The heavy social and economic rule in a national economy of Ukraine is caused, in the core, structural habits of
economy and first of all oversaturation power-intensive branches and manufactures. For last years the rule has sharply
worsened as a result of prompt destruction of industrial potential and negative structural shifts in the industry.
One of the main problems of economy of Ukraine remains its power dependence. Because of shortage of own energy carriers
Ukraine is forced to buy them in neighbouring countries. In connection with a rise in price of energy carriers their
increased share in the cost price of products became the defining factor of falling of its competitiveness in the world
market and raises of cost in a home market.
Growth of economy of region for last two years has led to an aggravation of a problem of deficiency of power resources.
In other words, the deficiency of power resources and their tall cost already now restrain evolution of economy. Besides
the most power-intensive industries - ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry, engineering industry and metal working
In these conditions perfection of system of power supply has the priority value as it is not obviously possible to
solve problems of stable power supply of economic evolution without an essential intensification of work on
energy saving. Crucial importance has energy saving at the factories where power resources are directly consumed.
Master's work: To help an administration of structural division of the railway, branches quantitatively to define
efficiency of use of power resources, to plan possible measures and provisions on their economy, to make a tentative
estimation of expenses, to prepare an objective basis for decision making.
The basic part
Will solve in-process following problems:
- To obtain data about structure of consumption and distribution of power resources of the heat power factory.
- To reveal installations with затратным and inefficient use of power resources.
- To analyse existing энергосберегающие production engineering at the factory, to offer provisions for
development of these production engineering.
- To develop and offer the new production engineering, allowing to lower consumption of power resources,
not reducing volumes of manufacture.
- Offered and developed energy saving production engineering should be accompanied by decrease of environmental
- To lead the financial and economic analysis and to define the sum of the capital necessary for a heading of
offered production engineering.
- To define pay-back period of the design.
Energy audit should include at least following stages:
- Gathering of the documentary information.
- The instrumental diagnostic study.
- The analysis of the information.
- Development of recommendations on energy saving.
The conclusion
As a result of a heading the offered provisions consumption of power resources by the factory should decrease.
A heading of a technique and the uniform documentation for conducting power diagnostic studies will allow alongside with
raise of efficiency of use of power resources in branch to solve in addition a row of organizational problems:
- Recommendations as a summary of power diagnostic study in which priorities are already placed and their
economic estimation is given, are a basis for the program энергосбережения the surveyed factory or the organization.
- Results of power diagnostic study allow to get down to the organization of system energy management at a
level of the factory, branch, road and branch.
- All is more persistently brought a attention to the question on power certification of the factories and
the organizations which can be lead only on the basis of results of power diagnostic study.
- 4. Power diagnostic study has also strategic value. Generalization of results of power diagnostic study of the
factories and the organizations of road and a network of roads will allow to gain a real picture of potential energy saving
branches, to develop the program of raise of efficiency of use of power resources with greater reliability of forecasting.