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Tubular Drag Chain Conveyors
The Problem Solver in a Pipeline
The Dynamet Tubular Drag Chain Conveyor, sometimes called a tubeveyor or a puck conveyor or a disc chain conveyor or a tube flo, is a mechanical system that operates within the confines of a pipe. It is designed to transfer finely divided, flowable bulk materials from infeed points to discharge points through a totally enclosed, dust tight pipeline. It is a positive displacement device that has been used successfully throughout a wide range of industries for over six decades.
The main advantage of the Tubular Drag Chain Conveyor is that it provides a totally enclosed conveying system that will operate at any angle, in any plane and from point to point regardless of what lies between. They will convey hot, cold, wet or dry materials and are available in 3", 4", 6", 8" and 10" diameters (or square cross section) and in materials of construction to suit the needs of a particular application.
- Provides totally enclosed, dust-free, contamination-free handling.
- Permits complex circuits operating in two or more planes, while eliminating transfer points and using only a single drive.
- Requires minimum horsepower and energy consumption.
- Handles hot, cold, wet, dry, hygroscopic or temperature sensitive materials.
- Self feeding with most flowable materials.
- May be fed at multiple points in a circuit.
- May discharge at multiple points in circuit; no special airlocks are required.
- No need for baghouse to separate air and material at the discharge.
- Gentle conveying action minimizes product attrition.
- Will not separate blends.
- Round construction minimizes material residence and build-up.
- May operate under negative pressure, positive pressure or with an inert gas purge.
- Operates at a minimum noise level.
- Easily assembled in the field.
- Space saving cross-section; can be installed where other conveyor types cannot.
- Wide range of sizes and materials of construction as required.
- Requires few, if any, structural supports.
- Because this is a mechanical system, no filters or cyclones are required at the discharge.

Pic. 1 - Typical tubular drag chain conveyor circuit. An infinite number of variations are available to suit your needs.

Pic.2 - Conveyor chain with drive sprocket

Pic.3 - Drag Chain Assembly.
Enclosed by casing
Tubular Drag Chain Conveyors are typically used where other more conventional mass produced types of conveyors will not do the job and for heavy industrial applications where continuous service and a very high degree of reliability are of utmost importance.
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