Donetsk National Technical University

Danilov Maxim Vasilievich

Master DonNTU Danilov Maxim Vasilievich
Faculty: Calculating Technics and Informatics.
Speciality: "Computer systems and networks".
Theme of masters work: Development and researches of system of the automated designing of composite microprogram devices of management.
Scientific headmaster:Kovalyov S.A.
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The childhood

I was born on January, 6th, 1982 in a Donetsk. My mum, Danilov Valentine Ivanovna by education the pharmacist, has fulfilled about eighteen years in a drugstore. My father, Danilov Vasily Andreevich used to be the miner. Having fulfilled 20 years, at present, he is the pensioner. In the childhood I very much liked to listen, as my parents read to me various books (verses, fairy tales, stories and other). I remembered some fairy tales and poems by heart and then took the book and started them "to read" by hart. Owing to diligence of my parents I in 5 years have learned to read and did it often and with pleasure. My sister Darya was born almost two years after my birth. She studies at Donetsk National University now.


Per 1988 I have gone to school ¹82 of Donetsk in which has studied 7 classes. Having received an apartment, we have moved also to me it was necessary to replace school. I have gone to school ¹1 where my school days have ended. At school training I have received the first concept about computers and computer science. And as took a great interest in different kinds of sports, such as karate and sambo-wrestling. After leaving school, I have studied one year abroad under the program of an exchange of students. It was to the USA, state New Hampshire, the higher school of the city of Woodsville (Woodsville High School). For this year I have considerably improved knowledge in sphere of computer technologies, and have received the first skills of work in the Internet. Having stayed there, I have improved the knowledge of English language that could even suspect it.


I have returned to Ukraine in June, 1999, and at once have entered in DonNTU on faculty of the Faculty of CITA in group Industrial Electronics and parents at once have bought to me a computer that was necessary for my training. The hobby for new programs, reading of modern computer magazines has defined my interest in a choice of faculty. Therefore, having studied 2 rates, I have understood, that it not mine and have passed to faculty VTI in English group VT. Application of my knowledge of English language and information technologies has helped me to find work during study for last rates. I worked in firm UDEC as the system administrator (administered 50 computers). As it is Turkish firm, all employees basically were Turkish, and also representatives from Holland and the USA. Having worked in this firm three months, I have received experience in construction of a network, adjustment of a server, distribution of resources between users the Internet both wire, and wireless. I always liked to drive the car. As parents have a car, I could not master driving quickly. In 2001 I have ended driving school and in the summer I have received a driving licence of a class B. In 2005 has received the bachelor's degree on a speciality computer systems and networks. After such amount of years of studding in DonNTU the one and a half more year seemed absolutely scanty, therefore I have decided to not stop on achieved and have acted in magistracy on the same speciality.

Plans for the future

After reception of the diploma of the master I plan to find work which will be for me interesting and which will allow me to improve the knowledge and skills constantly. My basic dream is a creation of own family, the warm house and education of children.