DonNTU Master`s portal Search

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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Yeretina Natalya

Yeretina Natalya Alekseevna

E-mail: fanta_sy@list.ru

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty :


Speciality :

Ecological geology

Theme of master`s work :

Features of spatial distribution of toxic and small elements in coal layers of mine "Trudovskaya"

Supervisor of work :

Alyohin Victor Ivanovich

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My name is Yeretina Natalya Alekseevna. I was born on February, 14, 1984 in the city of Donetsk.

My father, Yeretin Aleksey Egorovich, works as the engineer - designer. My mother, Yeretina Zoya Dorofeevna, is the anesthesiologist.

In 1991 I began to go to school 107. In 1996 the school changed the status and became a grammar school of a name of V.Stusa where all subjects, except the Russian, were taught in the Ukrainian language. In 2001 I have successfully finished training in a grammar school where I has received good education. My favorite subject during all training was a history. I took part in various Olympiads and competitions, but on a history I occupied prize-winning places.

In June, 2001 I have passed examination on mathematics to start to study at university. I knew that I wanted to study in Donetsk national technical university. But the choice of a speciality was for me very long and difficult: ecological or economic? After long reflections I have chosen a speciality « Ecological geology ». This choice is not casual. Problems of our environment and ways of their decision always excited me. Because condition improvement of the surrounding natural environment is the most actual problem of mankind now. Any essence will not survive without clean air, water and ground, and all technical innovations and inventions will not simply necessary to anybody.

I participated in the 4th International scientific conferences of students and post-graduate students « Preservation of the environment and rational use of natural resources » with the report on a theme: « Zones of ecological-geological risk of the tectonic nature and their influence on structure ground ». The supervisor of scientific work was Alyohin V.I., the senior lecturer of faculty « Minerals and ecological geology ».

I am a very sociable person. I like traveling and get acquaintance with new interesting people, with culture of the various countries and cities. I have visited such countries as: Scotland, Germany, Holland, and Hungary. In Ukraine I most of all like to be in Kiev and Lvov. I dream on visiting Hawaii. I love sports, now I am fond of aerobics.

The theme of my master’s work is « Features of spatial distribution of toxic and small elements in coal layers of mine “Trudovskaya “ ». The urgency of this theme is very great for the Donetsk coal field as here coal is everywhere extracted. It is used in the industrial and household purposes. Toxic elements are dangerous for person health and environment, and their extraction from minerals is a capacious and expensive process. Small elements are valuable components in coals. Therefore consideration, features of their spatial distribution is a way to the decision of many problems connected with extraction, processing, use of coal without superfluous financial expenses. The supervisor of master’s work is Alyohin Victor Ivanovich, the candidate of geological -mineralogical sciences, the senior lecturer of faculty of minerals and ecological geology. The basic directions of work: geochemical methods of search of minerals, tectonic physics; structural geodynamic mapping.

I am sure, that the knowledge received at university, will help me to become a good expert in the field of ecology. In the future I would like to study questions of space ecology. And also I plan to become the general secretary of the United Nations as this international organization is engaged in the decision of modern problems of mankind including ecological.

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DonNTU Master`s portal Search