The abstract of the master’s work
For modern electrometallurgy of steel more actual is a problem of the raised contents of the non-ferrous metals admixtures in metallurgical scrap-iron. Up to date is not created efficient industrial technology of the refining iron-carbon melts from admixtures of the non-ferrous metals including the copper. One of perspective ways is the melt filtering through the ceramic filters. During the treatment copper removes to the sirface of filter material by absorption mechanism. The main parameteres that defining liquid penetration in to the filter material interstice and the following efficient sorption of the component, are a corner of moistening and work of adhesia. The Material of the filter possesses the characteristic to primary sorption of copper if the corner of moistening his(its) by copper under given temperature much less, than ferric, but the work of adhesia for copper in contrast with iron much more. The Analysis literary data has shown that the nonstexiometric carbides titanium, vanadium, zirconium, as well as spinel on base alumina and zinc is satisfy to such conditions. Some experiments were organized on filtering of copper in conditions of ESMS Belorussian metallurgical plant with using of the granules as a filter from mentioned spinel. In a result it was received next content of copper in metal: of the first stocking up fell with 0,28-0,33 before 0,18-0,21% (that is to say on 30-33%), but in metal of the following stocking up practically did not change. This is indicative of that that in consequence of small surface, created by large granules, sorption capacity of the adjutage was limited. To mass of the first stocking up the filter material mass has formed around 1%. However, the primary task of a given work is a theoretical motivation of the processes, passing during so named the filtering that is to say revealing the mechanism of filtering. Thereby, all are reduced to determination of factors, by means of which it is possible to check the process of filtering. The main factor, defining efficiency of the steel refining from copper when carry out the process of filtering, is a choice of the ceramic material, as which can emerge the spinel, consisting of several oxideses. The Choice of this material is realized on base of the following features of the interaction refractory oxides with metallic melts: - a change of termodynamic potential of the formation oxide metal; - a corner of moistening; - a work of adhesia; - a content of oxygen in steel. |