![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Parkhomenko Stanislav AlexandrovichFaculty: «Computing engineering and informatics»Speciality: «System programming»E-mail: sphinx@skif.netTheme of master's degree work: "Methods of internet traffic research"Scientific Leader: Anoprienko Alexander YakovlevichAbout myself (mainly):I freely own the Russian and Ukrainian languages. I own English
in a volume, sufficient for correspondence.
I have an experience of programming in following languages: Assembler, Basic, VBA, Pascal/Object Pascal, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, ActionScript, Prolog. I have an experience of model development with the following HDLs: VHDL, Verilog. I have an experience of work with the following simulation languages: UML, GPSS. I have skills of work with the following environments of application development: Turbo C, Borland C, Turbo Pascal, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, NuMega Driver Studio, Macromedia Flash. Short biography:ChildhoodAll has begun on June, 28th, 1984. I remember nothing, that was in this day, that was next year my life, happens, that some moments rise(emerge) in my memory, but these are only inconsistent scrabs(shreds), covered by a fog, and it is hardly to tell something interesting of this period. First two years of my life I lived in the center of Petrovskiy district, in the house which stood absolutely near to a kindergarten to which I went, by the way not long. The matter is that to me did not like or those who worked in it, or bent for freedom, therefore I few times left this institution without any sanctions. I do not know why, but I for some reason liked to be engaged at this age in a chess and I learned English language a little. SchoolIn 1988 I have moved to other house, is just closer to my future school, I even have found its construction. So it has happened, that I became one of that generation, which beginning history of this school - schools of a grammar school #114 then it still so called. Since childhood I would like to begin quicker learning at school but as soon as I there have enter, for some reason it was not pleasant to me, in fact now it was necessary to sit all the day at lessons, and not all me liked, though there were those on which I went with special pleasure. The most favourite were - "Chess", in fact to me was not equal my class, and here "Choreography" I simply hated, I even have received only a three, unlike others - there were only a five. So there was no from me a great dancer, but in the senior classes I liked to be engaged in physics and mathematics, not unitary. I borrowed the first places in school and regional Olympiads. Since 9 classes have divided all into three directions - "chemical", "humanitarian" and "technical". I did not love chemistry, biology and history, therefore have gone there, where the bias was done on mathematics and computer science. During last 2 years I was engaged in computer science, to be exact programming, first of all was Basic, and then Pascal. The most interesting that at once this science terribly has not liked me, and after a while I have simply taken a great interest in this. I even have written one or two training and testing programs for pupils of my school. UniversityMy enter to university has begun with courses where I prepared for rating tests, studying mathematics. And here, summer of 2001 I, having necessary quantity of points on a rating, have entered in Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of computer facilities and computer science. My speciality " System programming ", I did not try to submit at all documents to any else educational institutions or on other specialities as I do not change decisions.
The first curs for me has passed simply perfectly from different directions. I have met many new people, and in study absolutely problems were not. On the second curs, having solved, that with study I can manage quite perfectly, I was get fixed up in a job in computer club as the system administrator. But I have not to mark my power. Certainly, I was gain a little practical experience, but here in study I have moved down and, therefore, my work should be thrown. During same time I also have changed the group, but, having learned in it year, I have passed back in old, I do not know why, whether I have not coinside characters with groupemates, whether with teachers. At last at me all was nice and after 4 curses I have successfully passed the state examination on the speciality and have received the bachelor's degree. But on it I have not stopped, and in the summer of 2005 have entered to a magistracy.