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Popov Nick
Information system of the analysis of consequences breaking a dam and initiation extraordinary situations (ES)Leader of work: lecturer, Gubenko N.E-mail: wrunger@rambler.ru |
1991-1999 study at school 97. |
Autobiography |
My birth | I was born on May, 2nd, 1984 in Leninsk a maternity home of city Donetsk. The day prior to my birth, was a holiday, the 1-st of May, and my mum made everything that I were not born on the holiday. As a result, on May, 2nd, at 11.30 I, Popov Nick, was born, owing to my parents: to Popov Konstantin Nikolaevich and Popova Galina Efimovna. I was the first child in the family. And almost in two years my sister Popova Olga Konstantinovna appeared. The situation with her birth some what reminded that of mine. My mum birthday is on January, 26th, and that day, naturally, relatives and friends have gathered to congratulate her. The holiday was in full sweep, and my sister, perhaps wished to participate in the celebrating too. Here again my mum has put weight of efforts that dates did not coincided. |
Preschool mentality | In our education both grandmothers took active part. Especially I recollect summer vacations in village Styla, the father whence comes. As well as it was necessary at that time, has gone in kindergarten. Owing to a birth of the sister, this period has come only in 3,5 years. Us together with the sister have given to a kindergarten "Ryabinyshka". In the first put, I have refused kefir, from here my aspiration to be allocated and prove the point of view continued to develop. The childhood proceeded. Every week went to the grandmother in village Styla. And as the road occupied long time, in the bus I have learned to consider and put three-value numbers in a column. Here the love to mathematics whence has arisen! In same time when to me 5 years were executed, to me have presented the first two-wheeled bicycle, naturally it became the most favourite toy. At that time my other grandmother worked in Institute after diploma education, there I for the first time and have got acquainted with a computer, as the next toy. |
Younger school | But time has come, and it was necessary to go to school. The choice has fallen on a comprehensive school 97 Kirov areas of Donetsk. Studied in a class with the profound studying English (about 2 classes its teaching has begun). In number of favourite subjects it has got also. Since 6 classes annually participated in regional Olympiads on the mathematics, then on the physics and chemistry. The best result - a victory over regional Olympiad in chemistry. During this period there was a strong hobby for bicycles - with friends have studied on bicycles almost all roads and "are inexpensive" Donetsk. From the first class for every year training received creditable sheets. Since 7 classes, with two friends constantly after lessons sat in a cabinet of Computer science. Naturally, to play it would be desirable everything, but the laboratorian of a cabinet, the teacher of computer science, allowed to play to us only after we shall write any unpretentious program in programming language Pascal. |
Hgh school | As the basic majority 9-year pupil was going to go to 10 class. But in the summer, having got to the grandmother on a vacation, tried to act in liceum "Erudite" for the presented children. Attempt has crowned success. Acted there the honours pupil from school. Certainly, training in liceum was much more complex, but also it is more interesting. There I gradually joined the future student's life. As in liceum many children from area were trained, at it there was a hostel. I have lived one semester in it, the rest of the time went home. Those 2 years lead in liceum, have left weight of memoirs. |
Reason choice of University | Knowing about rating system of receipt in Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU), there were no also doubts that I shall study there. Has started to prepare in the autumn for ratings. Having got on 2 stage, has collected 48 points, it has appeared a little for receipt on the state budget on a speciality which to me has attracted. This speciality CEM - Computer ecologic-economic monitoring. |
University | And then I have decided to act on other speciality "Development of deposits of minerals" at the same faculty. On the first rate there was an object in view to study on excellent "as in this case it was possible to be transferred on CEM, and on military faculty with a mean score "5", it was necessary to hand over only physical preparation. As the result of excellent training on the first rate, I was translated on ÊÝÌ, and has been enlisted on military faculty. On the second rate our speciality have translated from faculty GTU on faculty VTI. The number of the subjects connected with programming At once has increased, and in 2 times the number of employment on physical culture has decreased. And at our faculty where students spend the most part of time behind a computer, it is necessary to increase on the contrary number of employment by physical culture. Therefore I have started to be engaged in athletic gymnastics, and till now I do not forget about sports. Since the third rate I participate in conferences which pass in DonNTU. In the summer of 2005, upon termination of 4-th rate has passed examination for a degree "bachelor", and on August, 15th has received the diploma "The Bachelor of computer sciences" with distinction. Has passed examination on military preparation the same summer, has taken the oath. And upon termination of high school I shall receive a rank "younger sergeant". Theme of master's work "Information system of the analysis of consequences breaking a dam and initiation ES" it has been chosen by means of my head k.t.n., senior lecturer Gubenko Natalia Evgenevna. Work is devoted to the instant analysis possible ES as a result of break of a dam. In fact as a result of such accidents there is a flooding huge territories, people perish, lose habitation. |
Future planes | In the future I hope to find interesting work, to apply and improve the theoretical and practical skills received by me during training in DonNTU. Such versatile preparation should not appear useless and, I hope, I can work in various branches. In the further to create family and … |
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