Магистратура Донецкого Национального Университета

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Horoshilov Alexander Vladimirovich

My own plans for future

<< To beginning  

Tempora mutantur et nos mutantur in illis - times change and we change together with them


Everyone builds his own future in the present time based on his own life value judgments that we believe in and we lives for. It's possible to carry endless dialogue about life value judgments, but the most important ones will stay for me following things that make me happy. These are family, health, work, career and wealth. I've placed them in such sequence not by chance.

I've placed them so because, I don't grudge my health for the sake of my family, but there's no job that worth my health, and more interesting work is more preferable to me than boring but well paid one. Nevertheless I'll never change my career for money, and finally money is not a goal but a tool to become happy.

I love some things like taking photographs and windsurfing, complex problems inspires me and make me forceful.

I have plans of learning foreign languages. The final choise will depend on my career opportunities and it can be Deutch, Chinesse or French.

I have plans of getting a degree in economics and I hope it will work for my success in business.

I don't plan to work in computer games industry. I would like to make career in programming for machinery industry.

        << To beginning


   My childhood

   My school years

   Donetsk college

   DNTU - starting terms

   To study, work and study

   DNTU  - The masters degree

   My plans for future


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