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Sanchenko Alexey Petrovich |
Curriculum VitaeResumeMy average mark in time of studying in the university is 4.97 (in five mark system). Russian and Ukrainian are my native language. I can sufficiently speak and write English. I also have working experience in programming with Visual Basic (also VBA), have some internet-certificates. I am user of such programs as Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Visio, MathCAD. Mathlab, Compass. I like administration, programming, game "What? Where? When?" Short biographyI, Sanchenko Alexey Petrovich, was born 11th February 1986 in Donetsk. My mother Sanchenko Natalie Anatolievna and father Sanchenko Peter Leonidovich are wonderful people. I was the second child in family and my eldest brother Sanchenko Maxim Petrovich had to look after me. I suppose it was not so easy, because I was a real fidget. My brother is 2 years older than me, and it played a certain role in my life, because overwhelming majority of my friends are people, older than me by age, but not taking into account the ideological approach and world outlooks. I visited school of general education ¹30. In the first three forms I had no special interests, but I always liked math. In 1995 there was a choice of pupils in gymnasium form - it was some kind of educational experiment in school, where all talented pupils of our classes were gathered. I quite wondered, that I appeared to be the only boy of our class, who was chosen, although I wasn't the best pupil. My further education continued in gymnasium class, where the amount of pupils was not more than 16 (some pupils were from other schools, some of them left our class) so everybody was in the focus of attention. There is a lot to say about the school. I always liked exact sciences, like algebra and geometry, physics and chemistry, used to take part in competitions in this subjects. Of course I know, that the main thing in school contests is participating, not the victory. But I always wanted to be a winner, to show my knowledge. After competitions I understood, that I was able to manage with the tasks, that I'm not worse than the others. I participated in only regional competitions, but showed the best results and was rewarded with diplomas a lot of times. After my leaving school this experiment with gymnasiums classes was stopped, school was transformed into lyceum and the management of the school was also changed. I will never forget lessons of the information science, because it was the very beginning of my computer and programming passion. As I was studying in gymnasium class, we were taught the informational science from 8th form. We made some typing, studied algorithmization, Pascal, DOS, foundations of math of logic. But still, it was just a school of general education and we could only dream about normal computer base. While I was preparing for entering the university, I simply had no time to sign up for access courses and had to prepare myself. I had a good base of knowledge and I knew math much better than my classmates. In 2002 I left school of general education ¹30 with laudatory document. In order to get a medal I lack only two excellent marks (Russian language and literature in 10 form). I entered Donetsk National Technical University in faculty "Power-mechanic and automation" (FPMA) in specialisation "Automatic management of technological processes" (AMP). I entered the university at the third rating test from the first, because at the previous two ones I tried to enter the faculty "Computer engineering and information science" (CEIS), but I failed some knowledge in information science. I picked out the specialisation AMP because of it's orientation of study - computer-integrated technologies. University sufficiently differs from school. There is no permanent control - if you want - you study, nobody forces you. Technical thinking and common sense that usually appear only in examination period, let me become an excellent student and be him almost the whole period of studying in bachelor courses. In time of my education I participated in several conferences, reports of them available are in the university library. There are international conferences, organised by our department, conferences on the university scale, science works in philosophy. I also took part in the university contest of student science works in category "Mining" and contest in descriptive geometry. In 2006 I successfully passed my final examinations and received diploma with honours. Afterwards I entered the magistracy courses in order to receive European standard education. Study in the magistrates was absolutely different than other semesters. And not only because I was in a full view of my department and at the dean's office, but also because all my social and working life have changed. From the beginning of the semester I became a laboratory assistant in my native department, being a monitor in my group, joined the stuff of faculty office. But, as it turned out be, it was not all. In the end of the autumn I, together with Stanislav Zakharov, found out about training on intellectual game "What? Where? When?", and we gathered a team and joined the club "InGame". Now our team counts 7 persons and shows a very good results in regional and country games. At the present time I work at my master's work with the theme "Research of the transitional and constant processes and development of a system of management of the remote feed power system". Scientific adviser, associate professor of the department, Candidate of Technical Science Dubinin Sergey Vasilievich not first leads undergraduates and master's thesis is carried out orientated on new researches in sphere of electric drivers. My plans for the future. Taking my ambitions and potential in general, after graduating the magistracy I'm going to receive at least one more education, find an interesting and deserving job, learn some foreign languages. Than I would like to occupy executive position or to run my own business.