accounting data, possible speak of that that offered oxidant i.e. nitric acid, is more profitable and perspective for production of the copper sulfate.
The Expected results on work

Given work will allow to offer the new way of the reception of the copper sulfate, and its results can be used in production of the copper sulfate and its salts


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