Here are some facts about my timing.
My parents met one another tentatively in 1983. At that time my mother, Shimanovskaja Tatjana Grigorjevna, was a student of Kiev technological institut of light industry; my father, Gogolenko Yurij Anatoljevich, graduated from Dnipropetrovsk institut for transportation engineers and worked as engineer on the railway in Konstjantynivka. Soon after acquaintance they have married. In the spring of 1984 a newly wedded couple moved to the beautiful woodland town Krasnij Lyman (northern part of Donetsk oblast). In this town I was born at the 4th of October 1984. Here I spent also the most part of my childhood.
It's quite complicated to define the brightest events of my childhood because it was verious and saturated. The whys and wherefores of this variety is the difference between families in which my parents had been brought up. My mum was born in typical village family. Therefore when I came to her parents in settlement Bulavinske of Yenakiieve district (Donetsk oblast), I spent the most part of the days in fields. There I stored up haystacks for the winter together with other relatives, tended cows' herds together with grandfather Grisha, and assisted him sometimes to build barns. Together with grandmother Tamara I used to walk to the neighbouring village, where my great-grandfather Efim and great-grandmothers Galja and Marfusha lived. Parents of my father taught mathematics and biology in different schools. Grandmother Vera, mum of my father, taught me to read, multiplicate etc. Almost always after I had visited her in Guljajpillja (town in Zaporizhia oblast) I brought home with my own hand collected herbarium or a collection of "small insects". But one event I remembered especially. This was the birth of my brother Zhenja. It happened, when I was five.
School, dances and sport
I went to school (secondary school #4 of town Krasnij Lyman) when I was six. The first years of my learning at school coincided with the end of "Perestroika" and achievement by Ukraine its independence. "Perestroika" make null and void old way of my family's life. Now parents should spend more time on work. My mother had to change usual for her profession of bookkeeper and become the process engineer of railway electromechanical repair shop by trade. As my parents worked quite long, I had a lot of "freedom". Campaigns on lakes and in the wood, playing football "on a glade" in the summer and building of "barricades" from snow in the winter formed my life of that period. I didn't think of study. As a result I finished the third class with a couple of "fours".
When I passed in the fifth class, mum began to devote more attention (excessively much) to my school education, and, eventually, I finished the fifth class as an honours pupil, at the next years I confirmed this status. In the secondary school I liked lessons of algebra and geometry which were carried out by Lisachenko Tatjana Mykolajivna. She recommended me to take a part in the regional Olympiad on the mathematic when I was in the sixth class. I visited this Olympiad and won this competition. After that successful performance on Olympiads of the Krasnij Lyman region on the mathematician becamed tradition. The most successful in this plan was the ninth class. Then I won diplomas of the first degree on regional Olympiads on the mathematician, the physicist, chemistry, biology, geography and of the second degree on history. This provided easy passing final examination and a mention of my surname in the regional newspaper (together with the surname of some girl).
When I was in the sixth class, mum forces me to visit club of ball dances "Tet-a-Tet", despite of my resistance. But soon after that it appeared even, that this kind of sports pleased me. I stoped to visit this club only in four years. I didn't reach individual successes in ball dances, but victory of our collective over the regional competitions and organizing talent of our teacher Chupyra Olena helped me to visit Slovakia (Bratislava and Zhilin), and then Poland (Krakow).
In the seventh class I visited the section of Graeco-Roman wrestling. This kind of sports pleased me, but, unfortunately, as the section subsisted only on the resources of the trainer it broke soon up. I started to engage in self-tightening on a horizontal bar. But soon I had to stop my trainings because of disproportion in development of back's muscles. After finishing of the ninth class I entered in mathematical class of the lyceum under DonNU.
Lyceum under DonNU is a special world, and I'm glad that I was a "part" of this world. There are wonderful teachers (some of them doctors, candidates of the sciences, the deserved teachers of Ukraine). I don't know how, but they succeeded in forcing me to study from morning to night and even so I didn't feel weariness, and feeled pleasure from study. For two years my knowledge in many areas grew by far, and I want to say greate thanks for that to Oksana Volodimirivna (mathematics), to Zuhra Jakubivna (mathematics), to Anatolij Konstjantynovich (mathematics),Yurij Volodimirovich (computer science), to Anna Mykolajivna (english), to Natallja Egorivna (biology), to Mykola Eremijovich (physics), to Valentina Petrivna (history), to Ljudmila Ivanivna (ukrainian language and literature), and also to my curator - Natallja Mykolajivna. I'd like to say also thanks to all graduates of mathematical class in 2001 year for created by them the atmosphere of friendship. The interesting aspect of learning in lyceum is obligatory performance of course research work. I dealed with the "simple" proof of Polya theorem about positive definition of matrices based on even convex downwards on semi-axis functions. From my personal achievements of that time I'd like to mention reception of two diplomas of the third degree on Olympiads of Donetsk oblast (mathematics and computer science in 2001), and taking part in VIII Ukrainian complex Olympiads on the mathematics, the physics and computer science (Vinnitsa, 2001). I must emphasize on winning of the third degree's diploma on computer science because before entering in lyceum I saw computer only at mother's work place. This award is a confirmation of talent the in teaching of Yurij Volodimirovich Panchenko. I finished lyceum with a gold medal (and the third youthful class on swimming;-)).
After finishing of lyceum I was recommended in two high schools. By the results of learning in lyceum I was recommended for a speciality "applied mathematics" on the mathematical faculty of DonNU, and by results of rating tests for a speciality "computer systems and networks" on the faculty of computer science of DonSTU. In spite of my children's and youthful dreams about employment by biology and "pure" mathematics, I prefered DonSTU. The main course couse of such choice is my assurance that mathematicians and biologists aren't appreciated in our country and that I can succed only in applied areas close to the mathematics.
On the second course I changed speciality the "Computer systems and networks" on the speciality "System programming". In summer, 2005 I passed my bachelor's examinations, got bachelor's degree in computer sciences and entered to the magistrates of DonNTU.
Science the tenth semester I've been dealing with research work on a theme "Research of locally deterministic methods of mathematical programming". My tutor is prof. dr.-ing. V.Svjatnyj. In October, 2005 I received german scholarship Pro3 owing to efforts and support of Volodimir Andrijovich. This scholarship assumes performance of research work by the student in a research institution of Germany. I went in Max-Planck-Institut for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systeme (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme) in Magdeburg. Since December, 2005 I perform my master work in this institut.
Plans & wishes
The following scenario is the most attractive for me: to become a post-graduate student, to defend candidate thesis (PhD) and... But if I won't have a suitable theme for PhD, it'll be better to refuse this plan.