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1 History of the chair
2 Specialities
3 Scientific activity
4 DonNTU report
5 My research works
5.1 Influence of tar wastes addition on output of volatile compounds and coke from coal mixture
5.2 Research of water-tar mixture aggregative stability when cleaning the coal tar by technological waters
5.3 Use of ammonium water as inhibitor of fur formation
Opened in 1921 Donetsk technical school of Mines in 1926 was transformed into Donetsk institute, in structure of which the mining and chemical branch became to function. On the base of this branch in 1930 the independent coal-chemical institute has appeared with chairs of coking and catching chemical products of coking.
In 30-th years the chair had a name "The chair of technologies of pirogentic coal-chemical processes", engineers of two specialities were prepared here: chemist-technologists and mechanical engineers. In 1934-1935 took place the association of mountain, metallurgical and coal-chemical institutes into industrial one, which in 1960 was transformed into Donetsk polytechnic institute, and coal-chemical institute became the chemist-technological faculty.
The chairs of the processes and apparatus and of the chemical technology of fuel were united into the chair of chemical technology of fuel.
Today, the teachers of the chair teaches students from 39 disciplines, providing continuous chemical, mathematical and computer preparation, and scientific guidance on individual creative students’ work.
The chair also teaches the student of other specialities of faculty on such disciplines: processes and apparatus of chemical technology, mathematical methods and models in calculation on ECM, automation, automation and ASCTP, the general chemical technology, use ECM in chemical technology.
For years of existence the chair have felt the significant changes in staff, directions of preparation of students, scientific directions.
Gradually, with increasing amount of student, changed quantitative and qualitative composition of the chair. Nowadays on the chair work 18 teachers and 2 post-graduate students.
For years of existence of the chair "Chemical technology fuel" for coke-chemical and gas branches of industry were prepared over 3000 technologist-chemists specialists. Many of them became the significant organizers and leaders of branches of industry and great scientists. Amongst them are known in Ukraine and UIS G.K. Talalaev, U.I. Bokserman, M.M. Tsarev, V.E. Privalov, R.Z. Lerner, O.I. Sibilev, D.D. Vorob’ov, I.I. Zbikovskiy, U.Y. Filonenko and others. For students’ training on the chair the corresponding laboratory base is created. For engineers’ preparing laboratories are created, they are equipped with modern facilities of training.
Many graduates successfully work at enterprises and at the institutes of Donetsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, near and distant countries. The big contribution into development of the chair have contributed worldwide known scientists: professor Krim V.S., Tulparov A.I., Nikoliskiy N.A. In different times on the chair worked the prominent scientists and specialists : professor - Deshalit G.I., Obuhovskiy Y.M., docents - Kochergin M.I., Eydeliman E.YA., Reznik M.G., Nepomnyaschiy I.L. For a long time, near 50 years worked at chair prof. Korobchanskiy V.I., docents Leonenko V.M., Sagolovskiy O.E., Lyanna Z.G. Docents Pugach V.G., Grebennikova S.S., Akimova L.M., Grebenyuk A.F. work now, over 30 years
Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials
In modern society steadily grows the need for specialists on fuel conversion. On speciality "Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials" specialists-technologists are prepared, they are capable to solve the problems in spheres of working of the natural gas, oils, coal in high-quality fuel with simultaneous obtaining from by-products multiple type of products, which have value and constant demand. The graduates of this speciality get the qualification of the chemical engineer-technologist and form the base of such major concerns as Avdeevskiy, Makeevskiy, Mariupoliskiy and the other coke-chemical plants.
Chemical technology of highmoleculed compounds
The speciality "Chemical technology of highmoleculed compounds" is connected with production of energetic saturated materials and products of different use, technological processes of their production, fabrications, usages and salvaging, studying and checking quality of energetic saturated materials, final products, half-finished products and details on their base. Specialists of this direction can work in chemical, mining and other branches of industry.
In 2005 is organized the licensing of speciality "Chemical technology of highmoleculed compounds " on 4th level of accreditation.
In December 2005 - first masters of speciality THC were graduated from DonNTU.
In half-year of 2006 accreditation on 4 level of speciality THC is planned.
