Sinopsis of work

The ways and mechanisms of recreation load control on the Azov sea coast withing the RLP «Meotida»

The author : Marchenko M.S. Supervisor of studies: the assotiate professor Molodan G.N.

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The adjusting mechanism of recreation load is the most important ecological policy constituent of whole Ukraine and its separate regions. In superindustrial regions determination of local actions must pass taking into account next socially-legal indexes.

Ecological safety of population is a constitutional principle of Ukraine, and the system of its providing – part of state policy.

In regions similar to Donbass, where because of long-term escalation of ecological tension, a man as biological kind got in the state of degradation, ecological safety of population already can not be well-to-do only due to technological transformations in industry and agriculture by the improvement and strengthening of control from the side of the specially empowered state organs!

The nature reabilitation complex due to the territorial fragmentary revival of aboriginal biota is needed, and on its bases creation of the accessible system of effective population recreation.

Ukraine has a sufficient normatively-legal base for this purpose. Recreation activity is the basic constituent of the two categories of the protected objects (national natural and regional landscape parks) work. And the special Decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine expressly outlines the list of requiring payment services in this region.

However, organization of recreation activity is a new direction for the protected establishments, and there are more questions than the answers.

The Donetsk region has 2 basic, historically formed areas of traditional population rest. It is a river Severskyy Donets and the Azov sea coast. These large territories fully entered in the complement of NNP the «Sainted mountains» and RLP «Meotida».

Preliminary researches had shown, that the Azov sea coast in administrative limits of the Donetsk region, as well as earlier, was attractive for the habitants of East Ukraine and European part of a Russian Federation. Attractive, in spite of complete disintegration of the favourable trade-union rest system, catastrophic contamination of coast and aquatorium. And the model area of managed recreation RLP «Meotida», with the minimum services complex, but the best environmental conditions in North Pryazov'e, is overwhelmed with the dynamic (green) tourism amateurs .

Moreover, the analysis of accessible literature testifies to constantly increasing popularity of green tourism in the developed countries. It is enough to say that in the USA the supervision and photographing of birds brings 6 billion dollars of annual profit, providing 90 thousand persons by workplaces. And one place creation in this area is cheaper in 20 times , than in industry.

This index is especially actual in the conditions of Donetsk Nadazov'ye and from point of decision of socio-economic problems complex , conditioned by the catastrophic rates of catches falling in the Azov sea , by the change of the landed relations.

Recreation activity is the difficult legal adjusting complex , which is regulated by both traditional and special normatively-legal acts. To traditional normative - legal acts must deliver the row of ecological legislation norms, regulative the questions of own, use by natural resources, guard of natural environment, ecological safety.

The study ing of recreation resources modern state, which are suitable for the green tourism development, with the purpose of further development of recommendations on their rational use requires the further study and analysis.

My researches, in spite of their preliminary character, showed:

•  possibility of dynamic rest in a direct closeness from the protected territories is the preferable rest form ;

•  the existent managed recreation areas in the modern state can not contain all interested persons ;

•  adjusting of streams of people must be carried out due to the rational use of all recreation potential of the subregion.

The next stage of researches is specification of prospects of the recreation potential use, experimental determination of different areas recreation capacity, pricing and assortment of requiring payment services, and also ground ing of directions of active rest forms development.


Experimental determination of different areas recreation capacity




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