Lyaskovets Alexandr

Donetsk national technical university

Γεπα DonNTU
Faculty: Physic-metallurgical
Department: Industrial Heat and Power engineering
Speciality: Heat and Power engineering
Scientific adviser: Dr.Prof. Safiants S.Μ.
Master's work: The Investigation and Improvement of Energy Saving for Railway Enterprises
ukrainian russian
Portal of masters
Master's work


The Childhood

I was born on February, 25th, 1983. I was born on February, 25th, 1983. This event has occurred in a delivery room of railway hospital.

My parents:

  • Dad - Lyaskovets Nickolay Arsentievich;
  • Mom - Lyaskovets Lubov Vasilevna.

All my life I live in the Kiev district of Donetsk.

I spent the first years of the life in a nursery. And later, somewhere from 2 years, I have started to go in kindergarden "Skvorushka". In the kindergarden I became one of the main infringers of discipline and from time to time spent "silent hour" in the corner. I don't know why, but my first teacher did not love me, as well as many other things infringers of discipline. It was mutual. But once we have learned good news: the malicious teacher has married. All has changed. I became the provisional child. I often managed leading roles in morning performances. In the garden I have learned to calculate, read and write. Therefore I have gone to school with small luggage of knowledge.

School days

In 1990 I have entered secondary school No 70 (now it is the Gimnasium 70). I began the training with 1-B class. I was the usual, obedient and silent pupil, did not suffice stars from the sky. In elementary grades studied only on the five and the four. I have finished the seventh class worst of all, I had five "three" marks. From the eighth class we were divided into profile classes. I have entered to a chemical-and-biological class.

After the termination of the ninth class I have entered Donetsk technical college (now simply "Donetsk college") in which I undoubtedly have spent the best school days. At te first to study was complex, but in due course I have got used. I have grown fond of mathematics, in many respects owing to my teacher on mathematician Tatyana Vasilevna Shamraj. From the eleventh class I have started to reflect on the future training in HIGH SCHOOL.


At first I wished to enter to Management in Industrial Sphere Department of Academy of Management, but in time have changed my mind and have decided to enter Physical-and-Metallurgical Departmentt of Donetsk National Technical University. By the results of rating exams in 2001 I have entered "Heat power engineering" speciality. Some time I got used to new conditions, to study without "tails". At first it was complex. Conditions was aggravated with hearings about severe teachers who made brutal punishment above students at examinations. But in a reality all was not too terrible. The superstition that if the first offset in matriculate will be physical culture session will be unsuccessful at all. In practice the myth has remained only a myth. From the very beginning I have decided not to relax and I have handed over the first session without "three" marks, and, since the fourth session, I haven't even "fours" in my matriculate.

On the second year of training I have entered to Military Department. And one day per week during two years I honesty served to the Motherland defense. As a result I have served to the second lieutenant of a stock.

On the third year I have decided to raise the competitiveness on a labour market and have entered Personnel Retraining Faculty, speciality "Finance"of International University of Finances. Thus, upon termination of a magistracy I shall become the owner of two diplomas.

During study at university I took part in Olympiads. Sometimes I borrowed prize-winning places. Also from time to time I participated different conferences.

The Future

I always thought of what will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, etc. And always planned the future. In the near future I am going to finish successfully the training in a magistracy on the basic speciality, and to receive a rank of the expert on the second. In parallel I shall search for the work where I can realize my potential. And approximately during same time I am going to begin the home life.

When I'll be thirty I am going to open own business, to organize the firm which will by all means grow up to the size of corporation. And further I yet do not conceive. Though, I always would like something to change in this country. Perhaps, sometime I shall borrow in political career.