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Theme of master's work:

«The creation of an automatic working place for an engineer of realty protection service»

Scientific advisor: Doctor of Technical Science, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department Ivan P. Zabolotny



The fundamental changes on the present stage of development of energy have caused decentralization of the EES management and introduction of modern facilities of management of the local objects EES. Providing the of power supply system operation in such conditions is accompanied by not only the expansion of amount of the decided technological tasks in the process of management of the working models of electric objects but also integration of tasks [1].
Overlay method (amount of shots - 5, amount of cycles - 20)
Fig.1 - Overlay method

The main conditions determining the system requirements to the management at present are:


The needs for better information and control of electric utility power networks are increasing. To meet these needs, MicroSCADA Technology provides solutions that lead into greater efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness.

The common platform technology, which MicroSCADA is based on, is used for building applications and systems. SYS 500, COM 500 and LIB 510 are examples of MicroSCADA Technology products.

MicroSCADA-based electrical application areas are power transmission and distribution. It is also well suited for other process areas.For example, district heating, water purification and distribution, waste water treatment, oil and gas distribution.

The MicroSCADA Technology product hierarchy is shown in Figure 2.

MicroSCADA Technology products
Fig.2 - MicroSCADA Technology products .

MicroSCADA Technology products are divided into two product families:

Operator workstation.An operator workstation is a computer that is used for controlling and supervising the process. It shows pictures and dialogs. It can be integrated into SYS 500 System Server, or reside in a separate computer that is connected to a base system computer.

An operator workstation consists of a computer, an operating system, workstation programs, HSI (Human System Interface) and printers.The MicroSCADA HSI consists of a display, keyboard and mouse.

Workstation programs are a set of programs that are used for process supervision and control.It enables the use of a MicroSCADA Notification Window.

A MicroSCADA monitor is used to supervise and control a MicroSCADA application on screen. It enables interaction between the operator and the base system computer.

Basic functionalities of SYS 500 System Server, for example,. process communication and reporting, do not require that MicroSCADA monitors are open. The application runs without them.


1. Основнi тенденцiї та закономiрностi розвитку енергетики на перiод до 2020 2050 рр. - К.: Новини енергетики , N3, 1997 р,. - 35 с.

2. Хомицкий С.В., к.т.н., Шунтов А.В. ИВЦ АО Мосэнерго// Журнал Мир компьютерной автоматизации, N1, 1998 г. - 9-12 с.