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Krilevich Helena

Krilevich Helena

Faculty: Mining-and-Geological

Speciality: Geoinformatic system and technologies (GIS)

Theme of master's work:

«The Spatial analysis of distributions displacement and deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development on the basis of GIS-technologies»

Leader of work: Gavrilenko Y.N.

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The Spatial analysis of displacement distributions and deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development on the basis of GIS-technologies

Underground mining of coal layers causes the movement of terrestrial surfaces, and deformations of buildings and structures which are on the undermined territories.
For the decision of questions how to protect the objects of a surface from harmful influence of mining developments in many cases it is enough to know the maximal deformations of a terrestrial surface, which depend on: thickness of a layer, depth of mining works, angle of fall and size of development.
Repeated displacement and deformations occur on terrestrial surface by development of seam layers. The buildings and structures which are on the undermined territories repeatedly occur in the movement zone.
The character of terrestrial surfaces movement while development of seam layers depends on the known mining and geological factors (angle of fall, thickness of a layer, depth of a layer, size of development), as well as on mutual arrangement of mining developments in layers in space and time of influence, distance between layers.
Now there are various assumptions of interaction of layers.
Reliability and accuracy of calculations of movement depend on the accuracy of initial sizes definition used in the settlement formulas, on mining and geological factors and on constancy of laws of movement process development.
But all formulas of definition of the maximal deformations, offered for today, are approximate.
The purpose of the given work is the spatial analysis of the existing data about development of mine working with using the modern information technologies, and also development of the assumptions on calculation of probable deformations of a terrestrial surface while horizontal coal layers development. It is necessary to prove the parameters and formulas of calculation of probable deformations, when the scheduled development of works is not known. As now there is only theoretical picture of interaction and imposing of layers.
The substantiation of factors describing a degree of influence and imposing of layers, will allow to improve the known formulas on calculation of probable deformations, to achieve the increase of accuracy of the forecast displacement of a terrestrial surface and to prove the using of safety measures in projected objects taking place on coal territories.
The processes of displacement of a terrestrial surface, and also the methods of the forecast deformations of a terrestrial surface and automation of the given process have always been interesting and both domestic and foreign scientists have paid attention to this.
The process of displacement of mining rocks and terrestrial surface basically was studied on the data of tool supervision. It is necessary to consider such a way correct for the first phase of investigation of the considered process. Further there is a task to create the general theory of mining rocks displacement process and development of the mathematical device allowing expecting the elements of displacement of a terrestrial surface.
The first attempts of creation of the mathematical theory of displacement process were undertaken by Brig (1930), Keyngorst (1934), Bals (1931), Galahov (1935).
The valuable contribution to the creation of settlement of ways of displacement elements definition has been made by professor Avershin. In the capital work «Displacement of mining rocks at underground developments» Avershin has offered two methods of calculation of elements displacement of mining rocks: the first is based on classical theory of plasticity, second - on the empirical formulas received from the analysis of the large actual material [1]. Avershin makes attempts to create the mathematical theory of displacement process investigating stresses in heavy plastic semiplane. However these researches should be considered as a beginning of the question decision which require the further development and perfection. Later calculations of displacement elements under the empirical formulas were developed by professor Kazakovsky, Gertner, Kolbenkov, Medyancev, Petuhov and others.
The question of displacement of mining rocks and terrestrial surface by underground development has been considered by Ogloblin [2] , Bukrinsky [3].
Now with the development of new technologies the large interest is caused by a problem of automation calculations, forecast of displacement and deformations of a terrestrial surface by underground development of coal layers.
The given question has been decided by many researchers in our country and abroad. For today the various systems for processing both analysis of experimental data and forecasting of deformations of a terrestrial surface are already developed, in which the certain theoretical laws of influence of layers are incorporated. An example can be the system designed by the master of faculty of Geoinformation and geodesy of DonNTU Kovalev K.V. [4].
The questions connected to process of displacement and deformation of a terrestrial surface were studied by the professor of faculty of Geoinformation and geodesy of DonNTU Gavrilenko J.N. [5].
Also it is necessary to take into account the foreign experience in the decision of the given problem, for example in Japan at university Kyushu by Ibrahim Djamaluddin has Development of GIS-based analytical method for predicting mining subsidence [6].
The given software allows expecting the basic sizes describing displacement and deformations in each point of a terrestrial surface.
But it is necessary to notice, that the developed systems considered general case of calculations, accepting for a basis the law of distribution of deformations received by the theoretical assumptions.
Thus, there is a task of a substantiation of parameters and formulas of calculations, to define the law of distribution of probable deformations, when the order of improvement is unknown. As now there is only theoretical picture of interaction and imposing of layers.
Thus, it is possible to say, that to some extent there were attempts of the decision of problems connected to the analysis and the forecast displacement and deformations of a terrestrial surface. But the question on revealing laws of mutual influence of layers, substantiation of factors used at calculation of probable deformations, hasn't been considered.
For the decision of the task the software package ArcView GIS 3.1 was used.
For the analysis of mutual influence of mining works in seam layers the initial data by the plans of mining developments of mines of the Lvovo-Volynsk region were prepared. Three mines were analyzed namely: Megirichanskay, Velikomostovskay and Benduzka. Each mine was development four layers.
Then the initial analysis of the initial data was made: the area of developments, spatial rule of mining works in various layers, statistical analysis of change of capacities of layers was analyzed.
In the further the prepared information will be used to calculate the expected deformations on all clearing developments with summation and choice of the maximal meanings according to the order (time) of realization of developments. And the subsequent processing with use of the device of mathematical statistics will enable to prove factors for conditions of the Lvovо-Volynsk region.

The movement of terrestrial surface process and consequences by underground development


  1. Степан Гаврилович Авершин http://ifmgp.narod.ru/rus/conference.htm

  2. Д.Н.Оглоблин, П.П.Бастан, Г.И.Герасименко, С.И.Никольский, М.Г.Папазов, С.Ф.Травник, Г.Л.Фисенко. Маркшейдерское дело. Издание 2-е, переработанное и дополненное. М. «Недра», 1972. 584с.

  3. Сдвижение горных пород и земной поверхности при подземных разработках. Под общей редакцией профессора, доктора технических наук В.А.Букринского и кандидата технических наук Г.В.Орлова. М. «Недра», 1984, 247с.

  4. Ковалев К.В. Автоматизированная географическая информационная система оценки состояния земной поверхности в угледобывающих районах. http://www.masters.donntu.ru/2000/ggf/kovalev/works.html

  5. Публикации профессора кафедры Геоинформатики и геодезии ДонНТУ Гавриленко Ю.Н. http://gis.donntu.ru/ru/staff/gavrilenko/publ.htm

  6. Ibrahim Djamaluddin. Development of GIS-based analytical method for predicting mining subsidence http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc05/papers/pap1157.pdf

  7. Статистика: Раздел 1. «Общая теория статистики и математическая статистика»: Курс лекций 2001г.

  8. “ГІС ArcView / Avenue Посібник розробника програм”.Амір Х. Разаві. - Третє видання, з поновленнями щодо версії ГІС ArcView 3.1. – 1999 р.


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