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Orendarchuk Vitaliy AnatolievichSpeciality: drilling of wells (7. 090307)
Group: ÁÑ-01
Theme of the masters work: Mining of the complete set core-samplers for sampling at drilling wells from drill ships and platforms.
The supervisor of studies: the senior lecturer, Cand.Tech.Sci. Karakozov A. A.
Nowadays there is a necessity in scientifically proved forecasts of mineral resources of the seas, effective methods of conducting prospecting works here, their planning based on kinds of mineral raw material and sea water areas, in definition of scale and structure of sea manufacture. Even the first results of geological researches in the sea have already shown that their organization and a technique applied on a land essentially vary at all stages. The sharp increase in volumes of drilling of deep engineering-geological wells connected with it (up to 200 m in a ground at depth of water area up to 150 m) defines necessity of development of high-efficiency ways and technological schemes of drilling, and also creation of new effective technical means.
The analysis and generalizations of home and foreign experience show that drilling of deep wells at the shortest terms and receiving of as much as possible authentic engineering-geological information provides a rotary method of drilling using removable well equipment ( RWE) - devices for carrying out of geotechnical tests and selection of samples. But at the present moment it is practically impossible to use this technology to select monoliths in soils of a sandy-argillaceous complex in conditions of vertical movings of water craft because of absence of reliable designs of detachable drive samplers with an independent drive.
Thus, an urgency of creation detachable drive sampler with an independent drive for drilling of underwater engineering-geological wells is caused by needs of a prospecting branch.
The task of master work is the development of a soil sampler complex to select samples at well drilling from drill ships and platforms.
A drive sampler in diameter of 73 mm with a hydrodrive, intended for performance of engineering-geological researches at well drilling in soft and friable soils of a continental shelf is one of the devices developed.
The purpose of the development was a creation of soil samplers design for a configuration of a drill gear of firm FUGRO which are applied on Bavenit type drill ships, and for sampling at well drilling from "Sivash" type platforms which are used in GJSC «Chernomornephtegas». A soil sampler is focused on work with drilling pipes in diameter of 127 mm with an internal landing of the pipe ends.
The soil sampler developed earlier on faculty TTGR DonNTU in diameter of 89 mm for application on drill "Diabase" type ships was taken as a base.
Soil sampler work is based on a principle of
use of freely falling cargo energy which strikes the core excepting pipe due to which the
introduction of a base ring in a ground is carried out.
The performance of the developed soil sampler is presented on an animated picture.
The soil sampler includes:
- fixing mechanism consisting of a landing unit, a sliding stock of a sinking signalling device and a cone head.
-hydrocylinder which is executed on the base of the scheme of a hydraulic engine of differential action with two liquid distribution valves and which provides back- and- forth motion of a tie-rod.
- shock unit including barrel in a top part of which there is a cone head cooperating with spring captures, kinematicly connected with a tie-rod.
The listed elements of shock unit are placed in a pipe which on the one hand is a continuation of the body of a hydraulic engine, and on the other hand – it ends with a smithy horn. The last one represents a step adapter, concentrically established in the horn with an opportunity of the limited axial moving in it and ending with the thread for connection with a core receiving gear.
- Core receiving gear consists of a core receiving glass supplied by a smithy and a base ring.
Soil sampler performance principle is that a hydraulic engine creates seesaw tie-rod move, and grippings moving upwards lift the bullet and release it at the end of the move. While falling the bullet strikes the smithy. While moving downwards grippings capture the bullet end and the cycle is repeated. The depth of the sampling is up to 0,9 m.
Constructional changes were made to the design of soil sampler valve group, allowing to break hydraulic engine bearing at the beginning of its moving downwards, that prevents gripping clamping and falling bullet clamping.
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