Photo Akulov Pavel

Akulov Pavel

Donetsk national technical university
Masters DonNTU portal
Faculty of computer science

Speciality "System programming"
Group SP-01m

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Master's thesis:
"Decision of tasks of prognostication by neuron networks"
Project crew:
prof. V.A. Svyatny

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I was born on August, 21 1984 in Volgograd. My parents at that time were students of Investigated training colleg in that town, therefore one year later I have arrived on care of the grandmother and the grandfather who lived in Donetsk. And one year later parents, at last, have returned to Donetsk.

In 1987 our family has received my dear sister Alenka. And so passed my childhood: in games and local wars with Alenka, in staying by the grandmother and the grandfather when the parents were in the work.

In 1991 I was sent to school where the kind teacher tried to learn me how to read and write. With the first one it was no problem and what about the writing…er-er, they say I have not learned till present. And besides I studied in the music-school. I was fond of music and I played much. But I could not understand why my cat always escaped from my room while I was playing (probably, cats do not love music smile). In the 7th form the teacher of music supposed, that on my ears stepped a bear, and not only one, but the whole herd. So now I like only listen to music, not play.

In the 8th form I started to practice mathematics, because in our school appeared the young teacher who has awoke my interest in this science. The next years I was engaged in mathematics and foreign languages which came easy to me. I also took part in different competitions, and once even was the represent of our area in the regional competition on German language.

At the beginning of the 11th form the time to choose the high school came. I decided between the foreign languages and the exact sciences, and in result the choice has fallen on programming. It was caused by availability and dynamical development of a science. Programming for me was the unfamiliar area of knowledge; I had any serious operational experience with a computer. Therefore I had to engage seriously in studying of elements of programming, and I have gone on rates. All next months I was occupied with the solution of tasks in mathematics and computer science to be ready to forthcoming rates.

By the time of the beginning of rates there was one more problem - which one from the specialty of FCS (Faculty of computer science) to choose. And the choice has fallen on the System programming, as on a golden mean. Knowing nothing about computers, I wanted to find out as much as possible about the internal devices and programming for them.

In 2001 I became student DonNTU. In the first year appeared the general subjects and already familiar Pascal. In the second year I started to understand, what the faculty of the computer engineering is. Such subjects as TFEE (Theoretical fundamentals of electrical engineering) , have proved, that the SP, despite of a word "Programming", however the "hardware" specialty and a little than differs from computer engineering. My hopes for training to modern technologies and progressive programming languages were broken about weak material equipment of university and textbooks of 70–80th years. And with each semester the amount of "hardware" and common subjects increased or, at the best, remained constant.

In the third and fourth years appeared the subjects of modern technologies. It was the basis of programming for Windows, Linux and Web-technologies and my interest to training started to be restored. Though it was necessary to study the most part of modern technologies at leisure.

At the end of 4th year I had the bachelors examination and a choice of becoming the master or the specialist. For receipt on a budgetary magistracy it was short of 0,02 points of me. But parents insisted, I will be the master, despite of high cost of study.

In summer 2005 I started working as programmer in company "Constanta".

Time of study in a magistracy has reminded me time of training for the first rate presence of the common subjects and the relation of teachers.

In the nearest future, likely as well as everyone, it would be desirable to find good work. Probably, it will be work in "Constanta", but maybe not... About other dreams I shall not speak, and that can not come true smile.

©Copyright by Akulov Pavel

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