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Ìàster of DonNTU 2006 GUDZ GO

Theme of master’s work: "Personnel team work improvement on the basis of TQM principles using "

Leader of work: c.b.s. Leonid Mycolayovych MASYUK
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Urgency of a master’s work theme:


     Today business presupposes that success of organization and her ñompetitiveness are connected with the management quality in it. The problem of quality management becomes more essential because of Ukraine’s plans to enter the WTO. And that step will bring to appearing of foreign ñompeting companies. So, leadership of  Ukrainian organizations must do the following: not to invent something new and uncleared  but to imitate gradually and purposefully the foreign companies’ more than 50 years experience of management. Also it mustn’t forget about the specific national side.

     And first of all it is necessary to pay attention to Total Quality Management (TQM) which will help Ukrainian organizations to achieve constancy and improvement of   management system.

     The nucleus of TQM is an orientation on personnel. Akio Morito, creator and leader of the company “Sony” said: “Nobody can do you rich, except people who work on you”. But it is worth to remember that people will treat you as you will treat them. Collaborator must feel that his aims coincide with the organization’s aims and must identificate himself with that organization.  The company personnel obligation must be motivated to work for good quality and to take part in processes of constant improvement.


Aims and problems of the master’s work:


1.    To understand an essence of Total Quality Management.

2.    To sort out the principles and methods of creation the solid team of collaborators.

3.    To improve the personnel team work on the basis of  TQM principles usage.


    “The perfect command has never done nonsense even with a wrong strategy. Even the most genius idea will fail without gifted, creative and faithful to company people”.

(D. Collinz)


Methods and principles of the team management decisions acceptance:


1.    Consensus.

2.    Brainstorm.

3.    Method of Delfy.

4.    Method of scenarios.

5.    Method of court.

6.    Method of “Six hats” by Edvard de Bono.

7.    “Education by the action”.

8.    Use the main seven statistical principles.

9.    Use the cycle of Deming (cycle “Plan – Do – Check - Act”).

10.    Form the work table with the plans of team’s projects.

11.    Use system “5 S” and a system “Arrangement”, the basis of quality on the work place.

12.    Realization of the leader’s role.




1.    One cannot put the clock back. All the time new technologies, concepts, mechanisms appear. And it is necessary to have new knowledge of personnel for successful installation o these achievements. That’s why workers who are always in search of the new knowledge achieve real success and excellent results.

2.    Already today we can talk about some changes: specialists consider that TQM (Total Quality Management) started to be changed by the TQL (Total Quality Leadership). Particular quality is the key to be competetive.

But today organizations don’t bestow authoritative management style of leader. The majority of companies have already estimated the advantages of personnel team work methods.

3.  Team collaborators’ work presupposes the obligatory knowledge of different   methods of the team management decisions acceptance.

4.  The successful manager with the best professional qualities mustn’t forget about the personal side of character.

     U.D. Adler said: “Contemporaneous managers are modest, rectitude, outspoken people, who aren't afraid of responsibility, ready to come to collaborators’ rescue, can listen and hear. They simply must love people, love truly because people always can define a fake”.

5. For the successful team work it is necessary to have trust. On practice the consequences of mistrust are rather significant. Crisis of trust in team can bring to discontented clients, reduce the sale, knock down the production or disruption the contract.

6.The personnel motivation plays an important role for successful work of the company. And there are some moments that must be mentioned:

     - Any actions must be thought over. Any work must have the aim. The aim which is already established is a reason, the force which makes people act. Workers must see the sense of what they are doing.

     - Any collaborator has his own opinion on the work improvement. His ideas must be considered.

     - In organization the conditions for people to feel themselves as a part of company and to be proud of their success must be created.

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