Master’s thesis abstract
Theme of master's work: Research and development of automatic
test equipment (ATE) of mine air condition in mine workings
- Grounding and topicality of the research theme
- Review of the problem current state
- Unsolved questions, aims and scientific
- Methods of research
- Practical value of the research
- Conclusions
- Literature
Grounding and topicality of the research
The aim of automation of the mines ventilation workflow is to supply and
distribute in mine workings the amount of air necessary to guarantee the defined
productivity of mine workings, to observe the Safety regulations and to maintain
the optimal operating mode of ventilation installations. With the deepening of mine
workings the gas amount, seams and bearing strata temperature as well as frequency
and activity of gas-dynamics increase. In such conditions the problems of mines equipping
with constantly working facilities of automatic monitoring of mine air content and
parameters are very important. Only with such facilities it is possible to ensure
efficient work of ventilation, degassing and conditioning systems which guarantee
safety and sanitation – hygienic working conditions of miners.
The most successful developments in the sphere of invention and exploitation
of ATE of mine air content and parameters have been in automatic checking of methane.
However there has been defined that in mines developing seams dangerous in terms of
unexpected gas-dynamics the use of facilities estimating the gas concentration only
is not sufficient for prevention of explosions and suffocation.
The necessary efficiency of gas control equipment can be achieved with the additional
control of rise and distribution rate of methane in mine workings and other informational
indications characterizing dangerous gas-dynamics.
According to the search results in the Internet at present much attention is devoted
to complex monitoring of mine air parameters.
Thus, developing ATE of methane in mines with seams dangerous in terms of unexpected
gas-dynamics is a topical question. To achieve the defined aim it is necessary to solve
the following problems:
- To determine the dependencies of methane concentrations in mine workings;
- To examine the transfer function of catalytic thermal sensor of methane
(transfer rate and time constant from the changing sensor parametres);
- To find the ways to decrease the statistic and dynamic errors of catalytic
thermal converter of methane concentrations;
- To ground the expedient ways to measure the methane rise and distribution rates;
- On the basis of the carried out research to determine the ways to improve the existing gas
control equipment (GCE).
Review of the problem current state
At present in Ukraine only the facilities which perform the partial control of mine
air and equipment are used. To control the aerogasdynamics the mines use fixed equipment
of centralized gas-protection system “Metan” which gives the TI signals on the surface.
To control the air flows speed and direction they use most often equipment ISNV. Besides
to control ventilation in cul-de-sac workings APTV equipment is used. This unit allows to
control ventilation installations telemechanically with the help of “Veter -1M”.
Methane thermal catalytic fast-acting analyzer (TFA) is the main component of the system
of supervisory control of ventilation. It is designed for constant centralized
teleautomatic control of methane volume fraction as well as its rise rate in mine workings.
However this equipment does not have all the necessary static and dynamic
characteristics, which limits its possibilities.
Unsolved questions, aims and scientific
At present there are two principles of development of systems to control air-gas
mode of mine workings. The first, most common, principle consists in global control
of methane concentrations and, in case of excess, immediate cutout of electricity in
the problem section. After that the degassing id carried out with the further switching
of electricity. This principle is simpler in terms of technical means use but it leads to
idle time of extraction equipment, which results in material losses. This principle is
used in the gas-protection system “Metan”, which is widely used in mines.
The second principle means global control of two parameters: methane concentration
and air speed. On the basis of the received data the analysis is carried out and the
directing influence on VGP and/or RRV is formed. In the result of such regulation the
decrease of methane concentration has to be achieved at a definite section. This principle
is more perspective as it does not need electricity cutout thus excluding the equipment
idle time.
However both principles need timely information about the methane content as the existing
GCE is quite inertial, which leads to dynamic errors reducing operational efficiency.
Research aim: development of the model of methane concentration change in mine
workings during gas-dynamics and ways of assessing operational efficiency of АГЗ and
creation of АГЗ optimal structure.
Research idea is to develop the method of quantitative estimation of АГЗ functioning
efficiency, to research the factors decreasing efficiency and to work out the methods
ensuring the determined dynamic error during an unexpected gas-dynamics.
Scientific novelty of the carried out research is in the following:
– the dynamics of methane concentration
in cul-de-sac workings has been specified;
– the rules of heat and gas exchange in thermal catalytic
methane sensor has been determined;
– the optimal method of dynamic error of methane concentration
reduction has been grounded;
– mathematic model of the dynamic error assessment of different variants
of АГЗ construction has been worked out;
– optimal algorithm of АГЗ functioning has been theoretically grounded.
Methods of research
At various stages the following methods were used:
– method of the theory of sudden processes and theory of automatic check –
during the operation of АГЗ efficiency assessment;
– method of mass transfer in turbulent flow theory – to research methane dynamics;
– network theory and heat and mass exchange – to describe the dynamic processes
in thermal catalytic methane sensor.
Practical value of the research
In the result of the designed ATE of methane content with improved static and dynamic
parameters use, and at the expense of methane rise and distribution rates control
the operating efficiency increases as well as safety of electricity use in mines
developing seams dangerous in terms of unexpected gas-dynamics.
On the basis of the described above methods and with the use of optimal algorithm of
АГЗ functioning the problem of safety of electricity use in mines developing seams
dangerous in terms of unexpected gas-dynamics has been solved.
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