Abstract | Library | References | Report about the search | Individual task | DonNTU | Masters
eng ukr rus
A. I. Drozdov

Faculty: Computers information's technologies and automation

Speciality: Electroniñ systems

Theme of the final work:
Development and research of structure of the electronic system of heat-and-power engineering parameters of refrigeration technique in the conditions by  «NORD»

                                         Leader:  V. I. Burkivchenko


     About itself

     Freely I known Russian also a Ukrainian languages. I have an operational experience from the ÐÑ,  peripheral devices and accessories. Programming languages: Turbo Pascal, Delphi. I take a great interest in weightlifting. I like to travel.



     I was born on the 9 March, 1984 in Donetsk, about 11.45am. My parents are Drozdov I. V. and Drozdova D. I. They finished Donetsk Polytechnic Institute and have engineering speciality.

      In my childhood I was fidget and did not stay at home any minutes especially in summer. Much time I waste with my street friends, with parents on the sea or at the countryside with my grandmother in Byelorussia, where I have not only grandmother and grandfather, but some else relatives. Even now I have a lot of friends there; I communicate with them, when I arrive there; I send them e-mail, when I am in Donetsk.

      When I was 3 years old, my family moved to Alakkurti (Murmansk region), because my father had been directed for the service in the Military powers. We had lived there during one year, I found a lot of friends there.


      When I was 7 years old, I went into school ¹1 in Donetsk, where I was studying till my 11 class. When I was in 8th class, there was formed profiling studying, and I chose a physical-mathematical class. Schools years were wonderful time in my life. I gave preference to exact sciences and went in for sports. Especially I liked boxing and American football.

      In a 7th class I gave a PC and began to master his elements. During school course of informatics we had deeply studied such programming languages, as BASIC and Turbo Pascal, this fact influenced on my interest to programming.


      In 2001 I entered to Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk Nationale Technical University -  DonNTU) on speciality "Industrial electronics" - "IE" (now Electronic systems - ElS ). It is hardly to say I was sure, that "IE" is speciality of my dream. There were some similar directions (automation, computerizing). I chose "ElS" speciality because of two reasons: comparatively small competition and magnificent material and technical base of department laboratories. When I became a student of this department, I made sure that our teachers are the real professionals. Thanks them student always can get necessary consultation and lead his development to the end.

       In 2005 I got bachelor diploma on the speciality "Electronic systems", and now I continue studying in Masters DonNTU în the speciality "Electronic systems". I passed production practice in "NORD", where I got a theme for master's degree work, it is «Development and research of structure of the electronic system of heat-and-power engineering parameters of refrigeration technique in the conditions by  «NORD». The leader of my master's degree work is the candidate of technical sciences Burkivchenko V. I. Hi is very sociable person, which always ready to give you help about any questions.

        Actuality of this theme is caused by a strengthening of competition between the producers of domestic technique, it includes the advanced requirements to the goods quality. And the same setting allows to conduct the tests of the finished product, check up technological knots and technical parameters, before the finished product output from a conveyer. This development will allow improving products quality and economizing facilities for an enterprise.  

      Plans on the future

       My purpose on the nearest future is to take the second higher low education and to find prestige work.


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                        Abstract | Library | References | Report about the search | Individual task | DonNTU | Masters