Personal Details: |
Elmira Raisovna Hakimova |
86141, Ukraine, Makeevka-41
str. Lomonosov, 25, 6
Tel.: home : 8(062) 3-43-28
Education: |
1992-2002 |
Comprehensive school ¹72, city Makeevka. |
2002-2006 |
Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty: Electrotechnical.
The speciality "Electric systems and networks".
The Diploma of the bachelor.
2004-2007 |
Donetsk national technical university.
The speciality "Economy of the enterprise".
The Diploma of the bachelor.
2006 - to present |
Master's degree course on speciality
"Electric systems and networks".
Languages: |
Russian, Ukrainian, English (basic). |
Profound computer skills: |
the program AutoCAD, MathCAD, Microsoft Office Access,
Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Word.
Achievement: |
participation in school and city competitions,
occupied prize-winning
places (geography, the Ukrainian language),
participation in conference on the Ukrainian language.