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I want to devote this page of the site to my scientific superwiser Prise0dskiy Vadim Viktorovich. In my biography I marked that from 2004 I had been carrying on the scientific activity under his guidance. I consider that I am lucky to have exactly him as my scientific superwiser. It is possible to say about him, that he is an open-hearted, a noble man with a large luggage of knowledge.
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PRISEDSKIY VADIM VIKTOROVICHdoctor of chemical sciencesprofessora leader of the department “General chemistry”a corresponding member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts |
He was borned on April, 29, 1942 in Kadievka in Luganskaya region. Graduated from Donetsk Polytechnical Institute, Chemistry-technological department with excellent grades in 1963 and correspondence course of engineering on Physic-Mathematical department in Moscow State University named by V.M. Lomonosov. He worked in All-union SRI of reagents and chemically clean materials for an electronic technique, in which he passed the way from a junior scientist to the deputy of director of the advanced study (1963-1989). There he formed as well-known specialist in area of inorganic chemistry and chemistry of solid. The Doctor of Chemistry sciences (1985), the professor of speciality "Physical chemistry".
In DonNTU he works from 1989 as a department manager of general chemistry. The alteration of teaching chemistry in an engineering institute, which takes into account the globalization of education, fundamental character of discipline, its role as scientific basis of subject matter, theory of technological processes and nature protection science, was held under his guidance. He is an author of train aid with the vulture of Ukraine’s Ministry of Education "Course of general chemistry in examples" (1995 and 1996). Since 1993 he teaches the courses of chemistry in the English language for the students of the English technical department. He is an organizer of the department branch in Donetsk Science-Technical center "Reaktivelekton" NAS of Ukraine.
He formed a scientific school which includes such areas of researches as chemistry of solid, nestekhiometria and defects of crystalline structure, mechanism and kinetics of solid phases reactions, new functional inorganic materials, chemistry in higher education. He opened an unknown before effect – the possibility of disintegration of multicomponent crystal at the change of parameters within bounds of interval of phase firmness. He discovered the presence of weakly connected oxygen in difficult oxides and its deciding role in forming of properties of high temperature superconductors. In theory he grounded and experimentally set the new type of the prolonged defects of nestekhiometria in crystals. A concept "Defects as to Prisedskiy" entered into educational literature. Opened a row of connections unknown before. Offered the theory of complete and partial equilibrium of defects in the crystals of multicomponents and new model of development of multiphase reactionary area in firm phase reactions. He developed physical and chemical bases and applied in industry the row of new materials for a modern electronic technique (segnetoelectricity, piezoelectricity, ferrets, superconductors).
On Dokuchaevskiy flux-dolomite plant the elaboration, made on the department of general chemistry under the direction of Vadim Viktorovich during implementation of SRW, was applied in industry: «Development of reactionary area in the reactions of firm phase synthesis». The mechanisms of chemical transformations are explored during hydratation and briquetting of the burnt dolomite flour (DMO), used as a component of blast-furnace mine in metallurgical production. The received results allowed to ground scientifically the technological modes, conducing to substantial intensification of production of DMO.
Vadim Viktorovich prepared 14 candidates of sciences. He published more than 350 scientific works, including 6 monographs and 17 patents on inventions. Main of them were published in "The Reports of AS USSR", "The Reports of AS Ukraine", international magazines of "Ferroelectrics", "Kristal und Technik", "J.Solid State Chemistry", monographs "Chemistry of nesteochemistry oxides".
He is s corresponding member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts in Saint Petersburg (1995), member of American chemical society (1995), Sorosovskiy grant (1993). He Repeatedly presented a university at largest international conferences on engineering education.