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Rostovtsev Nick Anatolyevich

Donetsk national technical university

Faculty Mechanical

Speciality " the Mechanical equipment
of factories of ferrous metallurgy "


Theme of masters works: Research of capacity bearing knots of metallurgical machines at isspolzovanii plastic greasing.
The head of work: the senior lecturer of faculty " MOZCHM " Sidorov Vladimir Anatolyevich.

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My birth was the most long-awaited event in the life of my parents. I was born on March 1, 1984 in Kirghizia, in the village Otaj Ogombaeva. My mother, Rostovtseva Vera Aleksandrovna, works for Gorlovskiy auto repair factory as an accountant .My father, Rostovtsev Anatoly Nikolaevich works at mine after A.F.Zasjadko, as a mechanics.

The lightest and the most impressive time in my life was the time that I spent in the kindergarten. Even then I was special for vigor and energy. The constant desire to be the first and have the time for everything and be everywhere was some kind of the engine which did not give me an opportunity to calm down and held all people surrounding me in a constant pressure . I started to be formed as the person perhaps in the kindergarten where not everything wasn’t always good and cheerful . Rare conflicts, and sometimes even fights with group mates gradually tempered my character and prepared me for the forthcoming life.

The following stage of my life and one more step was coming to a comprehensive school ¹35. I didn’t have special desire to know everything more than others . From the first to the ninth classes I studied hardly above the average. I spent all free time after lessons at school in a school court yard near the house with the friends playing football or riding a bicycle . . Since the fifth class I was serious interested in sports and up to the end of the ninth class I participated in all city sport contests and track and field athletics competitions. The first prize in the city contest was one of the most colourful and remembered victories. My class teacher - Klimenko Lydia Vasiljevna was always ready to help me everywhere and in everything.

Time rushed inevitably quickly, and I had to choose, and, this time the choice was more important and serious. But it was quite easy for me to do it . I entered Gorlovskiy Machine-building college together with my friend having passed my entrance examinations without special difficulties, I was enlisted at a speciality « Machine tools service with program management and autotechnical complexes ». I didn’t reveal any special desire to participate in competitions , and consequently I started what doing was really pleasant to me and what I was really up to that was sports. Sports have been and remains for me on the first place.

Unexpectedly even for myself in 2003 I graduated from the college with the red diploma, and the same year, I passed examinations, and entered the third course of Mechanical faculty of Donetsk National Technical University at a speciality « Mechanical equipment of factories of ferrous metallurgy ». At that time I took part in a regional competition on a subject « Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements », where I won the 7th place. In 2004 I successfully passed the state examination and received the bachelor's degree with honours . I gained some working experience , during the practice at Donetsk metal works, working as the junior assistant mechanics of a shop. The supervisor of my masters work is the senior lecturer of faculty MOZCHM Sidorov Vladimir Anatoljevich. Being a highly qualified expert in this area he has carried out more than one dozen experiments, he has received a lot of new information and proved some tendencies . I have been seriously interested in one of his works, which has become the theme of my masters work « Research of plastic greasings systems ».

Fast rates of an iron and steel industry development demand high qualification of the personnel servicing the mechanical equipment of factories. The desire to become one of the best experts in this area made me move forward.

I hope to fulfill and defend my master work successfullynd to continue scientific activity.

One of my hobbies in life is radio, sports tourism, playing the most popular network game « Counter Strike ».

Final work of the master Electronic library Links on a subject Report Individual task