The scientific school of the chair of chemistry and fuel technology was mortgaged by professor Korobchanskiy I.E. in 30-th years. Widely known works of the chair of preparation of coal to coking by electoral and differentiated crushing, on enrichment in heavy organic liquids, use hard warmthcarrier for drying and coal half-coking , in branches of underground gasification of coal, from dynamics of the processes of low temperature oxidation of coal and other. In this direction for the last 5 years 2 candidate's dissertation are protected (Oshovskiy V.V., Turchanina O.M.), prepared for protection two thesises (Shvets I.I., Chernova O.A.).
The book by doc. Eydel'man E.YA. "Principles of coal coking technologies " is published with vulture of ministry as educational textbook for students of high school.
Nowadays scientific school of technology of the conversion of fuel is headed by the professor Saranchuk V.I. and Butuzova L.F.
3 monographs were issued by prof. Saranchuk V.I. concerning question of the structure of coal and its thermo-chemical conversion, and two of them were written with russian and bulgarian scientists.
The monograph “Physico-chemical principles of the conversion of combustible minerals” is issued in 2001 by Prof.. Saranchuk V.I., doc. Oshovskiy V.V. and specialists of Avdeevskiy coke-chemical plant , which has a plenty of demand amongst students and graduate students of high school, which learns on speciality “Chemical technology of fuel” , scientific workers and engineering-technical workers of plant. Textbook is issued In 2003 for students of the high educational establishments with vulture of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine on ukrainian language “Chemistry and physics of combustible minerals” . In 2002 was issued monograph of these authors “Systematical analysis of coke-chemical production” , where on example of acting production multiform problems of the systematical analysis are considered - a development of the mathematical models of separate technological sections, use the economic criterion of optimization, searching for of the ways of increasing the reliability of working for the main equipment of plant. The book is intended for specialists of coke-chemistry: workers of control the production, as well as specialist from chemical technology of fuel.
In 2003 monograph ”Salty coal” of such authors as Saranchuk V.I. and Shendrik T.G. is published, intended for scientific and engineering-technical workers of research organizations and industrial enterprises, students and teachers of the high school for professional direction ”Chemicaltechnology and engineering".
In 2001 the educational textbook consisted of technological schemes of catching and conversions of the chemical products of coking is issued by Prof.. Korobchanskiy V.I. and doc. Grebenyuk A.F. together with russian scientists.
In 2002 the book “Catching chemical products of coking” is issued by Prof.. Korobchanskiy V.I. and doc. Grebenyuk A.F. together Vlasov G.A., Kaufman S.I. , it is admitted by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine as educational textbook for students of high school, which study on speciality “Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials” .
Textbook “Principles of combustible minerals conversion” is issued In 2003 with vulture of Ministry of education and science of the Ukraine by authors Saranchuk V.I., Zbykovskiy E.I. and Vlasov G.A. for students, and graduate students of high schools, which study for professional direction ‘Chemical technology and engineering” .
In 40-50 th years under the direction of prof. Kuznecov M.D. formed the second direction of the scientific activity of the chair - a studying the theoretical principles and methods of the calculation of the processes of catching and conversions of the chemical products of coking and environmental protection. The Practical interest has a researching, and development on their base apparatus with directed by replacement of boiling layer for graining materials, apparatus designed by DPU for hydraulic categorization of coal. These devices incarnate on some coke-chemical plants of the country.
The book by Korobchanskiy I.E. was published In this direction and by Kuznecov M.D. "Calculations of the equipment for catching the chemical products of coking", which plenty of years is used by engineering-technical workers, and students of high schools in different country of the world.
Nowadays prof. Korobchanskiy V.I. and doc. Grebenyuk A.F. lead the conversion and improvement of this book for the reason of its republishing.
The Scientific directions.
Priority directions of SRW of the chair CTF are :
- research the reactions and structures of coal;
- an improvement the technologies of the chemical conversion of fuel;
- increasing the quality of coke and chemical products of coking;
- half-coking and gasification of low-grade fuel;
- prevention or reduction of bad surge;
- development the new effective apparatus and processes of chemical technologies;
- computerization of the checking of control the technological processes of high-moleculed combinations ;
- research the characteristics of industrial propellents;
- research the characteristics of propellents, got in effect of the conversion of amunition;
- research and development of the facilities of initiation
Searching the ways of providing the Ukraine by own sources of energy
V.I. Saranchuk, E.I. Zbykovskiy
Donetsk national technical university
Thanks to getting the own traditional resources Ukraine provides its own needs on 42 - 45 % moreover because of complex is blazed-geological conditions prime cost of fuel in Ukraine is well above, than in country, from which she have to import them.
