Naumets Dmitriy Vladimirovich Доработка запасов шахтного поля и выбор рациональной системы разработки в условиях шахтного пласта Автореферат
русский язык    украинский язык   английский язык ДонНТУ    Портал магистров ДонНТУ

Magistr DonNTU Naumets Dmitriy Vladimirovich

Naumets Dmitriy Vladimirovich

Theme of master's work:
"Choice and grounding of appropriate mining method of development working of seam m5 in "Dobropolskaya""


//RUS//          //UKR//

Draw up: Naumets Dmitriy Vladimirovich and Nikolaev Pavel Petrovich

Leader of work:   docent Klochko I.I.

Автореферат по магистерской диссертации Электронная библиотека диссертации Ссылки на источники в Интернете Ссылки на источники в Интернете

      Coal mining is a major base sector of Ukrainian economy. It includes about 380 enterprises carrying out extraction and preparation, geological prospecting and mine building, their automation and mechanization; project, scientific and research institutes, machine-building and repairing plants, transport organizations. At present coal mining industry is undergoing a crisis. Energetic coal market in Ukraine is characterized by not sufficient demand because of extraction volumes reduction. That is why the main aim is to increase the extraction volumes and ensure the introduction of a new profitable enterprise into the coal market with the production that attracts consumers by its quality characteristics.

Topicality of the research theme

At present the problem of complete deposit working with maximum possible mineral extraction is an open question. This topic is urgent because large quantities of minerals are left in guard and safety pillars, and these pillars are becoming bigger with the deepening of the workings and worsening of mining conditions. Scientific and research works and practical experience show that it is possible to reduce the lost mineral volumes on condition that additional protective measures are provided, which will allow to decrease the tension on the workings lining and soil upheaval.

The aim of research

Development of technological system of extraction in particular conditions with maximum extraction of mineral and minimum expenses on protection and maintenance of mine workings.

Система разработки

Picture 1. - Animated picture of the pillar extraction method

Main factors influencing the choice of a seam development are:

1.Seam thickness.

2. Angle of dip influences the choice of direction of a production face.

3. Depth of mining.

4. Characteristic of bearing strata.

5. Coal rigidity.

6. Seam watering.

7. Coal tendency to self-combustion.

8. Coal and gas burst danger.

9. Bounce danger of a seam.

10. Gas abundance of the block.

11. Seam hypsometry.

12. Dislocation of the developed seam.

Picture 2. - Combined system of pole and allwork extraction of bedded deposit.

Picture 3. - Combined system of pole and allwork extraction with sinking of a ventilation drift close to intake entry.


The use of Java Script possibilities!

    This page presents the calculation of formula with the use of Java Script.
    As the example we will calculate working soil swelling rate. Which influenses significantly the conditions of mine workings for preliminary choise of methods and measures of workings support. It is defined according to formula:

Степень пучения почвы

Hp - depth of the working occurance, м;
Rn - bearing capacity of rocks, МПа;

Input the values:
depth of the working occurance:
bearing capacity of rocks:

    Result of the script work: calculation:
    Rate of rock swelling with your values make:

Let us infroduce the possible swelling rate according to the calculated swelling c riteria:

For Hp =650м:

If 14 < Кn ≤ 15 - the working ground is heaving. It is necessary to dig the ground with special equipment or to carry out measures to prevent soil swelling.

For Hp =830м:

If 18 < Кn ≤ 20 - the working ground is less-heaving. They do not need constant control and measures to remove ground swelling do not need special calculations.

Список использованной литературы:

1.   Технология подземной разработки пластовых месторождений полезных ископаемых. Учебник для вузов. Д.В.Дорохов, В.И.Сивохин и др. Под общей ред.Д.В.Дорохова. - Донецк, ДонГТУ. - 1997. - 344с;

2.   Указания по рациональному расположению, охране и поддержанию горных выработок на угольных шахтах СССР. – Л.: ВНИМИ, 1986. – 222 с.;

3.   Задачник по подземной разработке угольных месторождений. Учебное пособие для ВУЗов/Сапицкий К. Ф., Дорохов Д. В., Зборщик М. П., Андрушко В. Ф. – 4-е издание. М.: Недра, 1981. – 311с.;

4.   Производственные процессы в очистных забоях угольных шахт /И.Ф. Ярембаш, В.Д. Мороз, И.С. Костюк, В.И. Пилюгин. – Донецк, РИА ДонГТУ, 1999. – 120 с.;

5.   И;Производственные процессы в очистных забоях угольных шахт /И.Ф. Ярембаш, В.Д. Мороз, И.С. Костюк, В.И. Пилюгин. – Донецк, РИА ДонГТУ, 1999. – 120 с.;

6.   Правила безопасности в угольных шахтах. – К.: 1996. – 421с.;