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Individual Task of DonNTU master: Anton Kokov

Summary of the masters's sites of DonNTU

    The masters portal of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), higher educational establishment of the IV level of the accreditation is the base of its best graduating students. More than the half of masters have the diploma of bachelor with honors, and this fact is the sign of deep knowledge and high achievements in science and other subjects.

    The site of any master is the exposition of short information about himself:

  • personal (autobiography: school, achievements at school and beyond school, student years, achievements at university, choice of theme of master’s work, researches and plans for the future);

  • about the future master's work (summary: actuality, scientific novelty, review of existent researches and developments, aims and tasks of master's work, and also generalization of results of scientific search and analysis);

  • publications (own and joint scientific articles on the theme of master's work, if they already have been published);

  • lists of useful references (internet-references, articles of scientific magazines, topics of books and articles on the own subject);

  • library (articles or book extracts that appeared to be the most useful during master’s work writing);

  • table of search in the internet (in different and most widespread searching systems of the world: Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Rambler, Meta, etc) of keywords on a theme of master's work;

  • individual task (hobbies, favorites and some others).

    A site is developed by masters during one semester and included in the course of study. Programming language is HTML with use of the Java-scripts (optional). In the summary a student develops independently an animation picture (format gif) on the theme of master's work.

    A site is developed in a native language for a student – Russian. However because of the university status and personal interest in master's researches of students from different countries of the world the main page with an autobiography is translated into the Ukrainian and foreign languages studied by a student (mainly – English or German). From 2006 translation of summary about future master's work into a foreign language has become obligatory. If a student wants it is possible to translate it into other foreign languages.

    In the individual a student task describes his favorites, hobbies: dances, fitness, poetry, prose and others.

    Attention! Summary of master's work is not the science work yet! Master's work will be ready in January, next year. You can ask individually every question to each master on his personal E-mail, indicated on his site.

    In future it is planned to translate into foreign languages the following parts: library and list of references.

    With increasing of virtual volumes of master’s portal, it is planned to add the gallery of master’s images on the site. It will allow to have better imagination about them.


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