In strategic plan two main least spending directions of the decision of this problem can be considered:
1) reduction of the energetic capacity of gross internal product thanks to account of the realization of the available potential of energetic savings;
2) increasing the production of energy thanks to account of cheap non-renewed and alternative renewed sources of energy, and essential improvement of the use of secondary power resources.
These directions mutually complete each other and require vastly smaller expenseses, than under simple increasing the production of energy on traditional technology.
Specific energetic consumption on unit of made product in Ukraine in 15 once above, than in Japan, in 10 once above, than in France, and in 5 - 6 once above, than in USA. On one USA dollar of the product in Japan is spent 0,13, in France 0,19, in South Korea 0,31, in USA 0,35 kgs n.e., but in country of the East Europe 1,9 2,2 kgs n.e. This shows that there are greater reserves of the power supply in our country .
In spite of high level of modern energetic and technological installations, amount of the heat, which is thrown in the environment, forms before 50 % of used energy.
Under modern level of the development of the science and technology possible to account use the part of these resources in near future. As of, published by energy centre EU in Ukraine, beside 40 % organic fuel possible to spare, having used systems to deep salvaging the heat, non-traditional sources of the heat.
However, in spite of the most great facility, use heat surge energy and technological installation, renewed sources is greatly labored by low potential of coal. The Traditional thermodynamic cycles in these conditions are low-effective, since CUA conversions of energy do not exceed 5 % in such cycles, but high capital expenditures do the inadvisable construction non-traditional renewing sources of the heat.
In developed countries is noted the tendency of essential increasing the role of the renewed sources of energy. This is caused, on the one hand, by defect of the traditional power systems, but with other danger of the global ecological catastrophe. Their share in energy balance of the different countries forms from one to several percents. In USA share of the renewed sources of energy have formed in 1996 13 %, in Germany 2,4 %, in Ukraine to account hydroelectric station 5,3 %.
Nowadays vastly enlarges use the energy of winds. This type of energy is particularly used in Germany and baltic countries.
Facility of the renewed sources of energy in Ukraine form:
- heliosources 7,2*10 11 Mvat*hour/year;
- wind 9,65*10 11 Mvat*hour/year;
- geotermal 51,3*10 11 Mvat*hour/year.
The Ukraine in 1990 10 mln. tonnes of benzine and 14,3 mln. tonnes of the diesel oil are used. At the following years amounts consumptions fell and newly have bottomed out at the last years. From collation of the value need for oils with volume of the own mining at a rate of 3,8 mln. tons at present and supposed by growing to 5 mln. tonnes per year seen that amounts of the import of oils in Ukraine will form from 21 mln. tonnes in 2005 before 40 mln. tonnes in 2030.
Forecast of the balance of the natural gas is presented in table 1 in Ukraine at orientation electric energetic on coal (the numerator) and on gas (the denominator).
Table 1 Balance of the natural gas in Ukraine
Year |
Inner demand*, mlrd. ì 3 |
Own extraction, mlrd. ì 3 |
Common import, mlrd. ì 3 |
1999 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030 |
75,7 73,4 70,0 – 71,0 73,0 – 74,0 102 / 118 117 / 137 |
16,9 18,1 21,3 – 21,8 24,5 – 28,0 25 25 |
58,8 55,3 48,2 – 49,7 45,0 – 49,5 77 / 93 92 / 112 |
Thereby, negative energy balance of the Ukraine does its economic and political hung from countries-suppliers energy and technological raw materials. On geological spares the main energy raw material in Ukraine is coal, amount which in depths of the Ukraine forms more than 100 mlrd. tonnes. These spares for mining before 200 mln. tonnes per year will be enough for 500 years. This is indicative of that that single own source organic fuel in Ukraine is coal, but defect of fluid and gaseous fuel will be possible to cover by conversions of coal in gas and syntetic fluid fuel (SFF).
One of the main questions of the decision of the problem SFF and gas are a raw material energy coal, abundance of which there is no in Ukraine. So for the decision of this question is necessary the mastering of new deposits and construction of the new mines. The most perspective, from our point of view, is new coal-carrying region, located in north part of Lugansk region, area more than 100 thous. ga.
