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DonNTU>Masters portal>Svyezhentsev Yuriy

Svyezhentsev Yuriy

Faculty: VTI
Speciality: PO
Master's work subject: "Research and development of effective methods of construction of generation of a code for expressions of language Verilog"
Leader: Bashkov Y.A.

About (main):

     Mean score during training at university 5.0. Freely I know Russian and Ukranian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English.

* * *

     Was born on June, 28th, 1984 in the city of Donetsk in family of engineers.
The early childhood has passed imperceptibly in kindergarten owing to very skilled and to this day to favourite tutors who together with my parents and have given me the first knowledge and have helped to define my abilities and vital bents.
     In 1990 became the pupil of a comprehensive school of 12 cities of Donetsk. In initial classes the first abilities to mathematics have come to light. Though, in the first class the first experience with my teacher has ended with its words: "Your child so stupid, that at all does not know, in what hand a pencil to hold!" Thanks parents - to retrain me did not become. Since then I the absolute lefthander. During study at school the strongest interest the exact sciences - caused the mathematician, the physicist, chemistry. From the fifth class took part in various Olympiads in various subjects. Special successes has reached in Olympiads on the mathematician. Took a stable first place on district Olympiad. The best result in regional Olympiad was the second place. Was prize-winner Sorosovskoj of Olympiad, tournament of cities and Olympiads"Kangaroo". For increase of the knowledge almost three years was engaged in mathematics in the Open Mathematical College at Donetsk National University. In the ninth class for a year has been unsettled" in connection with strong crisis of a leg. But the fighting spirit has not been broken. In the proof - leaving school in 2001 with a gold medal. It is grateful to destiny that I have come to be in this class, in which besides good knowledge, I have found the best friend, and also many good comrades with whom till now closely we communicate.
      In the tenth class has made a decision to act in Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality "Software" of faculty "Computer engineering and computer science". The decision to accept was not complex, as since the childhood was a sign with a computer, and successes in the mathematician very opportunely in this direction and besides to be engaged in a pure science of desire was not. Why DonNTU? First, in due time my mum has received in it formation, being the first graduate of faculty VTI. Looking at it as on very good expert - the prospect of similar training should please. Secondly, from school was interested in many universities, including in Russia. Read newspapers let out by them, communicated with competent people, etc. Having weighed the information, desires and opportunities has stopped on DonNTU.
     So, after leaving school, in 2001 has acted in Donetsk National Technical University on ratings on the budgetary form of payment. Has acted on a speciality "Software" of faculty "Computer engineering and computer science". At present I study perfectly well. In 2002 took part in Ukraine Olympiad on the mathematician. In 2005 has received the red bachelor's degree.
     In 2006 within three months was in practice in Poland in firm ALDEC. Has received good experience in programming greater software products for various hardware platforms. In the same place the idea for master's works also has arisen. the Theme master's works is very useful, including for firm ALDEC. Many years the theory of compilation is investigated, but also now there is a set of problems which are not solved, solved yet optimum, or do not meet the put requirements. One of problems is construction of generators of HDL-expressions. Research of effective methods also is my master's work subject in which I plan to be engaged the nearest half a year.

      Structure of family:
     Father, Svyezhentsev Vladimir, was born on August, 20th, 1948, has died in 1990.      Mother, Shapiro Margarita, was born on March, 19th, 1946, the head of department of personal insurance in Ukrainian Joint-stock Insurance Company ASKA.
     At present I live together with mother. I combine study with work. In the future I plan to be engaged on a speciality.

DonNTU>Masters portal>Svyezhentsev Yuriy

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