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Kolebanov Stanislav

Theme of master's work: Subsystem of optimization of financial expenses and human capitals at repair of electrical equipment

Leader of work: Sporyhin V.J.


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    Considering a problem of use of the information on a technical condition of the electrotechnical equipment for decision-making on repair influences, it is expedient to allocate three levels of adequacy of estimations.

    The first level - identification of a technical condition by parameters of reliability, i.e. on parameter of a stream of refusals or intensity of restoration.

    The second level - identification of a technical condition under likelihood characteristics of defects and the damages revealed during certain moments of time.

    The third level - identification of a condition on continuously controllable technological parameters describing a technical condition of the equipment elements.

    Realization of the third level is possible only with condition of presence of the perfect diagnostic systems and adequate mathematical models of correlation communications between target parameters and a technical condition of the equipment. The second level is more accessible and demands the sufficient information on the revealed defects and damages, and also models of dynamics of their development. Realization of the first level is connected only with sufficiency of a statistical material.

    The correctness of decision-making on introduction of this or that rules of maintenance service and repair depends on a technical condition of the equipment. The rules of maintenance service and repair as system of the rules defining technology, means, volume, methods and periodicity of repair influences, depends not only on a technical condition of the considered equipment. It is influenced with the structural importance of the given equipment in comprehensive technical system and concrete conditions of its functioning (including repair character, for example, equipment of repair base, presence of resources, etc.).

    Three levels of identification of a technical condition listed above, as a matter of fact, are three levels of an estimation of function of reliability. The first level corresponds to zero approach when the aprioristic information is absent. The second level corresponds to a case when aprioristic casual process of of accumulation of the given type damages. The third level concerns to a case when the forecast is carried out for each separately taken realization of casual development of refusal. Use of this or that level is defined by necessity accuracy of the forecast and presence of corresponding means, program and a supply with information.

    In a general view the problem of definition of time of a conclusion in repair of the surveyed equipment of the industrial enterprise includes following stages:

- structure of the equipment deduced in repair in view of technological interrelations definition;

- external (system) restrictions definition;

- need of the concrete equipment in volume and term of repair definition;

- internal restrictions on terms and expenses (including all kinds of maintenance of repair) definition;

- the coordination of external and internal restrictions;

- preparation of the schedule of a conclusion in the repair, including terms refusal and their duration.

    The essence of this problem consists in definition of repair programs of the equipment with simultaneous use of normative base and results of estimations of a technical condition. Such combination of the information allows to use most full any information on a technical condition of the equipment, received both by means of systems of diagnostics, and by expert estimations.

   Repair programs are meant as schedules and terms of performance of concrete sets of the repair work most full reflecting dynamics of change of a technical condition of the equipment.

   Diagnostic parameters may be:

- operating time , time of restoration, laws of distributions;

- operating time to occurrence of damage, times of restoration, laws of distribution of time of occurrence of damage;

- models of damage development, stochastic characteristics of development of damage, maximum permissible levels of damage.

         The general criterion of an optimality at the decision of a problem of planning of repairs of the basic factory electric equipment is the minimization of cost including expenses for performance of repair work, and also damage from possible emergencies. In existing conditions the basic criterion of an optimality of planning of repairs is the maximal filling of a so-called repair platform, i.e. most effective utilization of a repair reserve of the enterprise.

         Managerial process by the enterprise represents continuous development of administrative decisions and their application in practice. The success of business substantially depends on efficiency of development of these decisions. And before to begin any business, it is necessary to define the purpose of the actions.

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