Неботов Евгений
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Неботов Е.Н.






Nebotov Evgeniy Nikolaevitch

e-mail raven@ukr.net

ICQ: 567880

DSTU, Computer Science Faculty, PMI, PO-01 group
Methods of concurrent computing during process of translation research
Chief: Dacun N.N.

Average score for the period of study in DonNTU on "Software of the automated systems" speciality - 4,31.

Average score for the period of study in DonNTU on "Finances" speciality- 4,50

I speak fluently ukrainian, english, able to understand german. Have the driver's license for motorcycles and automobiles

Have experience with MS Office, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel, C ++, Delphi, Borland C Builder, HTML, Perl, PHP, operational experience with databases.


Arduus animo vincit et prodest©Prudan

I, Eugeny Nikolaevich was born on August, 1, 1984 in Donetsk.
My family by the moment of my birth has consisted from:
Daddies Nebotova Grigory Nikolaevicha - the lieutenant colonel of the Department of Internal Affairs of Donetsk, Nebotovoj Tamara Aleksandrovny's mum - housewives and brother Nebotov Maxim Nikolaevich - the schoolboy.
Till seven years we lived in Leninskiy district of Donetsk and for that moment it was not represented to me of a place more native and more central area, but in the age of five years have been compelled to leave the Bosse and to move to Gladkovka, sleeping microdistrict in the Kiev area of Donetsk.
My conscious childhood has passed already here silently, easy and happily. Was engaged in many kinds of sports, but in sports of has not found, in children's garden was fond of the humanities, has especially easily mastered the abc-book. But also, during an armistice, wanted to resemble the senior brother, for seven years of the grown-up which with pleasure imparted to me love to mathematics, and at school and to bases of economy when he has arrived on a speciality the Account and Audit in DonNU.
But especially I have grown fond of computers as a result of that has simultaneously learnt latin and Russian alphabets as parents did not start up me to a treasured toy yet have not learnt all keyboard and alphabets. It was at all Search or ZX Spectrum, and BK-0010-01. Then there was still a set of realizations ZX Spectrum'ов during assembly of one I even has had time to participate, efficiently touching microcircuits. Parents have decided, what is it love for all life and were right, I am grateful to them for the bought literature on programming in language Basic. Then began to go sometimes to job to the daddy (in the Department of Internal Affairs) where on its super-power worker 286 there were incredibly advanced and fascinating games. Quickly and without the another's help has learned to carry out the elementary actions on personal computers.
The childhood came to an end also I has understood simple true Road will master going and started to put from itself the purposes. To the first began: to study perfectly well, participated in the regional and city Olympic, successes has achieved in the field of English language. Having started Doom through protection of the manager of club in which passed employment on computer science and having shown the base knowledge of language Pascal which very much reminded native Basic, has been released from a lesson of computer science up to the end of its rate. Study was given easily, that however has not disaccustomed me to persistence and skill to achieve objects in view.

University choosing and studying in it

In a choice of university was only two choices. There were a lot of friends in DonNTU and besides he is considered the best technical university of Donetsk and DonNU with its claimed and authoritative economic specialities advertised to me.
Speciality for a long time did not choose, as for a long time I was interested in programming and weight familiar already finished the first rate, has acted on the Software on ratings (on the paid form of training), but has finally arrived on interview in fact has left school with distinction, a silver medal.
Since that moment also began my gradual fading out of interest to programming, due to diligence of teachers and the strange subjects studied by me in process.
Therefore in 2004, I have decided, that I don't wish to connect the future with programming and have arrived on a speciality the Finance by DonNTU in Training centre where at present I receive a degree of the Bachelor.
As to hobbies during study in University - they too have slightly changed. Started to engage in fitness, continue to be fond of roller and ice skates, but my true passion became tuning of automobiles, also I am a member of autoclub the Forsage which spends basically races on 402 meters, but thus I remain the polite and legislative driver. Save racing for the track.

Future plans and thoughts

At present I till now finally was not determined, in what I shall find my calling, but I hope to find myself somewhere on the verge of economic and an information work, the financier in the company of IT-technology, but, perhaps, not on the contrary. Also I do not see a worthy and sufficient prosperity in our country without own financial and enterprise activity so in this sphere I also have priorities and more non-realized ambitions.
In the conclusion, I want to add, that for myself has drawn a conclusion, that it is impossible to emphasize in a life on one field of knowledge and skills as difficultly to avoid monotony, routines and excessive disappointments, and it is the biggest enemy on a way to the human happiness.


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Raven (C) 2006