By searching works were studied Bogdanovskiy, Petrovskiy and Starobeliskiy deposits, which form Severodonbasskiy coal-carrying region with spare of coal 2,5 3,0 mlrd. tonnes. On Bogdanovskiy deposit on all 5 geological areas completed detailed exploring, on Petrovskiy (Bogdanovskiy-South) deposit from 7 areas detailed exploring completed on three, but on rest - searching. The Industrial spares are approved SCS in volume of 2 mlrd. tonnes. On Starobeliskiy deposit 0,7 mlrd. tonnes form as the result of the search exploring approximate industrial spares.
By Yuzhgiproshaht is executed feasibility study of practicability of the creation on the basis of Bogdanovskiy deposit of industrial-energy node, including construction GES and complex use of object to coal industry and energy, and the row of the other work.
On the base of designed project on Bogdanovskiy deposit is recommended to create united complex from 6 mines by total power 14 mln. tonnes per year, two group of the enriching factories and GES in complex with nature-protected objects. Coals, gained on these mine, on transporter move on enrichment on group factories, but enriched coal is burned on GES.
At incineration spares of Severodonbasskiy deposits will exist the factors, obstructing their mastering, including vagary containing sorts, high contents of the salts sodium and chlorine in mine water; the raised contents in coal the salts of alkaline metals ( salty coals) that will require the reconstructions or creation the new boiler unit.
Coming from said above, can be reasonable to use coals of Severodonbasskiy region on reception syntetic fluid fuel. According to researches, which took place in Institute of physics-organic chemistry and coal-chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, coals of this region are a good raw material for destructive gidrogenization at pressure 5 -10 MPA and use cheap, not requiring regenerations, catalyzators.
Follow to note that coals of Severodonbasskiy coal-carrying region on its main technological characteristics similar to coals of deposit Sasol in South-African republic, which are processed in syntetic fuel. The Process Sasol allows to get the broad gamma of the products moreover as of on 2001 fluid and gaseous types fuel form 66 %, petrochemical product 28 %, carbon and nitrous raw material for production of the fertilizers 11 %.
In base of the process lies the gasification of coal, reception syntheses-gas and its conversion on method of the syntheses of Fisher-Tropsh. Aquisition the licenses or equipment of the process Sasol is the most acceptable variant of quick and effective introduction in Ukraine for production syntetic fluid fuel.
Thereby, coals of Severodonbasskiy region suitable for reception the syntetic fluid fuel both by method of destructive gidrogenization, and gasification in complex with syntheses CO + H2 , used on combine Sasol in South-African republic.
In the first event right in process of the reception SFF participates coal, but in other syntheses-gas, consisted of CO and H2 in different correlations. The Source of syntheses- gas can be both gas of overland gasification, and gas of underground gasification. According to geological condition layers of coal of Severodonbasskiy region is suitable for underground coal gasification (UCG) according to experience, dug under field test and experienced-operation and maintenance phase in USSR, USA, Poland, Great Britain, France and Belgium.
American researchers on basis of the analysis of own field experience have done following findings:
1. The Working expenditure on production syntheses-gas under UCG less, than under overland.
2. The Capital expenditures for close on amount enterprises much less than under UCG.
3. The Economic factors of UCG leave on maximum under more low capacity of the enterprise.
4. The Syntheses-gas under UCG successfully compete with similar product, got at steam reforming of natural gas.
5. The Enterprises of UCG carry the module nature and can enlarge the expenditures without significant increase.
6. Sourse basis of UCG in several times exceeds the spares of coal available for traditional mining.
7. The Enterprises of UCG satisfy all modern requirements on environmental protection
1. Ukraine by account of the own traditional sources of energy covers 42 - 44 % needs.
2. Specific energetic usage on unit of the product made in Ukraine in 5 15 once above, than in leading countries, in connection with that there are greater reserves in reduction of the consumption of energy, for what it is necessary to develop the program of saving energy.
3. One of the ways of the reduction of dependencies Ukraine from suppliers energy sources is an extension of the use the renewed sources of energy.
4. The coal production from SFF and gas at extension coal mining is possible. One of the main sources of energy is coal from Severodonbasskiy region, which coals are good raw material for SFF by destructive gidrogenization or gasification with the following syntheses of CO + H2.
5. As the sources for syntheses of the gas can be used gas of underground gasification or gas from elevated gas-generators. The best variant of the conversion the syntheses-gas is Sasol method.
