Donetsk National Technical University

Danilov Maxim Vasilievich

Master DonNTU Danilov Maxim Vasilievich
Faculty: Calculating Technics and Informatics.
Speciality: "Computer systems and networks".
Theme of masters work: Development and researches of system of the automated designing of composite microprogram devices of management.
Scientific headmaster: Kovalyov S.A.
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Development and researches of system of the automated designing of composite microprogram devices of management.

The author's abstract of work of the master.

The head: senior lecturer Kovalev S.A.

The author: Danilov M.V.


The given work sets as to itself the purpose the automated development of devices of microprogram management, namely KMUU, with their further realization in basis FPGA. Automated it is necessary to understand as words, that process of development will be somehow facilitated. In the given work for achievement of an object in view use of pseudo-language by means of which coding the microprogram of the automatic device would be carried out is supposed. As Wednesday of debugging and carry on FPGA use known CAD environments - VHDL is supposed. In other words the received software product will represent the compiler language of the description of microprograms - VHDL a code.

The reader can have questions of type: and what for in general the given software product if by means of VHDL it is possible to execute the same (actually similar questions any programmer before the beginning of the new project) is necessary should set to itself. To give reason for necessity of the given program I shall bring some reasons.
Though VHLD also has appeared enough for a long time not all him} know. And proceeding from simple mathematical calculations it is possible to draw a following conclusion: to learn{teach} language containing some syntactic designs (language of the description of microprograms is very simple) much easier, than that which contains them some hundreds (normal language of a high level). By the way, if someone for religious or other reasons is not pleasant VHDL to receive simply a code and for other software products.
As it has already been told VHDL is universal language and consequently by development on it there are complexities connected with transfer of designs of language in hardware decisions. The result of work of the given software product will represent a code containing only logic operands and consequently can be interpreted only by the unique image.
One more advantage follows from the above-stated also - the received code can be easily optimized, and the main thing it is possible to be assured, that it will be in appropriate way coded in FPGA.

Well and at last there can be the last (in my opinion) the remark - digital automatic devices do not represent any interest from the moment of occurrence of microcontrollers. I shall dare to disagree with this statement. From the moment of occurrence of microcircuits of programmed logic - COTTON VELVET and FPGA, many hardware decisions are issued and debugged with their use. And though the volume of a crystal in modern SBIS reaches millions of gates, the volume occupied by the decision on a crystal on former plays very important role. And I am assured, that nobody will argue with that statement, that in connection with an occupied place and speed no microcontroller can compete to the microprogram automatic device (there is an opportunity to sew up the microcontroller in crystal FPGA).

Figure 1. The block diagram of the operational
                device (animated)

Figure 1. The block diagram of the operational device (animated).


The principle of microprogram management is offered in 1951ã. M. Vilksom also assumes presence in any digital system of the device of management (DM), coordinating work of all blocks of system. The executive part of system which is carrying out data processing, refers to as the operational automatic device (AD), and the digital system as a whole refers to as the operational device. The algorithm of work of system is set by one of formal methods, in practice of engineering designing language of columns-schemes{-plans} of algorithms ÃÑÀ is most widely applied.

The algorithm of management of system is set by the code of management acting in ÓÓ from an environment. The algorithm of management ÎÀ refers to as the microprogram, whence there was a name of a principle of M. Vilks.

The microprogram can be presented in the form of sequence of the microcommands stored in special operating memory and representing certain image organized bit line. Such approach generates automatic devices with "programmed" logic or microprogram devices of management (MDM).

For formation of the sequence of sets of microoperations Y (0) distributed{allocated} in time, Y (1)..., Y (t) where t - time, is necessary to have the information on background of work of the scheme. This background is represented with sets of logic conditions X (0), X (1)..., X (t - 1), acted on input MPA during the previous moments of time. Thus,

Y (t) =f (X (0), X (1)..., X (t - 1), X (t))

The above-stated functions are bulky and practically they cannot be realized is hardware, especially at presence of cycles with unknown number of recurrences. For storage of background of work of the scheme the conditions of system forming set of conditions A = {a1 are used..., aM}. Conditions are coded by codes K (am) word length R?] log2M [, using internal variables Tr T = {T1..., TR}. Codes K (am) are stored{kept} in register RG, and during the moment of time t=0 in RG the code of an initial condition a1 is stored{kept}. Code K (a1) enters the name in RG on signal Start and usually is zero. For change of a code of a condition in RG the functions of excitation forming set are used? = {? 1...? R}. For the task of the moment of change of codes of conditions (switching) the automatic device signals of synchronization Clock are used.

Recently, with development of microcircuits of programmed logic - COTTON VELVETS, use and designing of final automatic devices with "rigid" logic, has received the second breath.

Though characteristics of microcircuits constantly improve, the problem of optimization of scheme CA remains traditionally actual. The successful decision of this problem{task} allows to receive cheaper digital schemes{plans} that are especially important at mass production of the equipment.

