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1.http://www.lityo.com.ua/ - site of "Ñîşç-ëèòü¸” LTD., on it the wide list of references is presented on russian and english language magazines are devoted metallurgies. 

2.http://www.steelynx.net/ - site contains the pointers to different resources in networks which are devoted to metallurgy.

3.http://www.metalinform.com/ - international site giving different information on industries of metallurgy.

4http://www.chermetinfo.com/ - site contains different materials, references, articles on metallurgy.

5.Thomas B.G. Mathematical modeling of the continuous slab casting mold: a state of the art review// AIME SteelMaking Conference Proceedings(Washington, USA, 1991). – Washington, 1991. – V.74. – P.105-118.

6.Choudary S.K., Mazumdar D. Mathematical modelling of transport phenomena in continuous casting of steel// ISIJ International. – 1994. – V.34. – N.7. – P.584-592.

7.Mizikar E.A. Mathematical heat transfer model for solidification of continuously cast steel slabs// Transactions TMS-AIME. – 1967. – V.239. – P.1747-1753.