(Y.V.Karpovich, I.G.Krut’ko)
In process of coke-chemical production tar wastes are formed . Their amount depends on raw materials composition, assortment of produced product, observance the rates of technological regulations, technical condition of equipment and forms approximately 0,25-0,35% from the general volume of processed coal mixture.
On coke-chemical enterprise with capacity beside 2 million of coal mixture per year 5000-7000 tons of tar wastes are formed per year, as a whole on branches annually - 65000-90000 tons. These wastes contain the toxic carcinogenic materials, referring to 1 and 2 classes of dangers.
At present time tar wastes are used, basically, as viscous materials for road construction.
High toxicity of such product have led to that firm tendency to reduction was marked , but subsequently to full cessation of use of these materials. In this connection in near-by future coke-chemical enterprises are collide with sharp problem of tar wastes salvaging.
From existing technological acceptances of coke-chemical tar wastes salvaging perspective introduces the production on their base the organic addition for coal mixture.
It is known that inclusion the tar additives in composition of coal mixture for coking , except ecological effect (salvaging wastes, reduction surge into the atmosphere), promotes the improvement of technological parameters of coking process (increase the output and improvement quality of coal tar, improvement coke quality , increase the coke batteries capacity ).
Hightemperature pyrolysis of coal mixture with organic addition, realized in coke ovens, allows to use the chemical-energy wastes potential. Herewith in the full dare the problems of a resource- and energy safety. Coke-chemical technology provides the absence of dust-gas surges into the atmosphere, catching and condensation of pyrolysis fluid products; the toxic materials available in wastes, links in hard remainder of pyrolysis - coke.
The executed reseaches have allowed to develop the method of reception the organic addition - a tar emulsion from tar wastes and study the influence of this addition on output of volatile compounds and coke from coal mixture.
As tar wastes for preparation of emulsions the sour tar of sulfate branche, polymers of benzene branche, tar and oils of phenol settlers of one coke-chemical plant were used. For undertaking the test tar emulsion of the following composition (% mass): sour tar - 14, polymers - 29, tar and oils - 57 was prepared.
The tar emulsion was carried into the coal mixture in amount 1-10% from its mass.
Output of volatile compounds is a factor of structured particularities of component parts of fossilized coal as characterizes the amount of the termal sloppy atomic groups, which are chipped off under given temperature. The determination of volatile compounds output (V,%) is required for estimation of practical value of different coal types.
Under the volatile compounds of hard combustible fossilized (HCF) we understand the complex mixture all gas and vaporous products, which are formed and stand out when heating HCF without access of the air before certain temperature. The standard is provided heating the coal (1 g) in porcelain apparatus with ground lid for 7 minutes in beforehand heaten before 850 ±25?Ñ oven. Volatile compounds output of analytical test (V ,%) is defined on differences between mass initial coal and mass of hard non-volatile remainder.
After removing the volatile compounds coke remains in apparatus.
The research of influence of tar wastes addition on output of volatile compounds and coke has shown the following. Output of volatile compounds grows from 32,1% in source coal mixture (without organic addition) before 36,7% in coal mixture with increase amount addition with 0% before 10%. Than more organic addition in coal mixture, that more chemical coking products will stand out in the manner of gas and vapours, reducing, hereunder, output of coke. In laboratory condition output of coke decreased from 67,8% (without addition) to 63,3% (the addition 10%)(the table).
Table - Sharing of organic mass of addition between gas and hard phase
Transition into volatile compounds , % |
Turning the addition into coke, % |
Coke output , %
1 |
37,8 |
62,2 |
67,8 |
2 |
46,9 |
53,1 |
67,6 |
3 |
54,8 |
45,2 |
67,2 |
4 |
58,8 |
42.2 |
66,8 |
5 |
65,1 |
34,9 |
66,2 |
6 |
67,2 |
32,8 |
65,8 |
7 |
69,7 |
30,3 |
65,2 |
8 |
70,9 |
29,1 |
64,8 |
9 |
74,1 |
25,9 |
64,1 |
10 |
77,9 |
22,1 |
63,3 |
It is installed that as a result of thermochemical conversions in apparatus without air access transition components of tar wastes addition into volatile compounds intensifies with increasing addition amount in coal mixture. This is expressed in increase the share organic addition components, moving over to volatile compounds with 37,8% (the addition 1%) before 77,9% (the addition 10%). Accordingly turning the addition into coke falls from 62,2% to 22,1%.
In other words, the addition amount in coal mixture influences upon redistribution of organic mass of tar wastes between gas and hard phase.
