Taitskiy Michael Sergeevich

Computer Science and Informatics faculty

Speciality: "Computer systems and networks"

Group: BT-01M


mail:  miha_t@list.ru


 Subject of the work: "Research the mechanisms of work Windows 2000/XP for creation on its base system of real time"

 Chief of the work: Teplinsky S.V.

Individual task
Search report



I was born - on December, 24th 1983, one week before New year. This world scales event was in small town Novogrodovka, Donetsk area. In the childhood I went to the kindergarten, fighted with all boys in group and pulled bows of all girls, adored one teacher and could not suffer another, during a dinner dreamed, that I stands invisible and take away all tasty compotes. I went to school №88 in 1991, studies, likely a class up to the third, did not want. I received bad mark and covered their by ink - that mum did not get know, but she all get know, so soon, about third class I was teached accurately pull out sheets from a mark book and to hide their under a plate on building near the road J .The tenth and eleventh class I studied in Donetsk technical licea after which finishing I entered in DonNTU on ratings on the budgetary form of education, owing to good preparation in licea and to additional training

Training at university on different periods was for me different complexity and different priorities. There were periods when session I handed over almost on "excellent", were on "good", and on "well", was even, that it at me came to an end for some weeks after term. As a whole the university has given me very much it is and wonderful collective in group and the best teachers (in majority J) both understanding and reconsideration of the place, both in a life as a whole, and in a professional circle as in particular.

Knowledge which given me my speciality, I consider indispensable base from which need to make a start and find itself as the specialist.