Romanenko Nikolay Anatolevich
Donetsk National Technical University Physically-metallurgical faculty
Speciality: metallurgy of ferrous metals
The student of group MFM-06 vm
Theme of Master's work
"Influence of additives alkaline earth metals in slag on technological parameters chamber electroslag remelting and quality of sucelted metal."
Supervisor: Dr.Sci.Tech. the professor Ryabtsev Anatoly Danilovich
I, Romanenko Nikolay Anatolevich was born in capital of Donbass the city of Donetsk on February, 6th, 1985. Per 1992 has gone to a comprehensive school 42. In school days was engaged in cycling, football and weightlifting. In 2002 has left school and has the same year entered Donetsk National Technical University on Physically-Metallurgical Faculty on a speciality metallurgy of ferrous metals. In 2006 has passed the state examination and has received the bachelor's degree. Then has entered a magistracy of Donetsk National Technical University on the above-stated speciality.