1.1 Urgency of subject
The problems concerned with energy losses decreasing and raising reliability of induction motors (IMs) are of primary importance. Both of these problems manifest themselves as the air gap eccentricity. The mentioned phenomenon is a consequence of the gradual wear of bearings, deformation of the end shields, etc.
The indicated causes are responsible for the increase of the motor vibration and they accelerate the wear of bearings. In some cases it is quite possible that the rotor will touch the inside surface of the stator. Such damages lead to the prolonged restoration repairs of IMs.
It is known, as a result of eccentricity changes the efficiency of an IM can be reduced by 2.8 %, the breakdown and locked rotor torques are reduced within the limits 20 % and 8 % correspondingly, the slip can increase by 10%. The noticeable effect on the above mentioned operating variables becomes apparent as the eccentricity increases more than by 30-35 percent.
The damages under such conditions require long-lasting IM reconstruction repair.
Expenses in this case are similar to the new machine cost.
1.2 Production purposes and problems
To the most well known methods of indirect control it is possible to refer a method of synchronous inductive resistance value control [1], as well as short-circuit inductive resistance value and zero sequence control method, explored in DPI. The disadvantages of these methods are:
- requirement of disconnecting a IM from the supply with working place preparation on the basis of the report;
- there is a need of using the external sources of constant or alternating current for supplying a diagnostic influence on the IM;
- significant time of a diagnostic test (up to 3-4 hours).
Specified methods did not find a broad application in industry. Thereby, the problem of creation of more efficient method of the air gap eccentricity checking is still actual. The development of diagnosing method, excluding above mentioned disadvantages is the aim of this work
1.3 Scientific novelty and practical value
Scientific novelty is the creation of new solutions and improvements of strategies of the air gap eccentricity control of IM.
Practical value is that these new solutions enable to define the developments of damaging on early stage and forecast further check or conclusion in the motor repair. This efficiency is immeasurable in industrial conditions.
2 Main notions and brief review of the work
2.1 Why given strategies have been used
Increasing of asynchronous machine reliability is one of actual tasks of industrial energy. The questions of ensuring possible value of unevenness of the air gap eccentricity play major role. The air gap eccentricity is defined as a measure of breaking symmetry of air gap on the basis of direct measurements in face parts of stator on the known formula:
– average and maximum value of air gap, accordingly. [2]
2.2 Particularities of strategy of study
Because of minute value of the air gap this factor turns out to be highly sensitive to deformation of the bed locks, bearings panels and gradual wear of bearings of the machine under exploitation. [3] As it is known, when there is the air gap eccentricity in asynchronous machine the starting moment falls, unilateral magnetic attraction and vibration of rotor grow and efficiency falls because of increasing the steel losses.
Determination of air gap on axis of each slot of rotor can be determined using the expression:
δ = δ0(l –ε cos φ),