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Anistratenko Vladimir Leonidovich Faculty : "Computers information's technologies and automation" Speciality: "Electroniс systems" Theme of the final work : "Обоснование количесвенных и качественных параметров откачки метана комплекса контроля и автоматизации откачки метана" Leader: N. P. Kosarev Mean score for the period of studing at university is 4,5. Freely know Russian, Ukrainian, English. I am fond of computer games, programs for processing a sound and video, special passion - football, and I like both to look, and to play.
The brief biography. I was born on June, 16, 1983. On border of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk areas, in Mezhevaya. Probably, for this reason my heart belongs to Donbass. Father: Anistratenko Leonid Nikolaevich, Mother: Anistratenko Lydia Grigorjevna. Preschool years at all I do not remember.
In 1989. Has gone in Mezhevaya high school № 1 where studied up to 5 classes, the ambassador it was transferred{translated} in new Mezhevaya high sсhool № 3 (present Mezhevskoy an agrarian liceum - boarding school). School has finished with a gold medal. In school days successfully was engaged in track and field athletics (repeatedly became the prize-winner of regional competitions).
University years. Undoubtedly on my choice of a speciality the trade of the father - the electromechanic. Father to me imparted love to electronics since the childhood. For this reason in 2001. I have arrived on faculty of the KITA, a speciality « Industrial electronics » (present Electronic systems). Especially bright impressions within training children's health resort DONNTU has left « the Silver forge» in which I worked 4 summers the worker of kitchen and the leader. A theme of masters work is « the Substantiation qualitative parameters pomping out of metane, a complex of the control and automation pomping out of metane ». The head is the senior lecturer of faculty " ES " Kosarev N.P. - the clever, kind and sympathetic person. In the future I want to find bringing pleasure job. Further I dream of creation of fine family. I would like to leave the name in a history of university. |