The childhood
I was born in Donetsk city, on July, 7th, 1984. Since a birth was the silent, quiet and obedient child. My parents: father Nosachev Vladimir Ivanovich director of Company " Soniko-Svyaz ", engaged granting of services of communication, the Internet. Mother Nosacheva Rina Ajsovna, by formation the culinary specialist, worked as the cook about 4 years, at the moment the housewife. In two years, after my birth, my sister - Nosacheva Margarita Vladimirovna who is at the moment student DonNtU.
Preschool my years has lead with parents and the grandmother. Already since the childhood has started to show the interests to технке, to new technologies, cars. Not suspecting, that in the further I can связть with it the life.
Per 1991 has gone to the first class of "School-gymnasium" 21 where I have studied 8 classes. About school of anything interesting or worthy I can not tell. In 9 class, on the basis of rating tests, has acted in Donetsk college where has studied last 3 years of a school life. Already in college has started to feel an atmosphere of university since we studied on system of university - credit book instead of diaries, semester instead of quarters. Three years lead in college, were remembered to me for all life. Atmosphere of study, dialogue with teachers, friends. It is possible to tell, that in college I have received worthy preparation for study at university. Since my first school years at my place there was a computer to which I paid the big attention, i.e. has taken a great interest in programming, computer games, etc. In connection with my hobbies, family business and rapid development of computer technologies I have decided to act on faculty of computer facilities and computer science.
After receipt in university has been slightly surprised by a set of readable disciplines. But then I have understood, that such base set of knowledge which we receive on the first rates, can be useful to me in the future. And after 5,5 years of training at all I do not regret about the chosen speciality.
The student's life passed roughly enough, всвязи with a lot of disciplines and the intensive program of training. It was necessary to study a lot of most in addition what to receive worthy a set of knowledge. On the second rate has passed in English group VT. All training passed in English, that has allowed to raise my level of an English technical language. In 2004 under the program of an exchange of students I have visited Canada, a province of Ontario. It was staggered most beautiful nature, architectural structures, dobreyschimi people. I had to visit once or twice on the Niagara waterfall, got the indescribable impressions, power and force of water, can say is one of the most wonderful places, that I saw in my life. In 2005, on the program of exchange of students I visited Japan, in Osaka. I had such feeling, that I got in other world. Country of high-tech, all of komp'yuterizirovanno. Temples japanesque, Japanese life, Japanese people - got mass of the unforgettable impressions.
Parallel to my teaching in an university, there was carried away a web by a design. For this time the internet of projects developed a great number. And got large enough knowledges in saytostroenii, web design, internet programming.
In October, 2006 the nachnuyu teaching is in DONTU, on a faculty to "Economy of enterprise" for the receipt of the second higher education.
Plans for future
After the receipt of diploma of master's degree, I plan naydti work on speciality, and parallel to get second higher educations. I do not want to decide on attained, want to aim excelsior. To develop domestic business, IT of technology. One of my basic plans on the future - to enter into a policy.