The purpose of the given section is acquaintance with technologies of programmed logic schemes existing on today.
SPLD (Simple Programmable Logic Devices), Simple programmed logic devices. On architecture these COTTON VELVET share on subclasses of programmed logic matrixes PLM (PLA - Programmable Logic Arrays) and programmed matrix logic PML (PAL - Programmable Arrays Logic, or GAL - Generic Array Logic).
Both these of a subclass of microcircuits realize disjunctive normal forms (DNF) switching functions, and their mainframes are two matrixes: a matrix of elements and a matrix of elements OR, included consistently. Structural model PLM and PML are those. Technically they can be executed and as sequence of two matrixes of elements OR - NOT, but variants with sequence of matrixes And - OR and with sequence of matrixes EITHER - NOT - OR - are not functionally equivalent, To. The second variant according to a rule where too realizes Morgan DNF, but for inverse values of variables.

Let's notice, that the term "matrix" designates in this case no more than "set", "set" and is caused by that circuit elements PLM and PML is the most convenient to have in the lines and columns, providing with that a regularity of structure the ENCORE.


Structure PLM

Base structure PLM can be seen in figure 4, where m, l, n - parameters PLM

On inputs of the first matrix act ò entrance variables in the form of both direct, and inverse values so the matrix has 2ò entrance lines. On its outputs conjunctive terms, which rank not above ò are formed. In the further for brevity conjunctive terms refer to simply as terms. The number of terms has no direct communication with size ò is design data of a matrix - number which we shall designate through l. The first matrix is identical for both approaches SPLD. For PLM and PML.

Terms act on an input of a matrix OR. These matrixes for PLM and PML are various. In PLM the matrix OR is programmed, and in PML it fixed.


In the given section, we shall in details consider architecture FPGA, to the most important class (for today) from all family programmed SBIS.

FPGA (Field Programming Gate Array) - the logic matrix programmed by the user is similar CPLD, turned out inside out.

As shown in Figure 5, the logic is broken into a plenty of programmed logic blocks which individually are smaller, than PLD. They are allocated along all chips on set of programmed interrelations, and all file is surrounded by programmed blocks of input/conclusion. Programmed logic block FPGA has fewer opportunities than typical PLD, but chip FPGA contains much more than logic blocks, than CPLD the same size.

The logic block with a reconstructed configuration

The most important programmed elements CLB - generators of logic functions - F, G, both H. And F and G can execute any combinational logic function from four inputs, and H can execute any combinational logic function from three inputs.

As well as in CPLD, trapezoid fields in Figure 6 represent programmed multiplexers. Pay attention, that conclusions F and G just as additional inputs CLB can be directed to inputs H by multiplexers M1 - M3 so probably to realize some functions more than four from inputs{entrances}. The taxonomy of functions which can be realized F, G, and H in only thing CLB, is given below:
Any function up to four variables, plus any other function up to four untied variables, plus any third function up to three untied variables.
Any one function of five variables.
Any function of four variables, plus another functions of six untied variables.
Functions up to nine variables, including check of parity for two 4 bit inputs.

At corresponding programming multiplexers M7 - M8 and M12 - M13, conclusions of functional generators can be directed on conclusions X and Y CLB, or they can be fixed{recorded} on D - triggers FF1 and FF2. The trigger can use front or a cut of the general that gets out multiplexers M9 and M14. They can use also a signal of the sanction of synchronization, EC, chosen M10 and M15. Sources EC and three other internal signals get out of a set of four inputs{entrances} C1 - C4 multiplexers M3 - M6 from above CLB.
Outputs XQ and YQ CLB remove outputs of triggers from CLB. If trigger are not used in CLB, multiplexer M11 or M16 can choose XQ or YQ to be " a conclusion of detour " which is simply a copy of input CLB chosen M4 or M6.

The marked block " S/R control " from each trigger determines, the trigger in a configuration is established or dumped{installed or dumped;established or reset;installed or reset}. It also defines, whether the trigger answers a global signal of installation/dump (is not shown) or on signal SR CLB chosen by multiplexer M5.

The block of input-output

Structure of the block of input-output (IOB). Contact of input-output can be used for input or output or both.

Contacts of input/conclusion contain started by front D - the trigger chosen by multiplexers M5 - M7.

The programmed block of connections

As we have shown in Figure 5, everyone CLB in FPGA is introduced in the structure connected to a network which really is only wires with programmed connections. Figure 8 gives a little more detailed scheme{plan} of connections. Wires really "do not belong" to any CLB.

The number in each arrow specifies number of conductors ways of a signal. Thus, we can see, that CLB has two conductors (conclusion) which go to CLB below and to the right of data. It also incorporates to three groups of wires above, one below, and to four at the left. Signals on these wires can flow in any direction.

Four signals in group " Global Clock ", are optimized for use as inputs of synchronization to CLB, providing a short delay. Two groups " Singles " are optimized for maintenance of flexible connection between adjacent blocks.

Probably to connect CLB to another, being further than one "flight", using "Single" wires, but they should pass the programmed switch for each flight that adds a delay. Wires in groups " Doubles " pass{take place} two CLB before coming on the switch so they provide shorter delays for longer connections.

For really long connections, groups " Long " do not pass any programmed switches in general; instead of this, they pass completely through the chip and cope elements with three conditions nearby CLB.

Similarly to CPLD, FPGA the prices are made by flexibility of architecture and stability of the results received from assembly after small changes in design. There is nothing sadder than to bring little change in big to design and to find out, that it any more does not correspond to requirements of synchronization. Thus, manufacturers FPGA have learned to provide "additional" resources in architecture to guarantee stable results.