Purpose, problems, newness of work
Existing researches and developments
To the person in the modern world to live there is all more dangerously. If natural cataclysms - earthquakes, flooding, forest fires threatened at all times recently to them technogenic accidents have increased. Every day we hear about breaks of dams and dams, accidents on the atomic power station, gaso- and the oil pipelines leading flooding, emissions in an atmosphere of poisonous gases, to flood of tons of oil. All this can occur even because of the slightest infringements of technology and the safety precautions, negligence, oversight, at last, because of notorious "the human factor".
Scientists have come to conclusion, that consequences of construction of dams render the big influence on an environment as speed of current and a soil erosion directly are connected among themselves. Dams prevent to leave in the seas to the adjournment which have accumulated in the rivers (a dirt, to waste, etc.). Therefore at places of merges of the rivers congestions of similar waste, leaders to formation of erosion are formed. A bright example of such ecological accident Would be the delta of the river Mississipi.
Break of a dam has catastrophic consequences. First, the stream destroys the constructions created by hands of the person on the grounds below a dam. Secondly, powerful streams of water spend the energy not only is useless, but also with greater damage for the person. Thirdly, before the blossoming grounds appear the ruined, filled up stones.
Today in Donetsk area it is totaled about 200 dams and large water-economic constructions. The Most part is constructed of them very much for a long time, and taken measures on maintenance of their safe operation are inadequate. Many dams being an emergency condition are located on the rivers in which valleys lives huge number of people, there are strategically important objects, the enterprises of the chemical industry. Owing to such consequences both ecologists, and at rescuers had a saying "Where dams - there death". [4].
Image 1 - Visualisation of breaking a dam and consequences flooding (animation).
Purpose, problems, newness of work
The purpose of the given work - definition of ways of creation of the open information system of monitoring, in particular forecasting of risks of accidents as a result of break of dams in Donetsk area, the analysis of data, the characteristic of the objects getting in a zone of flooding and reception of instructions to instant reaction for prevention of extreme situations. The idea of work consists in automation of process of reaction to the state of emergency caused by break of dams in Donetsk area by means of software. Problems of the project is the analysis of consequences of break of a dam and instant reaction to these events, forecasting of possible zones of flooding, destruction going below on current of dams, the recommendation on carrying out of salvage operations.
Existing researches and developments
The given theme was mentioned by some developers. For example, under the order of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia the specialized, geoinformation system (GIS) "Extremum" is developed. Its problems - to predict probability of occurrence of extreme situations and, whenever possible, to prevent them, and in case of failures{accidents} or acts of nature - to plan work on liquidation of consequences to reduce to a minimum the damage caused by them.
For the decision of these problems in GIS there are some blocks. In the block of a database cartographical and semantic data in the form of various maps are connected. Except for the block of a database "Extremum" has and still very important block - mathematical models. With their help predict conditions, estimate dangers of natural or technogenic influence, count fields of this influence, damage from it, at last, develop the plan of concrete actions allowing with the least expenses to achieve of the greatest effect at liquidation of consequences of various accidents and acts of nature.
The automated system of the remote control over a condition of a dam and forecasting of consequences of extreme situations (ASDK "Dam") - unique system for monitoring a condition of hydraulic engineering constructions, and according to them in Russia more than 65 thousand. The state supervision which is carried out by the Ministry of natural resources, extends less than on half from them - on 28 500 objects. As a result there are many accidents. Consequences of flooding is not only annual flooding nearby 50 000 square kilometers the territories, leading destruction of bridges, automobile and railways, apartment houses and putting to the state ощутимый damage. But the most terrible - destruction of people.
GIS allows to analyze the received information and on its basis to model development of a situation: to identify a possible place of break of a dam, to determine, with what speed, how many and where will pour out waters what will be caused the damage, what measures are necessary for accepting. Differently, GIS provides a full cycle: measurement of parameters, reception of a signal about dangers and reaction to it.