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The most detailed research of processes of lateral rocking of a monorail rolling stock was lead by L.I.Ajzenshtokom [1, 2]. However he did not take into account influence of the location power-driven wheels on amplitude of rocking.
The traction device of the monorail locomotive, by analogy to the designed circuit accepted in work [1], can be presented as one-mass dynamic model (fig. 1). In the traction device is submitted as unsprung crew for simplification. Speed of movement is accepted to be constant. As the wheels are quite small the track of running wheels, is taken to be equal to zero, and the frame with a drive is regarded as a solid body having a longitudinal plane of symmetry and two-point system of a suspension bracket. Unbalance and hygroscopic moments of rotating weights of transmission and the engine are equal to zero. Power-driven wheels nestle on a vertical wall of a monorail with the effort which is directly proportional to stiffness coefficient of the clamping mechanism.
It is taken into account in the designed circuit that the moment friction forces at fluctuations in the place of contact power-driven wheels with a monorail. The monorail, owing to high bending and cross-section rigidity, is accepted to be motionless at movement on it(him) when traction device. The weight of carriage is not taken into account because they small. Movement of only a single crew is considered, so hitching action is eliminated.
Following designations are entered for parameters of the traction device the: m - the resulted weight, l - distance from the center of weights up to suspension points, hр - distance from a longitudinal axis of springs of the clamping mechanism up to the suspension points, Сж - stiffness coefficient of springs of the clamping mechanism.
Coordinate axes Хо, Yо and Zо, having started in point О1 located in the middle of distance between forward and back carriages are chosen as the basic system of readout Cartesian. Under movement of the traction device axis Zо remains vertical all time, axis Yо is directed aside movements along axes of a rectilinear monorail, and axis Хо - is perpendicular to a plane which goes along axes Zо and Yо.
Cartesian axes X, Y and Z which begin placed in the center of weights of the moving traction device are chosen as auxiliary system of coordinates. An axis of basic system Ho and Yо are parallel to axes X and Y in static balance of and axes Zо and Z - coincide.
Under forward motion monorail locomotive system HYZ comparatively system H0Y0Z0 makes turns to corners around of axis Y0 and to corners
around of axis Z0 which are accepted as the informed coordinates. The reasons of occurrence of fluctuations when moving along direct sites are roughness of the way which can be described with functions of disturbance in a horizontal plane according to [1]
Where: - a corner of a break of axes of the adjacent section in a horizontal plane;
L - length of section of a monorail;
W - frequency of disturbance,
- time of delay of the second of pair of running wheels along the movement in comparison with the first;
n = 1, 2, 3 ...
In the same way functions of disturbance from vertical irregularities of way Ф3 (t) and Ф4 (t) are similarly described instead of corner where the corner of a break in a vertical plane of way
is taken into account.
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