Thereby, the analysis of data has shown that entering the addition of tar wastes in coal mixture make possible to direct the process on way of increase amount of volatile chemical products, or increase the output of hard remainder - coke.
(Y.V.Karpovich, V.Y.Kaulin, I.G.Krut’ko)
The coal tar passes preliminary preparation, which is concluded in wastes removing, dehydration, asheslessness and saltlessness.
The problem of water removing , ashes and aggressive salts from tar has gained big importance in connection with introduction on coke-chemical enterprises smokeless loading of coke ovens, as well as processes of the drying and heating the coal mixture.
Division of water, tar and wastes - a complex systems, formed by particles of coal mixture and coke particles, stood from ovens, with tar is one of the primary tasks on stage of preparing the tar for fractionasing.
The difficulties, appearing under their division, are explained by high viscosity of tar; the significant polarity of ammonium water, connected with presence the salts, interaction of water and salts with electrons of aromatic hydrocarbons with formation a complex; the stabilization emulsion by wastes particles; the small size of coal dust particles, half-coke, pyrolysis graphite, forming nuclear of wastes particles and, as effect, small difference in density of wastes and tar.
The most simple and efficient way, ennobling tar, is their washing by condensate of primary gas coolers.
When clearing the tar by washing water falls its density and viscosity, as well as decay the blocking layer of hard phase of tar and emulsion.
However change the raw materials coking base, aging of oven fund, and intensification of coking process conditions the deterioration a quality of coal tar - increasing the viscosity, density, ashes, moisture, contents indissoluble in toluene materials. The tar of such quality can form when washing by water the secondary steadfast emulsions. So in laboratory conditions was explored the track record of tar settle as source, so passed cleaning stage.
On laboratory installation the cleaning process of coal tar was researched by extraction method by water gas condensate from primary gas coolers (PGC). On the first stage we studied the influence of three-dementional correlation (tar-water) on agregative stability of water-tar emulsion. After mixture the water PGC condensate with coal tar during 30 minutes at the temperature 80-90?Ñ mixture was placed into thermostats for division of forming emulsions and was bored in it during given time. Herewith through determined time gaps change the volumes of water and tar phases was fixed . After three hours of settling we separated the upper water layer. The tar layer was divided into 4 layers and each was analysed on water content on Dyne-Stark method. The results of researches are presented in table.
Table - Dynamics of water-tar mixture division
# of experiment |
Three-dementional correlation water:tar |
Time of settling, minutes |
Attitude Htar/H0tar |
Degree of water separation , % |
Increase the tar moisture after settling, %
1 |
0,5 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
1,53 1,37 1,31 1,30 1,28 |
0 28 38 35 44 |
22 |
2 |
1 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
2,05 2,05 1,95 1,92 1,82 |
0 0 5 8 18 |
45 |
3 |
2 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
2,48 2,44 2,40 2,28 2,20 |
26 28 30 36 40 |
55 |
4 |
0,5 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
1,24 1,16 1,12 1,08 1,01 |
52 68 76 84 98 |
1 |
5 |
1 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
1,25 1,17 1,15 1,07 0,99 |
75 83 85 93 101 |
- |
6 |
2 |
10 30 60 120 180 |
1,52 1,28 1,22 1,18 1,16 |
74 86 89 91 92 |
14 |
Analysis of table data shows that with increasing the three-dementional correlation water:tar the moisture increases when washing after settling. Moreover, for pyrolysis tar (experiment 1-3) this value is well above, than for tar of average pyrolysis degree.
This fact indicates that high-pyrolysis tars form at mixture with water PGC condensate agregative firm emulsions, division of which presents itself a difficult problem. The acknowledgement to this - high moisture of tar on layers (the experiments 1-3).
The coal tar of average pyrolysis degree (experiments 4-6 ) is the agregative unstable system. In 3 hours settling at the temperature 85-90 Ñ main mass of water stands out (experiences 4-5 ).
On the base of executed researches it is made a conclusion that washing the coal tar by PGC condensate with division use of got mixture effective for tar of average pyrolysis degree under three-dementional correlation water and tar phases 0,5 :1.
(Y.V.Karpovich, I.G.Krut’ko)
The reduction of fur formation in heatexchange equipment is a paramount problem for technological processes of cokechemical production. At breach of heatexchange process the cooling of coke gas in primary gas coolers becomes worse, which leads to loss of chemical products and extra energy consumption for gas consumption.
Natural waters, which are used as coolling agent in heatexchange equipment, cause the formation of saline scale on surfaces of heating , consisting mainly of carbonate calcium. This is conditioned by disintegration of carbonate acerbity salts while heating of water with loss of carbonic acid and fallout of carbonate calcium in sediment. The intensity of sediment formation depends on temperature of heating and amount of bicarbonates in water.
To prevent carbonate calcium scale formation many different ways of processing the coolling water are practiced on cokechemical enterprises: underoxidation by sulphuric acid; processing by phenol waters, which contain chloride and sulphate of ammonium. At present time for prevention of fur formation in circulating systems of water-supplying the phosphorusorganic compounds are used more and more often. Efficient compound of given class is oxiethilidendiphosphon acid.
For provision of efficient crystallization control of low-soluble salts in water system by oxiethilidendiphosphon acid it is offered to make the preliminary softening of nourisning water. As reagents for water nourishment different materials are recommended: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sulphate ammonium, chloride ammonium and others. However all these ways do not provide the furless state of working the heatexchange equipment.
It is difficult to prevent the formation of carbonate scale because in conditions of production the technical water, coming to renew the cycles, is characterized by high general (8-15 mg-eg/l) and carbonate (5-7 mg-eg/l) acerbity.
Ammonium water of gascollection cycle is one of the worst unset in phenol sewerage. The high content of organic and mineral admixtures in it makes the work of biochemicalplant (BCP) more difficult. So this water, avoiding BCP, is used to quench the coke.
At interaction of water components with overheated coke bad materials in the form of vapour and products of the destruction of bounded ammonia salts and the other admixtures are thrown into the atmosphere (ammonia, clorous hydrogen, rodanides, cyanides, phenolses and others), the equipment of coke quenching is subjected to intensive corrosion.
Meantime, ammonium water due to presence of mineral and organic compounds in it can be used for stabilization processing of circulating coolling water. Ammonium water presents itself the concentrated solution of clorous ammonium (before 50 g/l), it also contains organic basis, phenolses and others. As a consequence of presence the organic substancies in ammonium water it has the ability to reduce the corrosion activity of water system.
The prevention of carbonate scale formation with the use of mixture of technical and ammonium water is explained basically by proceeding the exchange reaction between bicarbonate calcium and ammonium salts with formation of the chloride calcium. By interaction of bounded ammonium salts with bicarbonate calcium the salts of temporary acerbity are transformed into salts of constant acerbity, which do not crystallize in heatexchange equipment.
At the same time the presence of bounded salts of ammonia in circulating system promotes the dissolution of old carbonate scales.
The estimation of stability of bicarbonate water solutions and determination of technical water processing efficiency by ammonium water was conducted in laboratory conditions. The certain volume of technical water with the addition of ammonium water and without it, was evaporated under 80 Ñ before achievement the necessary multiplicity of evaporation. After that, the system was analysed on the content of calcium ions and magnesium ions, then the amount of calcium, which fallout in sediment was calculated.
The method of the experiment was the following. 400 ml technical water was poured out into several glasses. The content of the first glass was evaporated without any processing. In other glasses the water was beforehand softened by ammonium water in amount 5, 10, 15% from volume of taken technical water.
The results of the laboratory researches are presented in the table.
Table - Results of stabilization processing of technical water
# of experiment |
evaporation factor |
Amount of ammonium water, % from volume of technical water |
Fallout (+) Ca, dissolution (-) Ca, mg-eq/l
1 |
1,8 |
0 |
+3,0 |
2 |
1,5 |
5 |
-2,5 |
3 |
1,4 |
10 |
-4,7 |
4 |
3,7 |
0 |
+14,0 |
5 |
3,9 |
5 |
+4 |
6 |
3,8 |
10 |
-0,6 |
7 |
3,8 |
15 |
-2,1 |
As it is seen from the table, high acerbity of technical water (8 mg-eq/l) has caused intensive fur formation in the first and the fourth glasses (the experiment 1 and 4).
With adding the corresponding volume of ammonium water into technical (the experiments 2,3,6,7) the effect of salt-scales decrease can be observed, which falls at growing of the evaporation factor.
The laboratory researches have confirmed the possibility to use the ammonium water as inhibitor of carbonate salts sediment at observance the optimum concentrations.
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